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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. Delighted with this, and hope McCall has what it takes to turn us around.  God knows we need someone in charge who can command the players' respect, and who (more importantly) is capable of organising them into an actual team, and motivating them.  The previous incumbent couldn't manage any of those things.

    Not sure what Archibald brings to the table (it certainly isn't recruitment skills or instilling robustness into a team so that they can see out the last 5 minutes when ahead), but if McCall wants him there then fair enough. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

    Always nice to be reminded of what a collosal p***k Chick Young is.

    Of those 14 games GC was in charge for Thistle won one. On penalties. Against Third Division Peterhead.

    He also wanted his players to get paid a win bonus for a match at Kilmarnock that we lost.

    It's say much about the standard of manager that we've had that Caldwell can't be considered to be any where near our worst.



    Indeed.  Also looks like we should avoid managers with the initials GC for the rest of time...  Thistle Board/Nest of Vipers, please take note!

  3. Delighted (and a little surprised) that the board has acted quickly this time around.  GC is obviously quite a toxic character, so it's very pleasing that he has been punted before he can do any more damage.  Kenny Miller obviously isn't the answer, but if he is interim then he can stay in post for as long as he wins games, starting Saturday.

  4. Caldwell as Thistle manager:


    Shipped out a massive amount of dross in January,  signed Scott McDonald (the one decision which saved both him and us last season).

    Kept us up... on the last day of the season.


    Albeit with a terrible squad inherited from AA, achieved pretty much zero prior to Christmas (no new manager bounce at all), starting with a long run of losses;

    Emptied some of our better players (with zero class or respect shown) because they were long-serving, senior ones who might stand up to him;

    Has made a terrible start to this season in an easy run of games;

    Seems to have lost the dressing room based on how players are (not) responding to him on the field;

    Seems to have lost board backing given that he is rumoured to have frozen out Bannigan but wasn't allowed to let him leave;

    Has us playing nice side to side passes with almost no attacking threat beyond his 40-year-old pal who is unlikely to play the whole season without injury.

    Has, throughout his reign, come across as delusional, and a complete bellend (this wouldn't be important if we weren't so bad on the park, and joint bottom of the league - again).


    He looks just as out of ideas as his predecessor, with the extra twist that the players all seem to hate him too.  Will any football club employ him as a manager again?  Doubt it.

  5. A very Alan Archibald type of signing, I would say.  The difference is that AA had us in about 7th when he was - correctly - given his jotters.  Caldwell has since built his own team and guided us to dead last in the league.   If we have to sink to losing to Montrose and Arbroath in a seaside double header to get rid of this utter charlatan, then so be it.

  6. 13 hours ago, Romeo said:

    I think this is the correct thread for this.Screenshot_20190830-190020_Twitter.jpeg

    1. You would be wrong, since this thread is specifically about Glasgow's two big, bigoted clubs.  The song you highlight is sung by a small club which is against the bigotry on both sides of the Irish history divide which dogs Scottish football (although personally I can understand why its language is causing bother and feel it shouldn't be sung, even though it's clearly a wind-up - it's too easy to take at face value and use as a false equivalence to the fans it attacks).

    2. Here's a deal for you - why not start a new thread with all the examples of  "diddiness, scummery and outright bigotry from teams outside the two cheeks of the Old Filth." so this one can stay on topic.  See how much material there is compared to this thread.  It'll save you from the terrible dose of whataboutery you are suffering from which means you seem very reluctant to admit that Celtic fans ever do anything wrong - "it's all Swedish fans/police's fault/Partick Thistle are just as bad".

    3. More importantly, how about your team's supporters stop singing a song directly glorifying murderous terrorists every week, and the other side stops their one which starts Hello? I'm sure Thistle fans would have far less reason to slag you both off if your "songbooks" weren't obsessed with Ireland and genuine, deep-rooted hatred? 

    4. A section of Firhill is closed every week already (i.e. the Main Stand).  Not sure that closing a further section would make much difference...

  7. Well,  Sweden is well known for its volatile, reactionary state apparatus, so it was definitely all for no reason at all.  Errrr......

    The chap in the army jacket and balaclava was definitely only there to watch his team. Maybe he had heard Sweden is really cold?  Best fans in the world, got a UEFA award for being pure brillyint, small minority of troublemakers, the other side are worse than us, etc etc...



  8. 20 hours ago, Flybhoy said:

    off to the Czech Republic early Tuesday, two days sampling the delights of the Eastern European gem then a flight to Sweden on Thursday morning before returning to Embra airport on Saturday in the am....

    Prague/the Czech Rep is in Central Europe; which Eastern European gem are you visiting from it?  I'd recommend you just stay in Prague as there is plenty to see and do there.

  9. Whataboutery levels from OF fans are sky high on this thread.

    It's a thread specifically started to catalogue the undeniable moments of diddiness, scummery and outright bigotry of fans of Rangers* and Celtic, teams with vast supports (containing a high propotion of morons), which deserve to be highlighted and thoroughly slagged off due to their sheer scale and regularity, and the fact that the clubs don't seem to care.

