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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. On 18/12/2022 at 06:17, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

    Picked up this little lady in Aberdeen yesterday. She had been found stray with another male Collie, probably dumped by a farmer.

    She's so gentle and good natured, very timid to start with. Don't think she's been in a house, she was a bit wierd coming in, the stairs confused her a bit and she spooked at a squeaky drawer.  She went absolutely mental when I put the TV on, barking and growling, then sat growling at it for ages after it was off. She's fine with stuff on the fone though, and the noise of the fire popping and cracking, the central heating etc.

    She's quite sma small collie, around 2 yrs old they reckon and I think I'll keep the name they gave her, Winnie!


    Belated congratulations!  How is Winnie settling in now? Fern was a (neglected but not abandoned) farm dog too and we got her, flea-ridden, underweight and with an infected tooth, at 18 months - she had never lived in a house either but soon got the hang of it.  She's a small collie too. They could almost be twins!



  2. 2 hours ago, ConcernedReferee said:

    It's just the nature of our population that has created a imbalanced league with only 2 realistic winners, I can understand peoples dislike with it given how long its been the norm but would it really be a better product if every one of the twelve teams was a realistic champion? It might but that might be uniquely boring, as a Celtic fan I don't think theirs any worse feeling than any of the less fancied teams taking 3 points from you and I would presume that works in the other direction too. That wouldn't exist if we somehow had a league where East Fife were as realistic to win as Celtic. 

    Really????  Wow.  Just wow.

    Oh, and it's *there's.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Afc69 said:

    Susie McCabe? Really? Bradshaw definitely but McCabe?

    I fully expected Cowan to be off the air today. Amazed he wasn’t

    Apologies, who did Elidb Barbour go after at the awards ceremony, that incurred Cowan’s wrath?

    If you mean who prompted Eilidh Barbour (and others) to walk out of the SFWA dinner in disgust, it was Bill Copeland.  Apparently Cowan is good pals with him, whoever he is, so the walk-out (and the ensuing publicity) enraged him. 

    Someone added on this thread a few pages back that Tam more recently made repeated digs at EB at a Livingston event, which implies that he has been nursing a grudge, and is a possible (probable?) reason why he has since gone after EB's boyfriend both from his BBC platform and on social media, confirming himself to be quite a nasty piece of work in the process.

    I'm very surprised that the BBC, who has previously suspended him for his comments on women's football, regard his feeble and insincere apology today as sufficient. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Hendo said:

    Cowan really didnt do any of that. He pointed out that the initial investigation had not found evidence of racism, as claimed by Bartley, and asked him to apologise. This is not quite undermining anti racist initiatives. (...)

    Defending Bartley is like defending Jimmy Savile because he raised lots of money for charity.

    Tam didn't just ask Bartley to apologise - he got on his high horse and demanded a specific, in-person apology from a guy who (we now know) *did* hear racial abuse, using his national BBC radio show as a platform - even though many might think that some sensitivity should maybe be shown to someone who believed he had heard what, in fact, he had heard (otherwise, Tam's stance seems to be "how DARE you make a claim of racism when you haven't proved it and can't be 1000% certain' - you should publicly apologise on my programme). 

    When Tam was informed that the racial abuse had taken place, he dribbled out a vague apology which didn't name Bartley.  That makes him a coward and a hypocrite, because it was much, much less than he himself ranted at Bartley for.

    If you don't think all this has anything to do with Tam's strong dislike for Eilidh Barbour, I have a bridge to sell you.

    As for your second claim/comparison, just wow...


  5. I don't think that weak, vague, mealy-mouthed apology is going to be enough to save him.  He called out Bartley by name, persistently, on air - and demanded an apology for supposedly lying about racism.  He can't possibly think that saying he's sorry "for the upset" caused will be enough... can he?

    Tam was allegedly raging about his pal being exposed as a racist and misogynist by Eilidh Barbour at the awards dinner, so it's very hard not to see all this as a personal vandetta being pursued against the two of them as a couple - by someone who also happens to have a history of misogynistic comments himself. 

    Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out of Pacific Quay, Tam.


  6. 11 minutes ago, Fuctifano said:

    Honestly think some of these people believe fan ownership is Manpreet and his pals sitting in the boardroom with a cargo trying to sign players.

    I'm not 100% sure but I'm going to stick my neck out and say the folk who left weren't the only Thistle fans (in some cases not Thistle fans at all) who had any business contacts.

