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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 52 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    I think that's a wee bit unfair. He had a shot at birdie right after his triple which wasn't far away and as mentioned had others lip out. When a triple turns up that late in the tournament you end up chasing things a wee bit. He absolutely has work to do on the mental side but his game is trending the right way at the moment. 

    Totally agree that he's finding some form after the recent swing changes and I desperately want him to do well in the Scottish and then the Open. Maybe I'm being harsh but he missed three putts inside 8ft after the triple, and (understandably) looked absolutely raging for the rest of the round even though he was still hitting it close and in contention. Maybe he'd have settled down again with a quick birdie but he seemed to lose focus/belief and his driving also got a bit ragged. Possibly he was trying too hard and chasing by then as you say. 

    He's said himself he's the most negative guy going, and sometimes I just think he lacks that elite level ability to immediately delete bad holes from the memory when things go wrong. 

    It's so hard now to get ranking points in Europe (and keep in with a chance of a PGA tour card if that rule stays in place for the top season finishers) that - stating the obvious - he could really have done with the win. Gutting overall as a par on the disaster hole and he'd most likely have got it, along with loads of momentum and a massive boost to his self-belief. 


  2. 9 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    The biggest challenge for MacIntyre will be the mental side of it. Can he put the negativity aside and focus on how well he was swinging it for 90 percent of the week. 

    Even after the triple he missed four very makeable putts on 14 -17. If he holes 3 of them he wins, even 2 would've got him into the play off.

    100% agree.  The triple was a disaster but he was still only 1 behind at that point.  His head was down though and he looked like he'd lost all belief from then on.  He has some work to do on the mental side of the game.

  3. Watched this afternoon's play from Denmark and Bob was looking really good.  Ripping his driver off the tee (much, much better than at the Belfry) and scoring well. Double on the last by Elvira helped too obvs. Here's hoping Bob pushes on tomorrow and gets it done - this would be a great time in the season for everything to click.

  4. On 23/06/2023 at 22:10, Disco Duck said:

    What’s the best course people have played? 

    I've played all the Open courses in Scotland and obviously they're all incredible but tbh, Muirfield in the sunshine was probably the best experience.  Love Royal Troon too as the front 9 gives you a decent chance to score before you have to hold on coming home. 

    That all said, my all-time fave is Moray Old in Lossiemouth - it has the best finishing hole in Scotland IMO.


    Moray overview.jpg


  5. 13 hours ago, Satoshi said:

    Oh ye of little faith.

    This ain't going so well for them 😂

    Although to be fair, their Armenia game reminded me a bit of our loss to Kazakhstan where the opposition weren't great, but every crazy long shot they took flew in.

    Still unlearning my Scottish pessimism as I was nervous about last night too. Absolutely delighted to be proved wrong by our superb team. 

  6. I have the absolute fear about this game - a win obviously puts us miles ahead and should be perfectly doable.  Hopefully we get an early goal (or two) and cruise it.  But, even under SSC we've thrown in some flat performances now and again. I doubt the players will be complacent but they might be a bit tired. We also need to stop Kvaratskhelia who is a pler.

    I know this Scotland team and manager are very different from what we've been used to over the years - hopefully my anxiety is totally unwarranted.


  7. 5 hours ago, lichtie23 said:

    The Rolex hour is good 

    Sometimes it's good but last night it featured a lot of coverage of the putting green and what's her name doing monologues to camera. In general I hate watching golf on Sky. The ad load is brutal. 

  8. 4 hours ago, The Golden God said:

    Not watched any live yet but apparently the crowd is bad/non existent? Is this true or just twitter being twitter 

    Apparently most of the tickets went to members of LACC and "corporate partners". Only 4000 per day for Joe public (@ 300 bucks each!) and a lot of the small grandstands and the 1st tee are off limits to public ticketholders. 

    And here was me thinking the R&A were bad when they banned folk from leaving the Open and coming back in so they could price gouge on their terrible catering... 

  9. Delighted for Rickie as he seems like a good guy. However, it's really weird to see 60 yard wide fairways at a US Open. Weather forecast is gentle so could be quite low scoring (which isn't what I want to see at this event!). 

  10. On 25/05/2023 at 21:10, gannonball said:

    I'm debating whether to get the ferry and cycle over to Jura to the distillery and do one of the paps. Not a massive fan of Jura whisky but still want to tick it off the distillery list.