    Interesting that rather than denying or condemning the regular scummery and bigotry of their own fans, which include sectarian songs every single week and frequent apparent support for murderous paramilitary organizations in another country, OF fans are scrambling about accusing "diddy teams" of various things.  Do you REALLY think there is an equivalence?  If so, why not start a a thread about scummery and outright bigotry among fans of non-OF clubs, and have a wee discussion there... it won't have anywhere near as much material, though. Maybe OF fans genuinely believe it's all the other clubs that are the problem here?!

  10. 28 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

    Congratulations on achieving the highest cliche-count per paragraph in the whole of 2019.  Well done, too, in missing the point - though this is unsurprising.

    The P&B diddies often refer to religion wrt to Rangers yet the Rangers fans on here almost never do.  Now I know the collective 'you' truly believe that your shite doesn't smell but it would be nice to get a response to this.  

    If you mean I didn't address your fatuous point that the handful of "Rangers" fans here don't post on this site about religion, and that this is somehow proof that a sizeable proportion of their support aren't slavering, furious, anti-social bigots despite evidence to the contrary at every game, then yes, I did miss (disregard) that point - due to the small sample size which means that your argument is statistically insignificant and therefore irrelevant.

    The thing about cliches is that they're usually true (I know, also a cliche...).  Your club has become a laughing stock for a thousand reasons; it's not my fault that they're repeated so often. Again - your use of the term "P&B diddies" is a faint echo of a time now long gone.  Your team is now firmly among the diddies, which makes this put-down seem quite silly.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Sting777 said:

    If it had been any other player,  he would have been subbed on Friday. That’s as bad as I can ever remember from him. Passed constantly to Und players and his reaction to hitting the wall (5 yards) was disgraceful and something I have never seen from him before. If this was later on in the season I would say he was burnt out. 

    The lack of willingness to run after that dismal free kick reminded me of the time he ducked in the wall at Pittodrie.  His form is a big worry as we are (yet again) struggling badly in midfield this season.

  12. We'll see how we're placed after the first round of fixtures, but based on the first two games we're mid-table at best, and could easily be looking at a re-run of last season's scrapping to stay up.  It's unfortunate that the old board/new board bickering /bus nonsense has obscured the fact that Caldwell hasn't actually built a very good squad.  We look desperately light up front and very soft in the middle.  I can't imagine the manager was planning on more than 1 extra squad player in each of these areas, even if there had been no nonsense going on at the club.

    The first half, I thought, was quite good.  Nice goal from a great cross, finished by a defender.  Unfortunately the econd half performance was strongly reminiscent of the tail end of the Archibald era - sitting back, making errors, giving the ball away, and predictably allowing a 1-goal lead to be overturned.  I'm not a big Scott Fox fan, but the first thing I'd do would be to bring him in, as he would probably have stopped both of last night's goals. 

    Also, Kenny Miller should never, ever try to beat a defender for pace again.  At best he needs to adopt a Kris Boyd style of standing in the box and waiting for a ball to break to him. He looked miles of the pace and potentially completely done.


  13. 13 hours ago, virginton said:

    That's a rather long-winded and mewling way of admitting that you were in fact completely wrong. Gutted for you. 

    Around this time last year, I remember pulling you up on some weird gloating that Morton were a far bigger team than Ayr United, who you were eager to call a "point and laugh" outfit, and you also claimed that Morton had won "far more trophies" than Ayr.  A quick check revealed that you had won one more - a league title in the bottom tier.

    All in all, some long-winded mewelling followed, during which time you refused to admit you were in fact completely wrong.  I wasn't gutted for you though.

    I see Ayr finished last season comfortably above Morton, and beat you at the weekend too.  Ouch.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Nizzy said:

    Whoa, quite the 180 here. Colin Weir is now "pathetic" and lacking in class? 

    It's being repeatedly drummed into folk that it's perfectly reasonable for the old/new board to sell up and f*ck off, yet potshots are now being taken at the guy who's made probably the most significant financial contribution to Partick Thistle in the past 15-20 years?

    Not really.  Much has been made about him being a lifelong fan, having a long-term sustainable vision for the club, bringing through young talent, etc.  His name is on a stand as recognition for what he's done. That doesn't really fit with upping and leaving quite suddenly because his (seemingly quite incompetent) pal has been removed from her post.

    CW's contribution, whether or not it is now at a close, has obviously been significant and generous.  However, my personal opinion is that if these press reports are true, the way he's suddenly called a halt to all projects is very poor.  No future youth funding, no training ground.  Obviously we don't have a clue what's going on behind the scenes as no one at the club is willing to tell us, but it's not great on CW's part and if it were me in his position, my investment in the club wouldn't be dependent on who was on the board. 

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