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Posts posted by Crroma

  1. Well 2 reasons 1) its an opinion so it doesn't need a disclaimer and 2) i can rant about how slow and plodding the game felt and that was a major reason i didn't have a good time but if it worked for you then my opinion is mute.

  2. Oh yes all all the hardworking employment considerate people stuff salmon and dill into their mouths before having a late night gym session to compliment their morning run, they just about have half an hour to themselves to catch an episode of game of thrones before collapsing in front of the 4k hd tv on their 1500 pound recliner. No worries though they'll be up bright and breezy at 5am to get a rewarding coffee from their straight from the bean machine.

    Dont worry though it makes it all worthwhile for that 3 week holiday in Mexico where they can drink like teenagers again and briefly convince themselves its all worth it

  3. Yeah man those 10 miles between Carlisle and the Scottish bother certainly have more of an effect than the 90 miles between Carlisle and Berwick, that Anglo- Scots border is doing a brilliant job stopping the mingling of Anglo Scots language. Who would have known all it takes is an arbitary land border to dilute hundreds of years living in close proximity.

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