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Lang Toon Saintee

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Everything posted by Lang Toon Saintee

  1. I quite like Callaghan in the squad as cover for Davidson who historically misses games each season through injury and suspension.He is not,and probably never will be a playmaker but has a tremendous workrate..TW said earlier this year that his priority was signing a playmaker and now he appears to have settled on the two young guys to fill that roll .Only time will tell if he is right but it is another area where we need more creativity..My personal wish list would be another central defender who can cover a full back position,a creative central midfield player and two forwards with McMillan +1 (probably Swanson) departing.....I know it's not going to happen though
  2. It's what I was told today from an extremely reliable source
  3. I know it's not much but there should be a deal done within the next couple of days no idea who though
  4. There is no need to be s sad c**t all your life lad.....There are other life choices you know...Hope this helps
  5. So yesterday were lining up a deal which would probably have been the most costly in the club's history and today we can't sign anybody until others are moved on !!?? I have a lot of time for Tommy but he spouts utter shite at times.
  6. Scobbie signed this afternoon and was going straight into tomorrow's squad but unfortunately he tripped on his way out and broke his ankle
  7. With five players injured Foster not being risked and two new signings still to come it is far too early to make a judgement.
  8. Just heard that Ross County are back in for Stevie and have upped their offer now to two Mini-Buses and one has a roof rack...We Cannie compete with that
  9. Rumour that Cove Rangers are offering double what we are offering Scobbie...
  10. Yeah a lot of smoke and mirrors going on here...But that does not mean that Rancid Roy hasn't
  11. To be fair to the club they did not make it public.The comments only came after it came out in the press. Probably via his agent or Aberdeen an it was not in our interest for it to be made public
  12. I don't know if anybody is remotely interested but I was talking to Alex Kitchen's uncle (former loanee from Newcastle around 5years ago).He said that Alex had now given up the game and had become a sports fitness trainer..He is apparently helping out with our pre-season and was in Ireland with the team.
  13. He is still bitter from the time of the Britain affair.I reckon he would do anything to f**k us about out of spite..Remember when he was bragging about having more money than Geoff Brown...Classy !
  14. Serious question. If you hate WAP so much, why do you still post on it? It died a death years ago. Go onto almost any football forum in the world and you will find Randy there...He's probably on the Forest Green Rovers forum as we speak because he heard that they have a left back out of contract at the moment.
  15. Hopefully we will have Scobbie signed by then to stiffen up the defence a bit
  16. Just heard that the swap deal for May has stalled apparently MacMillan has rejected Aberdeen's terms
  17. Yeah you "Chucked" the real cup because you had just won The Mickey Mouse Cup....Good Call
  18. Interesting(ish) statistic..Stevie May scored exactly the same number of league goals for the teuchters last season as he scored in our cup semi final victory against them in 2014
  19. Oh sorry that's right two of your trophies were won only 29 years ago not thirty and I had forgotten that you teuchters won another league cup only 23 years ago
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