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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 51 minutes ago, The Master said:

    Except for Chick Young at Firhill. 

    After the game, I skipped back in the Sounds app to hear what was said about our goals. 

    For the first, he had to be prompted to say who had scored, and for the second he was convinced the goal hadn’t been given because the ball “hadn’t crossed the line” (it hit the back of the net). 

    His best performance was for for the third goal, because technical problems meant he couldn’t report it live. 

    He also stated at half time that the score was Partick Thistle 1 Dundee 1 then shouted "no it isn't" before being cut off by another report.

  2. 30 minutes ago, virginton said:

    Patrick Thistle Family Club. 


    "F*ck Morton" - indeed.  Anyway - quite an extraordinary turnaround since we pumped the Mortonians a few weeks ago.  Your team now look like genuine promotion contenders and Imrie appears to be working a near-miracle at Cappielow, presumably on a miniscule budget.  Extremely impressive.

    We are absolutely hopeless all of a sudden (a few injuries, even to key players, should not have ruined our form as much as they have) and we will soon be tumbling right down the table. It's a funny old game.

  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63289885

    I've reloaded this article a couple of times but despite opening with "A glance at the European tables containing Celtic, Rangers and Hearts makes for grim reading" it seems to have included the Old Firm's group tables, but not bothered to show Hearts's. 

    If I had been writing it, I would also have mentioned that Celtic need to win their game to avoid sole ownership of the record consecutive home CL defeats, and that Rangers are another -2 GD away from securing the record of worst Champions League compaign by any club ever.

  4. 19 hours ago, Hammer Jag said:

    Unsurprisingly, some parents of the Thistle Weir players are refuting the claims made by the club on Twitter. 

    Wait, I thought we were "Partick Thistle Family Club"?  Surely that wasn't just cringey PR guff... but, how does it square with parents being enraged by PTFC dissolving a team with immediate effect and sending children home in tears, and the board / Low allegedly lying about what funding was provided, and by claiming that they offered to continue it for the rest of the season?  It's all very confusing.

  5. Tom English's prose style really is garbled:

    "The reality of life in the Champions League has been hard on Rangers, existing as they are in the group of certain death for a club of their lightweight financial muscle. Underdogs can occasionally roar, though. The problem is that the big dogs roar louder, more often than not."

    Dogs don't roar, though.  They bark or howl.  Big cats roar.  Maybe head back to primary school and learn about the animal kingdom, Tom?



  6. 10 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    It would be interesting, for me anyway, to know what Celtic's record of home European matches is since the installation of their Europe wide famous disco lights. 

    Well, the BBC's match report includes this stat:

    • Celtic have lost each of their last seven home Champions League games, equalling the longest run of home defeats by a team in the competition, previously set by Monaco between May 2017 and December 2018 (7).

    They are officially record-equalling losers.  Lovely stuff.

  7. On 09/10/2022 at 16:15, bennett said:


    Yet it was the bbc who apologised for a lack of accuracy and balance when it came to Rangers, Rangers were right and that is undeniable. 


    Don't mistake the BBC's craven wheedling and sucking up as a sign that Rangers were "right".  You also now have MacIntyre, a diehard Rangers fan, ruining OAM every Saturday with wall to wall Ibrox chat and arguments about "Gio"'s tactics in Europe and team selection while there are dozens of games happening across Scotland - so you are right, there is "a lack of balance" when it comes to your club - just in totally the opposite way from what you are arguing.

    I see you have quietly dropped your claim that the BBC "stopped covering" Rangers games during Rangers' huge multi-year huff - a sensible move given it was 100% bollocks.

  8. 8 hours ago, deadasdillinger said:

    Good bump, a particularly tragic week as displays by the two sets of knuckledraggers go.


    Because the rest of the country is fucking embarrassed seeing that cringeworthy shite. I'd have thought the term "Scotland's shame" was self-explanatory.


    Good bump, but you didn't like the post??

    In hindsight it probably wasn't a great idea to resurrect this thread about both arsecheeks embarrassing themselves - as the last few pages have been eye-bleeding stuff.

  9. 4 hours ago, The Other Foot said:

    2016 cup final. Will never live it down. Might need to start pretending I was there if the kids start getting interested in Hibs 

    I was on holiday on Arran at the time and watched the 2016 final in the Douglas hotel in Brodick.  It was Rainjurz heavy through most of the match but towards the end quite a lot of Hibees were coming in.  It was the day of the Goat fell hill race (!!!) and a lot of Hibs fans seemed to have been running in that, only to get back into town just in time for the end.  Good friendly chaps (shedding a few tears ofc) compared to the absolutely seething messes who had quickly vacated the premises, and there were plenty of regrets being expressed about not having gone to the game - I remember one guy in his late 40s or 50s saying he had never missed a final until that one!

  10. 57 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

    This raises an interesting constitutional point - 

      Reveal hidden contents

    not really interesting, but f**k it - I could be watching a car drive slowly through villages and towns, eh?

    If those "in line to the throne" - your Williams, Georges, Sophies etc etc kept popping their clogs is there a huge number of people who are " XYZ in line" to the throne - i.e. is there a line of Marquis of Bath type junkie / pish heads who are 350th in line to the throne and might, in the event of a nuclear catastrophe, become king or queen?

    Let's hope they don't get down to 8th in line...

    Return of Prince Andrew to his official duties ¡He wants to go back!

  11. 53 minutes ago, jagsfan57 said:

    Did it even cross the TJF boards mind ? 

    With all due respect, your posts in the past few days which have attempted to portray the TJF as in some way incompetent, inactive, or to blame for Jacqui Low's mendacious power grab - followed now by the implication that they have disrespected the Queen - are deeply, deeply weird.

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