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Lang Toon Saintee

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Everything posted by Lang Toon Saintee

  1. In have not read one comment about him being a saviour.But given the fact tbat he has worked we with May before and is popular at tbe club it would be far from our worst option
  2. When you read that Aberdeen were wanting Kennedy in this window and that both parties were keen for it to happen the "Two parties" were obviously Aberdern and Kennedy not Aberdeen and Saints.If he was pushing for the move its probably better that he's gone and whilst 70K is disappointing it's far better than taking one of their fringe players in exchange.With Callachan and Kennedy gone and Vihmann in tbe departure lounge I would assume that Swanson would come on from the cold and a defender and forward will come it.I reckon we will use some of the money to try to get McCart In early and I would love to see Macca back on loan for the rest of the season.
  3. I remember one game at Ayr there was a huge Saints support we were behind a supporters bus.A double decker full of wee neds who ended up battling with some young Ayr fans..Happy Days
  4. Good away day renewing an old rivalry from the 80's..Traditional ground and a proper cup tie with a great atmosphere guaranteed..What's not to like ?
  5. Callachan is nowhere near a starting position for st. Johnstone.He lacks the quality required and is surplus to our requirements.TW is just cutting out some dead wood so he will not be replaced with like for like..Should be an absolute standout down at your level though.Well done good signing
  6. The whole situation with Vihmann struck me as strange from the start.He was a regular starter with Flora and the Estonian National team but they decided to loan him to a Norwegian club.When that did not work out he was loaned to us..There must be a reason(Financial or otherwise) why they dont want him...
  7. I dont think so but I remember you posting that some Aberdeen fans on Twitter were saying that we were interested in him.So that may be what you are thinking about
  8. How about holding a bingo tea to raise some money and have raffle tickets and a bring and buy stall
  9. It was a good point,very good point away from home at a ground that we have have a dismal record at over the last few years.A clean sheet Liam Gordon getting a full 90 minutes under his belt and climbing off the bottom of the league....I'm struggling to find room for all the positives
  10. I would have Sheerin in for O'Halloran,he had far better football brain and was way more creative
  11. Oh come on your not that bad I'm sure you will stay up ma wee lamb
  12. The thought of these utter c***s crying all the way back up the road is just the icing on the cake
  13. I would like to see three out and two in.I know big Madis is here on a years loan but surely he is going one way or another in January.Callachan should also go and perhaps Kane as well.This should allow us to bring in a defender and hopefully a striker as well
  14. Yeah we were pretty awesome with him and Dazovic in central midfield and not just against Celtic
  15. We may concede a goal or two but we have (as has been pointed out in the post above) an embarrassment of riches in attacking areas.This should be more than sufficient to see off those drug addled soap dodging wanabe gobshites.
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