    Agreed - the idea that the now-departed board were somehow all business and networking geniuses is questionable to say the least.

    We've definitely lost our only disingenous, contempt-filled, fan-baiting, Dunfermline-supporting, PR disaster-mongering, failed Tory MSP candidate from the club though.

  7. This is obviously very welcome news.  It had to happen eventually as Low's position was untenable - but doing the right thing as quickly as she has is surprising, and hints at a level of self-awareness we have never seen before.  I only hope the dodgy balance sheet isn't the reason she and her pals are suddenly running away.

    Looking forward to seeing what happens next, and what input TJF is allowed to have in the club as a proper, paid-up fans group. 

    ETA: I take back what I just said about self-awareness.  The hilariously salty statement they (Jacqui) just put out blaming the nasty fans who wanted fan ownership is quite, quite remarkable. Horrible fans, being nasty to the nice, honest Board and making them feel bad.

  8. 30 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    Let's not pretend that it wasn't overwhelmingly Celtic/Sevco orientated when Richard Gordon was the anchor.

    It was always OF dominated, yes, but there's definitely been a large reduction in coverage of other clubs and even things like going round the grounds on OAM in the "Kenny mac" era. Instead it's now ranty tabloid arguments about the OF's weekly humiliations in Europe, the OF's boards, the Rangers manager, and VAR, which all feel like they have been going on and on for months, regardless of what is happening at Scottish football grounds on a Saturday. One of the worst things about it is teh general tone which McIntyre brings - he sounds constantly agitated and desparate to talk about "what's going on at Ibricks".

    Completely made-up stat but to me it feels like it's gone from about 60% pandering OF drivel to over 90%.

  9. On 03/12/2022 at 13:04, eaglesham2203 said:

    Cowan really is an absolute clown.

    Martin O’Neill on he couldn’t get a word in, the slightest comeback from O’Neill and Cowan takes the hump

    turned it off, he needs replaced, loudmouthed dinosaur.

    I never listen to OTB any more as I can't stand Cowan and it's been so stale for years and years.  Looked this up though and it was very entertaining as O'Neill sucessfully winds him up despite being talked over repeatedly.  Tough luck Tam.

  10. 50 minutes ago, jagfox said:



    Hahaha - this was very very funny to read about at the time.  


    "After galloping around the Scottish countryside, the exhausted players were relieved to be told their day was done. Then the SAS arrived.

    "I could hardly pick my head up I was so tired," Doolan said. "They told us to take our stuff off and jump in the van. The guys were shouting, 'we'll take you for some food'.

    "Five minutes later, bang bang, doors open, guys with masks rag-dolled us out, head-locked us, flipped on the floor. We were blindfolded with ear muffs on. They were rough with us - it was a whole new level. They were dragging us about rooms bouncing us off walls in total darkness.

    "Brice Ntambwe got out and ran away but it took four SAS to put him down. Jack Storer was crying at one point. "

  11. Quote

    But what I would say is there is a Trust there that’s going to be talking to us in the next couple of weeks, so why don’t they direct their concerns – because there must be concerns if you’re shouting for the board and me to go.

    Because your hand-picked Trust don't reply to messages, Jacqui.  And because they should have been consulting fans for many months and in great depth before accepting shares on behalf of the fans.


    “That [the boycott] makes me sad because what it does is it takes money away from the club. And it damages the club. I don’t think even the loudest critic in the fanbase wants to damage the club. But by calling for a boycott, it means money comes out the budget.

    You mean, like turning down the monthly monies of over 900 fans who have actively signed up to TJF to support a fan-owned club, Jacqui?


  12. 5 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

    Genuine question...surely the board cant legally bind every season ticket holder to have a share of ownership of the club without acceptance. Surely it isnt i  the Ts&Cs of the season ticket agreement and therefore not legal?

    If i buy a season pass to Odeon, Odeon cant turn round and tell me I now own part of the company.


    I agree with you; it seems deeply dodgy and i am sure it has no legal weight if done in retrospect after the purchase of the ST.  Next season if nothing changes, they will probably find themselves with far fewer ST holders. 

    What they are obviously desperate to do is to cobble together a fake organisation which they can claim is numerically bigger than the Jags Foundation, ignoring the fact that people made a conscious decision to sign up to the latter and specifically pay into it. 

    The only positive I take from the nonsense spouted by the Trust is that they are acknowledging that "some supporters are frustrated".   Maybe that's a small first step to eventually realising that everyone knows this is a total sham and they have to f*ck off.

