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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 22 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:


    We had a much superior goal difference and we didn’t lose to that Livi side over 2 legs either.

    We also didn’t throw away at least 6 points in the last 5 minutes of games which would have seen you safe.

    The league table doesn’t lie Partick got what they deserved and I’m looking forward to GTF day. Oh also get it up John Lambies Yer Da horrendous poster.

    Did you miss my statement that we are pish, and deservedly going down?

    If you think your GD advantage having finished equal on points with our worst side in the past 7 years (ft. D. Devine in "defence" and a makeshift midfield all season) makes you anything other than utterly pish too, then who am I to argue? A hypothetical result in a play off game which you avoided on said GD isn't much of an argument though.  We're pish - and I'm fairly certain you are too.

    I quite like Accies and your resilience in staying up, which enrages the "big teams only in the top league" roasters.   However, you apparently have a minority of absolute spanners in your support, playing the big baws card based on a shambles of a season and deleting an entire match thread (even though it was full of tributes to J Lambie) when you lost to our pish team not long ago.  Bit more self-awareness might be an idea.

  2. Joking about players from 6 years ago aside, what we desperately need is two solid centre backs* and two tough, fearless, tackling, ball-winning, tempo-controlling midfielders who don't hide.  I hope we've seen the last of Osman, Woods and Barton who between them had none of these features.

    *Cargill and/or Keown may do OK in the 1st division alongside someone much, much, much more competent than Danny Devine.

  3. Edwards ran about a lot; that's it. He wouldn't be missed, and Hearts can have him (be amazed if they wanted him though given that he's rubbish at football and played a big part in a disastrous relegation season).

    Bring back Balatoni, Muirhead, ATS and O'Donnell. Lyle Taylor up front. I hear Sean Welsh will be fit in 6 weeks too.

  4. 3 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

    Some good positivity in that STATEMENT. Player clearout, no non-playing redundancies and some dates for the training complex at last.

    Can Archibald rise to the challenge? I appreciate his sentiment in wanting to do it for the club and not himself but does that attitude work in professional football? I guess we're gonna find out.

    Maybe he's offered to work for free next season, given that relegation has cost us about a million quid?

  5. Completely agree that our only 'good' season in the top flight was last season's Top 6 - driven by suddenly having Liam Lindsay in the team. The others were pretty much interchangeable - in trouble in the bottom 3 places; extricated ourselves (usually with some Doolan goals just when needed), except this season when we didn't, and couldn't climb above an Accies team who had lost (I think) eight matches in a row.

    Baffling how Archibald and Paterson can be quite as bad as they are at building a capable, solid, non-panicky back line, given that they were both decent defenders. We were often without wing backs due to loaning out a great young player in Penrice, and very poor recruitment (Nitriansky et al.), and had Barton hiding in midfield for far too long.

    If this past season was a player, it would be "Danny Devine".

    New management team, please.

  6. 8 hours ago, Walter said:

    In almost half a century of  watching  Thistle  win, lose, succeed, fail, get promoted, get demoted I have never been embarrassed to be a Jags fan. 


    Fair dos. Had had a couple of Laphroaigs when I wrote that. Should have been: embarrassed by our season, and very embarrassed by, and angry about, our play off "performance". 

  7. 5 hours ago, Rednyella said:

    What a comment. You need to settle down and many on this thread need to chill out.

    Yes we’re relegated. The board, the management team and the players all have responsibility in this. But the nonsense comments in the emotional aftermath need to be wound in.

    Every new manager inherits a team and evaluates it to continue success or bring success. Archie did but he took us up when Ratnamara left we where struggling for form. Archie brought us up and I’m amazed at the fickle comments on here. I remember fans rallying behind the great response the team had when Archie took over and got us over the line. He then improved the squad and we were a premiership side.

    Secondly Archie then for 3 straight years improved our position in the premier league. He recruited well for a small budget in league. Not all players work. This year especially but he’s a fairly new manager. We played great possession style football pleasing on the eye. We all hailed Archie for his work. But again many forget the great work he did and we all rallied behind. Nobody is perfect. You guys have weaknesses in your jobs? I know I make mistakes and if every time I had a bad year I was fired and didn’t have leaders who believed in me it would be seen as unfair as how would I grow and learn in my career? Cut the man some slack.

