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Posts posted by Crroma

  1. I'm not sure if its patriotism but i think its worth reiterating that the Anglo Scottish border has around a 96 mile north to south deviation so its not that much of a stretch to say someone from the far south of Scotland will have a stronger "twang" than an equivalent from the extreme north of England. Reducing that to "Dumfries people sound English" was maybe a bit inflammatory but the general statement is solid.

  2. I'm not criticizing accents from Dumfries or English accents in general, I think the Northumbrian dialect is a joy to hear, from what limited exposure I've had to Doonhammer accents it sounds well spoken and clean in comparison to most Scottish accents.

    I'm not a scientist and as you say since I've never really walked round Dumfries and talked to the citizens I'm not making an absolute factual statement but I love the breadth of accents we have in Scotland and the wider UK in general and especially that divide on the border.

  3. The Witness is one of this months games and its a brilliant cerebral puzzler game, essentially it takes this mechanic of line puzzles and plays with it while also having you navigate this surreal colorful island. You can take the game at your own pace and man it makes you feel smart when you solve its conundrums. Great offering but slow-paced and not for everyone.

  4. Its not the money that bothers me working extra, it's' the time, I've already got up drove 30 minutes to work and spent 8 hours there with the prospect of another half hour and change getting home

    Never mind the folk who get into work before 8am, do they just hate sleep?

  5. I know what you are saying is true Baracus but I dont want to believe it. I am up and oot the door at 5pm like Bolt off the starting blocks and ill happily admit I'm only because i need money and im basically a shitey office clerk. The hangers on are the folk in more skilled or specialised positions so maybe they just really enjoy their work with it being more involved.

    Its just weirding me out because I've never experienced this is any workplace. Can you imagine staying 45 minutes past a shift in Tesco? I just don't understand some folk

  6. Enjoyed the podcast for years and enjoyed the show but felt it didn't hit its potential. It felt a bit unnecessary for it to be on television at first but made good with the outside the studio features. One thing that stuck out was the complete lack of football footage but I suppose thats more a rights thing than anything else.

  7. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Are you not that Rammagamma weirdo though?

    Oh hey its RandomGuy, that poster who doesn't just follow St Johnstone but obsesses over every single little detail about their day-to-day business to the point it seems like a bit of a gimmick

  8. I know I'm going against the grain here but does anyone else feel the game is abit clunky at times? I'm only a couple of hours in so I might just need to get used to it but I'm not loving it so far to be honest.
    I just gave up after 4 or 5 hours, everything was just so slow and clunky and laboured that i wasn't having fun
  9. I watched Sala footage on YouTube, broadly speaking her scored 3 types of goals. Headers from close range which are easy when you are a 6'2 carthorse, shots from just inside the penalty area which the French defenders seem to think is best stopped by standing off and giving space to shoot and penalties.

    15 million pounds for an average mid French table striker. Metal

  10. One thing I've learned from this thread is that Scotland isn't that bad.  Some of these places that folk are touting as hell on earth are far from it, just your usual grey looking Scottish town with some schemey bits thrown in for good measure.
    We are a self depreciating lot us scots
  11. 1 hour ago, RockMusic said:

    Anyone who adds to the abbreviated name of their educational qualifications after their name. Always weapons grade tossers. It's almost always people that only have ordinary degrees too. 

    I mind a lad at school had Esquire on his letters, saw them at a house party one night, he was a right w****r to be fair

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