  13. 6 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

    Then complain en masse. They'll do nothing unless there's some kind of organised protest or complaint overload.

    The complaints will go straight to a call centre in Belfast run by Capita (who will auto-generate a nonsense reply) and no-one at BBC Scotland will be aware of them in the slightest. 

    "Kenny Mac" and his producers will continue to do as they please, which is bad news for any non-arsecheek fans hoping for full coverage of Scottish football.

  14. On 18/11/2022 at 12:13, jagsfan57 said:

    You are right, past posts have been critical of TJF, primarily because it seemed to me action was too slow or too late. I am now seeing that the current regime is intent in seeing the destruction of PTFC. I think that opportunities were missed to make more visible demonstrations eg ICT televised game at Firhill. However, TJF have a different strategy, which I hope is successful. I am now at the stage of swithering whether to join TJF, but this type of post, which seems to me inappropriate at the moment, puts me off again.

    So you wanted a demonstration and were disappointed that it didn't happen?

    4 minutes ago, jagsfan57 said:

    Discussions often take twists and turns as you have just demonstrated by referencing QE2 which doesn’t seem relevant now. Ad Lib isn’t a random stranger. He is a TJF board member and their statements will sway people to become members or not. I don’t believe I said organise a protest. But I accept that TJF have a different strategy, which, if your last section is correct seems to be just wait until the current regime have had enough. I will need to have another read through the TJF literature, but I think they need to have some other action plan(not demonstrations),to pressurise the current board and trustees to change course before I join up.

    So you now don't want a demonstration, although you did before? 

    Whatever.  Join or don't join.  You could always tell us all what should be in this "action plan".  I am just a paying member of TJF, not directly involved in any way - but I know they are open to feedback and I imagine (unlike the Trust) they will respond to messages and suggestions if you want to engage with them rather than making very vague criticisms here. 

    You were also replying to my post, so understandably I thought your comment that "this type of post" puts you off joining TJF was about what I said, not Ad Lib.

  15. 17 hours ago, jagsfan57 said:

    Victor did. And are you saying TJF don’t want new members ? Some fans still need persuading to join TJF, so even although their communications and professionalism have been exemplary in the past, doesn’t mean that can be complacent.


    Without wishing to drag out this discussion - I didn't ask you whether you had joined TJF or planned to (and I'm quite surprised that a post from a random stranger on P&B would sway you either way on doing so).  I asked you what you thought they had done wrong and your answer was that they should have organised a protest at a televised match. (I remember in the past you also complained that they didn't put out a message mourning QE2). 

    IMO, they are not there to virtue signal or to organise protests which the board would immediately use to claim they are undermining the club.  They should focus on continuing to demonstrate that they are competent, transparent, have an in-depth understanding of the club and how real fan ownership would work, and be ready to take up the shareholding if/when the board realises that what they have done is untenable.  Which is exactly what TJF are doing.

  16. 2 hours ago, jagsfan57 said:

    The communications might be fine but so far the strategy hasn’t yet got the desired end result. Not the time to be cocky.

    No one around here who is against what has happened is "cocky" about the current state of play, but it's quite obvious that TJF are honest and transparent communicators, in sharp contrast to the mendacious board and their nodding-dog Jags Trust pals. 

    The reason "the strategy hasn't yet got the desired result" is quite simply that the chairman and her acolytes decided not to transfer the club to true fan ownership as they had previously promised, but to construct a sham transfer and stay in power instead. The whole thing was done in very bad faith, and involved refusing to share the club's books. They were probably banking on general indifference among the wider support to get away with it (and timed the transfer for after they had banked the season ticket money, just to be on the safe side, having turned their noses up at the direct financial contribution of nearly 1000 TJF members). 

    It's hard to see why - as you seem to think going by this and past posts - the fault somehow lies with TJF and not Low and her pals.  What could/should TJF have done differently, in your view?

  17. 20 hours ago, virginton said:

    Why would it be tin- pot [sic] for a solid second tier side to not score goals in the top flight? 

    You keep swinging and missing with that one though. 


    Having been rattled in this discussion which you started by slagging off St Mirren for drawing 2-2 in the top tier - only for it to be pointed out that your team were last in the top tier in 1988 when you conceded 100 (one hundred) goals -  I think we can all agree that you have recovered and routed your opponent over his poor use of a hyphen.


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