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Lang Toon Saintee

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Everything posted by Lang Toon Saintee

  1. Talking to a couple of people over the past two days (who are not prone to spreading wild rumours) both have said that there are two players who will be leaving the club.I am lead to believe that one will be MacMillan but the other is not necessary Anderson.Also one of them said that there is a player signed but it will not be announced until next week
  2. This from a guy who's team was saved from dropping yet another league by a guy who could not even get into our first team
  3. I saw him a couple of times for the reserves and he looked a bit off being match fit.He probably needs a full pre season under his belt before he regains full fitness.Also with Tanser now being established as first choice left back he probably feels that at 31 he would rather be playing every week rather than being a back up
  4. I don't,but I know what you don't know You have heard ? Which confirms my point you don't know anything apart from uninformed gossip on social media
  5. But just to clarify things your beliefs are not based on facts.You(Like Myself) do not know anything about the actual negotiations,know nothing of the money being offered by Saints or Aberdeen,know nothing about any other offers that he may have had
  6. Comrie was a very good prospect in the U20's and had a couple of good loan spells as well..He looked ready for a step up to the first team and was starting to make a bit of progress until he was taken to the cleaners by Jones.He appeared to have lost confidence after this and his game went backwards.There is definitely a player in there but he probably needs to step down a league or two to get first team games under his belt..He is definitely not a world beater but he is not "Crap" either..
  7. Where are you seeing people "Leaping to his defence" Drama Queen Guy made a statement saying that he was Shite and a few of us took issue with this.Comrie has the potential to become a good player but as I have previously stated I feel that he needs to take a step down to get games under his belt first.
  8. Yeah we all know that we don't need to be spoon fed.Yet again more hysterical nonsense.Not one person said it would be a mistake to release him a few people(Myself included) took issue with you saying that he is Shite go back and reread the posts..
  9. Bit of wild speculation here in the light of the recent contract info..Easton has played a few games in the reserves as a central defender..TW was talking about bringing in a utility defender, could he now be thinking of having Comrie to cover Foster and Easton as cover for Tanser and left central defence....Just a thought
  10. Your problem is that you are total fuckin Drama Queen Comrie was starting to develop before he had that disaster..I personally think that he should take a step down a league to get a full season or so under his belt be take a step up again..He is not a world beater but far from being "Shite"
  11. Comrie is definitely not as bad as many think he was starting to make progress into the first team then had that absolutely disastrous game which set him back quite a bit.He still has potential to develop whether it's here or elsewhere
  12. He has now played several reserve matches with only one setback when he came off after 22 minutes with a knock unrelated to his previous problems.Obviously we can't be certain but it looks like he is ready to return to first team football.I reckon he is a bit like O'Halloran in that they will both benefit from a good pre-season.This would leave us only looking for a second keeper,a utility defender,a central midfielder,and one or perhaps two strikers
  13. I watched the reserves lose 1-0 to Falkirk this afternoon.Easton played the full game at left back and still looks a bit short of his old sharpness.Watt Played an hour or so and did not do much.Our only player that really stood out was Euan O'Reilly and he faded a bit in the second half,it was all a bit of a non event..Oh and we had Comrie in central midfield !!??
  14. Remember that this is Tommy talking.From experience anything he says about the squad should be taken with a pinch of salt..
  15. I remember it was announced that their Narcissistic,Arrogant ,Strutting Peacock of a manager Graeme Souness's wife had left him a few days before the game and had gone back to Spain...The teams came onto the pitch lead by their managers and the Saints fans burst into "Souness Souness Where's Your Wife " Souness Where's Your Wife" Also watching my former schoolmate Grant Shaggy Jenkins marking England international Ray Wilkins out of the game was another highlight.
  16. I saw him playing for the reserves a few weeks back he only lasted around 20 minutes when he went off with a knock which I reckon was more precautionary than anything else He was playing CB and looked comfortable there.He also looked quite fit and sharp.
  17. I think it was just precautionary..He came into the stand with Murray Davidson shortly after he came off and was standing stretching the muscles in his leg for a short time before sitting down..If it had been something serious I reckon he would have headed off for treatment.
  18. Muzz and Liam looking happy in today's photoshoot for Total Football Today
  19. I just wish this had happened a few weeks ago so that Tommy's Bitch boy had been in charge for our three games against The Tic....Lennon is shit scared of TW
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