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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 20 minutes ago, funky_nomad said:

    Played my first full 18 holes since early August yesterday following an enforced absence - delighted with the way I was hitting the ball (although I've lost a wee bit of distance, probably a full club's worth), and the putter was red-hot.

    Usual caveats of front tees and off mats, but a gross 72 (+3) was way beyond my expectations. 

    BTW, for keen winter golfers (and you had to be yesterday!), the greens at Tulliallan are in fantastic condition - parts of the course are understandably squelchy, but the greens were running superbly well, and pretty quick for mid-November.

    Good scoring there. I've been laid off most of the year with back issues and played my first 18 since June a couple of weeks ago (managed +9 which is more than acceptable by my standards).  Like you, I hit it well; bit shorter (put it down to cold temperatures!) and putted really well.

    Always found it funny that golf often seems simple(r) in the first game back after a long break. Maybe something to do with swinging freely.

  2. 19 hours ago, Crawford Bridge said:

    I don't get it.

    They are a total goon platoon of Championship jabronis. 

    Absolutely love this description.

    18 hours ago, TheScarf said:

    I said on another thread, Wales could field a bunch of National League players and they’d still qualify for tournaments. Their spawniness is borderline ‘get this looked into’.

    Correct. It's extrenely frustrating to watch and I was hoping it would end with the top-knotted bellend's retirement.

    1 hour ago, Marten said:

    Wales are guaranteed a play-off spot as there aren't going to be more than 4 League A teams who fail to qualify automatically, currently them and Poland are the only ones, guaranteeing both not only a PO spot, but also a home game against a team from a lower division. That can all change though should Italy mess up and lose away to Ukraine, then they will drop into the PO, meaning Wales lose their home advantage and will instead face an away PO semi-final to Poland.

    As it stands, the PO will be as follows:
    League A: Poland v Estonia, Wales v Finland / Ukraine / Iceland (one of those will be drawn out to go to path A)
    League B: Israel & Bosnia at home against the 2 of Finland / Ukraine / Iceland who aren't drawn into path A (Israel will face Iceland if they aren't drawn out for Path A, otherwise Ukraine, with Bosnia facing the other one)
    League C Georgia v Luxembourg & Greece v Kazakhstan


    I feel I am not alone here in wishing that Wales would just F*CK OFF.  They are absolutely terrible these days, and yet they'll probably manage to slither through the play offs and pop up like an unflushed poo at the finals.  If they do, I hope we aren't the team tasked with flushing them out at the group stage, because they'd probably fluke a result which would be the worst thing that's ever happened.

    Yes, I am hungover today but I really hate the Wales football team.

  3. 1 hour ago, Flybhoy said:

    Paul McStay evades Andre Van Tiggelen at Euro 92 in Sweden, Scotland should have been in front by half time, two great chances fell to to the wrong players, Richard Gough and Dave McPherson both had loose balls land at their feet in the box at set pieces and both ballooned them over the bar, I think the player on the left is Philipe Cocu, that may be a young Edgar Davids on the right but not 100% sure.


    Edit, on second look that left may be Wim Jonk on the left methinks.


    Pretty sure that is Rijkaard on the right.  Good pic tho.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

    What's the thought process around allowing Israel to continue playing on neutral territory when Russia were (rightly) booted ?

    Opening a big can of worms with that question but in simple terms, ours and other Western governments (including those of leading UEFA states) support Israel's invasion of Gaza and don't support Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    Armenia take the lead against Wales... pleasing.


  5. I'd start Clark in goals again.  He did OK the other night and IMO wasn't at fault for either goal.  There's no point constantly going back and forward between him and Kelly. Let him keep the back-up to Gunn status for now unless/until he has a howler.

    In the meantime, I hope Armenia give Wales a doing this afternoon (although I fear they won't).


  6. Just now, neil hood said:

    One great player and we stand and watch him, the Bale effect.

    A very good parallel.  Both obvious threats in otherwise jobber teams which we have totally failed to deal with - both also diving, cheating, c*nts who have done a number on us.  Bale was infinitely worse, of course, as his diving led directly to goals.

  7. I'd really like to see Lewis Ferguson get a start. I realise our midfield options are a strength but he's doing really well in Serie A and this match (a dead rubber, but still an official qualifier rather than a friendly) would be an ideal one to give him more international experience and see what he contributes.

    Him, McGinn and McTominay with Gilmour and McGregor behind them would be nice, although I have a feeling Ferguson might just get subbed on later.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Alibi said:

    Interesting.  However, is the word "Firth" ever applied similarly to rivers in England?  I can't recall anyone ever referring to the Firth of Thames for example, although I think they do use the term Thames estuary.  Is Firth a purely Scottish term?

    I think it's a Scots word but I'm no expert.  The Solway is the only one which touches England I think.  Maybe they use channel instead, e.g., the Severn Estuary (mix of total and fresh water) becomes the Bristol Channel (sea water). Tbh, firth seems to be used in some cases and not others even here (we have sea lochs too after all).


  9. 23 hours ago, Gordopolis said:

    Thought I'd start a match thread for this.

    Looking fwd to this tie in the sense that there is no existential terror involved, and - mainly because of injury - we need to try out a few different players.  At the same time it's important not to veer too far from our core as we really do need to get back to winning ways for morale's sake.

    So I'm thinking:

    Liam Kelly

    Patterson  Porteous Hendry McKenna Taylor

    Gilmour McGregor

    McTominay McGinn Ferguson



    Really tempting to start with Dykes as I'd like him to get back on the scoresheet for us, but Brown looked dangerous in flashes when he came on vs France, and he really needs a start to show what he can offer. From what I've seen of him he looks more towards the Adams end of the Adams-Dykes spectrum (technical & pacy vs physical out ball).


    Predicting a 2-1 win for us (Brown, Hendry)

    Can we get away with starting 12 players though? Personally I am not impressed by any of our GK options so I think I'd go:


    Patterson  Porteous  Hendry  Taylor

    Gilmour McGregor

    McTominay McGinn Ferguson

    Brown  Dykes

  10. 17 hours ago, Alibi said:

    You mean Firth of Clyde.  "Estuary" is the English term.  How very Tory of you.

    A quick Google brought this info up:

    "MICHAEL Hance questions the use of the term "estuary" to describe the Forth Estuary (Herald Letters, May 20 2005).

    The answer is straightforward. An estuary is defined as "a semi-enclosed coastal body of water, which has a free connection with the open sea, and within which sea water is measurably diluted with fresh water derived from land drainage" and originates from the Latin word "aestuarium". The word firth (or frith) originates from the Old Norse Word "fjoeror", which also gave rise to the modern Norwegian word of fjord. Both firth and fjord are now generally defined as an arm of the sea.

    The difference is crucial - a firth (or fjord) is made up of undiluted sea water, but an estuary has a gradation of salt water dilution from fully salt water at its mouth to fresh water at its head, and experiences tidal f luctuations. For the sake of completion, a river is a freshwater body of water which flows in one direction (towards the head of the estuary) and does not experience tidal fluctuations.

    Thus for the Forth the agreed geographical areas of definition are:

    River Forth - upstream of Stirling;

    Forth Estuary - Stirling to Queensferry; Firth of Forth - seawards from the Queensferry bridges.

    And for the Clyde, the areas are:

    River Clyde - upstream of the tidal weir in Glasgow; Clyde Estuary - Glasgow to Greenock; Firth of Clyde - seawards from Greenock.

    I hope that this helps.

    Donald McLusky (editor, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science),"


    Looks like Morton v Dumbarton is indeed an estuary derby. El Estuario?

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