    Did you go to Jura in the end?   I love it there; the beach not far north of Craighouse is a great spot.  Never climbed the paps myself; I hear they are quite challenging.  Back on Islay, this is (was) one of my favourite views in Scotland/the world, taken just north of Bunnahabhain looking over to Jura about ten years ago - I believe the wreck has mostly collapsed into the sea now.



  11. 13 minutes ago, virginton said:

    You would be entirely wrong. Our fans formed an organisation that has grown to the point of taking ownership. The sweetie prince offered a 'deal' that would have taken control of the ground - and was sent packing by the overwhelming rejection of the fan group. We got the final deal through standing up to ownership - not through benevolence. The relative (and only short term) stability of our position has only been brought about by the support of our fans ownership model, the mostly very good work of the current board of directors, and an outside partnership (which is linked to our ownership model). It was a raging binfire when the Raes left. 

    To portray it as the beneficiary of the former ownership is as stupid as claiming Partick benefited from Low's presence. You didn't disappoint. 

    You're the club with a mural inside your own fucking ground trying to fabricate a tragic rivalry with Morton.

    I actually admire the Morton fan ownership.  Good on the folk who have made it happen and I hope your club does alright, even though there are some absolute roasters among your support posting on here.  I think you might just be spinning what happened a bit though, in that there was most certainly a debt write-off:



    On your other point, the mural quite obviously celebrates the famous Craigen goal which confirmed our last promotion to the top flight on a great night ten years ago, rather than "fabricating a tragic rivalry". If the match and goal had been against Raith or Dunfermline or whoever then their club's name would have been on it.  No Thistle fan I know considers that we have a rivalry with Morton, and it's your side who has a dedicated (and tragic) thread on your club forum about how much you hate us, and all the reasons why.  I think we can take it as read that you and some of your pals loathe and despise Partick Thistle (although I'm sure not all Morton fans are so weird). Fair enough. Life's too short to keep batting back your level of simmering fury though - so enjoy your summer and good luck next season.

  12. 4 hours ago, virginton said:

    And yet if you had simply tried this in the first place after 2020 - instead of concocting a Liverpool-esque, false narrative of injustice and getting revenge on Scottish football!!!11111!!!! - then your gormless and gullible fanbase wouldn't have to fork out to keep the lights on. 

    Still some work to do in the humility front I see, but only to be expected after you came so close* to having your ludicrous scheme pay off for you. 


    There are many things you can point at our club and laugh for at the moment, but a "gormless and gullible fanbase" is a very odd choice, given that in the course of last season over 1000 fans joined the Jags Foundation, and successfully ousted a dreadful chairman and board (who we were aware were incompetent) to get us on the road to fan ownership.  The fans were therefore neither of the things you claim.  Meanwhile, I think I am right in saying that Greenock have only recently achieved relative stability based on your sweetie prince writing off a couple of "millions" of debt?

    All in all, this thread is peak Morton in its desperation to score some points and wish to see a fellow smaller club liquidated.  It's cringe-inducing stuff from start to finish and maybe would have been better on your dedicated "We Hate Partick Thistle" thread on your own forum rather than making complete fannies of yourselves here?



  13. 52 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    I certainly didn't suggest they were lying, not sure what they would gain from it tbh. It's clearly cock up rather than conspiracy. 

    Just find it strange that given said inaccuracy, you would then be taking the number of tickets sold as read. 

    Your club does love a statement tbf. I preferred the tears and snottery ones of old though. 

    Those minters were squarely the responsibility of our self-proclaimed "PR Guru" Chairman, Jacqui Low, who was successful eased out of the club by a huge fan effort.  It's nice to see that since then, the club's comms have been much clearer, fact-based and open, and that they now investigate and take responsiblity for errors - a complete turnaround from Low et al.

    ETA: Haha, Looks like I spoke a little too soon as there is still some fan-blaming in the latest one when the problems were down to poor organisation...

  14. 1 hour ago, Pie Of The Month said:

    Rough's budgeting for 2nd claims also included him saying they were anticipating bigger crowds for the run in if we were challenging for the title. I don't think those materialised so I suspect we're not close to breaking even this year.

    I noticed another of the former directors from Low's board, John Penman, is now on twitter telling anyone who will listen his thoughts on what's wrong with Scottish football without a hint of a brass neck.

    Looked John Penman up and the first search result maybe explains how the old board was assembled and some of the decisions were taken.


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