    He took us to the top 6. The first time ever and best table position in 30 years. Lambie loved him and saw in him as a player, a captain and now manager something special.

    He’s had a poor season but there is validity to his post match comments regarding injuries, lack of continuity and he even admitted that he shoulders blame. But the comments from fans on this forum are a disgrace.

    I won’t beg for him to stay. He owes us little for the great memories he’s given usover years of loyalty. If he goes or gets fired he may well think he deserves it. But the over the top comments I’m surprised at. He deserves some support and I for one will get behind him if he stays on. He deserves that chance and support if board decides that. If he doesn’t I get behind the new guy but everyone needs to stop with the negative and frankly uneducated comments.

    I’m sure there will be many changes but if Archie stays and makes them let’s get behind the team and club to give us best shot to give us a shot in getting backs next season. I like the board isn’t make jerk decisions. For me that’s maturity and good leadership.

    Happy if you disagree and throw abuse my way but I own and run a business with many employees and think Thistles board and Chairman are doing things the right way.

    Archie has deserved support during the season - but has had that whole season to rectify some situation, change up his ideas, and make sure there is some fight in the team. He has failed to do that, and I don't think it is too strong to say that the play off performances were a disgrace to the club. It is not "negative and frankly uneducated" to say that a man who has presided over a slump which has left us back in the first division (due to crap signings, crap team selection and a trademark of losing late goals) is done.

    I agree with you that he stepped in and did brilliantly at first, but that was a long time ago now, as was the "great possession football pleasing on the eye". It's been attritional for several seasons (that's understandable, but it's nonsense to claim we have been good to watch in the past few years).

    You might consider being less insulting towards fellow fans who want a fresh direction after this omnishambles of a season.

  8. 6 minutes ago, John Lambie said:

    Tommy Bryce.  Darren Brady,  Dick Campbell.  

    We've had it worse and will probably again. 

    Fortunately we've a bit more foundation than last time.   

    True, it could always be worse, but as many are pointing out here the core of players on our books who are any good is extremely small (and ageing). We have a lottery winners-funded youth set up which may give us some decent youngsters in years to come, but first-team wise, we're back where we started in the generally good recent years from McCall onwards, and we need a huge overhaul.  We have a tactically inflexible, defensively naive coaching team who are out of ideas but may stick around to try to do it. That's the big worry.

  9. Archibald (perhaps it's time to retire the cuddly "Archie" nickname) should have the decency to walk (he won't be sacked).  I think he will stay though, and we're not coming back up anytime soon if he does. We'll be midtable in the championship at best, and may even be in worse trouble than that if he can't bring in several players with some fight. He's shown for months now that he is unable to motivate his team to dig in and win midfield battles -  having apparently forgotten to sign enough midfielders - or, as a defender himself, to coach a defence to work as a solid unit which doesn't ship dozens of last minute goals. He has persisted with bang out of form players (Osman, Barton, Devine) having nightmares week after week, when we had young, competent options (Penrice, McCarthy), in some positions at least, not getting a chance.  At no point this season has he been praised by anyone for effective tactics or subsitutions.

    His team are unwatchable; his bland interviews and "we need to try harder" excuses are unlistenable.  Another season of his stagnant reign is a very depressing prospect.

    He won the1st division last time with someone else's team. This team is his (apart from the best players - Erskine, Lawless and Doolan) and they are, almost to a man, utter shite, with no dig or determination. The promotion year team would beat this bunch 4 or 5-0. OK, maybe 5-2, with Balatoni and Fox involved...

    Embarrassed to be a Jags fan at the moment.





  10. Happy enough with a point today - edges us a wee bit further away from County.  An absolute must-win up next against them.  Here's hoping we don't contrive to lose 2-3 like that game a few years back at our place.  At least this time we don't have Mexican model and occasional footballer Gabriel Piccolo playing 'for' us.

    Archie - please keep B Spittal on the bench (or better still, completely outside the matchday squad) for the rest of these games. Thanks.

  11. I know it's all been said before, but listening to Chick "Chick" Young wittering and interrupting in his wee helium voice (and being factually corrected today as usual by Richard Gordon) is excruciating stuff.

    The BBC should have changed the locks when his much-vaunted retirement (which I think involved him swanning around at Euro 16?) was mysteriously rescinded and he just showed up again at the start of the following season. Is that Costanza over there???



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