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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. Our shambolic relegation had obvious piss-ripping value for fans of teams like Ayr and Morten, who are generally delighted to tread water in the lower half of the second tier without hope of ever doing better.  It no doubt sweetened their obvious respective bitternesses about taking their manager when we decided we wanted him, and taking their lifetime's chance at top tier football away with such ease a few years back.

    Can't blame them at all for piling in and I hope they enjoyed it at the time.  Looking ahead, if we were to lose one of those fine clubs to the seaside league shortly, it wouldn't be a surprising or notable turn of events in any way - and I doubt it would produce a dedicated gloat-thread like this one.; just a shrug.


  2. Tiffoney, Rudden and Bell (sounds like a firm of Edinburgh solicitors) along with a much-improved Bannigan have been important this month, but pretty much everyone has put in good performances since we suddenly hit form.

    As lots of other folk have said, I can't believe we've just done this after the pit of despair we were in at half time against East Fife in the same calendar month.  Absolutely incredible.  If McCall sold his soul to the devil that half time, then all I can say is thanks Ian.

  3. 11 hours ago, Pie Of The Month said:


    A fine bit of gaslighting by the Jags Foundation.

    Selective and patronising - which was it was pretty obviously going to be when I saw the questions/options, which ranged from leading/manipulative to bizarrely restrictive, to irrelevant.

    Low probably thought she was doing some clever PR via her obvious "input" into this.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Fuctifano said:

    Start of Archibald's tenure - would settle for conceding on Tuesday if we score 6 again tbh 


    Cheers - I wondered about the Archie bounce in the promotion season (including the away wins we couldn't get under McNamara) - but vaguely thought we had conceded.  I don't make it to many away games but I remember being at that Hamilton win - if it was the one where it snowed?

    As you say, 6-1 would be absolutely fine on Tuesday (as would 8-7).

  5. The turnaround in our play and fortunes since the start of April and being 2-0 down to East Fife on the 6th has been unbelievable.  Going back just to p.1530/1531 here, no one saw it coming (very much including me) and there was absolutely nothing to be positive about. 

    We still have a lot of hard work to do to get over the line (especially v Cove away on Tuesday) but goodness me, this run has been enjoyable.  Anyone know when we last won 5 on the bounce without conceding? Might even be a first?



  6. 26 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    I'm glad the herald aren't picking it that's for bloody sure. Some real crackers.  Ricky waddell, Ian cathro, Shelly Kerr, dick campbell, Gary Caldwell, mark Kerr and Stephen O'Donnell to name but a few. No Corrzo though which was a surprise.

    Your board should beware of large-headed applicants with impressive Powerpoint presentations

    In one of his many greeting-faced, whining self-justificatory interviews after we binned him, he claimed that he couldn't connect with Championship players because they weren't as good as he had been in his career.  Not sure how he'd spin that for a job in the third tier...

  7. 18 hours ago, Sortmeout said:

    Why has nobody ever spoken up about the video of Stuart McCall falling off a car (or numerous other viral videos of people being drunk) in the same way that people are with Lennon here? 

    Wild guess here but probably because McCall was celebrating promotion to the premier league in normal times - rather than breaking travel rules to cross the border during a pandemic for a random swally while the vast majority of the population were obeying those rules.

  8. 3 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

    I know our descent has been pretty grim these last few years, but spare a thought for once imperious Abdul Osman, sent off today for Brechin City.

    He threw his hat into the ring with them but has capped it all off with a red card.  It's not easy, especially when you make no effort whatsoever to be a decent footballer.

  9. 6 minutes ago, deej said:

    Says the Partick Thistle fan in the Premiership forum 😉

    Touche - although Sportsound does (half-arsedly) cover all the leagues; it's not just about the Premiership so we all feel some ownership of it - even down here in the gloomy depths of the lower leagues. 

    In fact, I'd even say sometimes as much as 5% of an average Sportsound programme's content is devoted to teams outside the OF.

  10. 11 hours ago, Ad Lib said:

    I wouldn't pay much attention to the last three questions in that survey. The only important ones really were about demographic scraping and working out what people would pay to join.

    Bottom line is they'll be jumping through a lot of hoops to satisfy Three Black Cats/Colin Weir's executors that they're organisationally and financially ready to take a controlling interest in a multi-million pound company. Some of that will be nauseating and pandering, but it will get the shares prised from the effective control of the PR disaster.

    I thought the last three questions were probably requests by JL so she can use the findings for some more whining in the near future.

    On your last point - I hope I am wrong about this, but I thought in the previous presentations/announcements, they mentioned that in fact, our current PR disaster/chairman would remain on the board even after the fan takeover - with the obvious intention of continuing to pull the strings (after buying the club with the training ground money then selling it to the fans...).

  11. 20 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

    In principle I would like to bin ex pros and bring in skilled trained sports journalists.

    Then I remember that in Scotland that probably means Chick, the rugby man and Graham Spiers and Jim Spence doing a double act of talking about the old firm and talking about how they cant understand transgenderism.

    I would say Chick is the personification of unskilled, and I doubt he has training or actual qualifications in journalism - just a very long and surprising career of failing upwards.

    Pretty sure the BBC could find some talented journalists under the age of 50 (perhaps even under 40!?) to replace the grumpy auld yins you mention.  Eilidh Barbour was excellent on OAM at the weekend, as several people said.  There must be some other younger, intelligent, well-informed, trained reporters/journalists out there who could freshen things up.

    Some ex-pros are fine (Derek Ferguson is knowledgable and sounds like he cares) and the better ones do add something, but there seems to be no quality control at all at the matches or in studio discussions.  Does anyone really think Steven Pressley should be on again?

  12. 22 hours ago, Caledonian1 said:

    That is how I saw it too....it was embarassing.  At one point he said he was so angry that he was thumping the desk....and then promptly banged on the desk to prove how angry and passionate he was.  Later he made a point that fans should not be involved in running the club as they would be too emotionally involved...without any sense of irony.

    I can't believe that he was once in the Scotland set up and now understand why several players had absolutely no respect for him.

    Being repeated tonight.  The bit where he bangs the desk while sounding especially thick is lovely stuff. 


  13. On 04/04/2021 at 18:46, Jacky1990 said:

    Based on nothing other than an inherent distrust of our executives and management team, but I do wonder if they are secretly glad of the impact covid has had on the football this season.

    Relegated to League One? - all a conspiracy and a result of a ridiculous vote. Nothing to do with being bottom of a very shite league. 

    Poor results in League One? - only because the authorities and government delayed and then halted the season for no reason. Nothing to do with a management team seemingly incapable of producing a fit, coherent, organised side against part time players.

    Not developing the training ground as promised? - used this money to keep the club afloat amid the decision to demote us unfairly and not having fans in the ground. Nothing to do with it being seemingly kiboshed way before this after not having enough money and deciding to try build it on a contaminated bog.

    Fan ownership incoming? - with the global health crisis and the impacts on football, now isnt the time to hand over power and put trust in amateurs. Nothing to do with the power hungry, tory bint in charge who weaseled her way back in after being rightfully booted out the first time.

    If what is being said about the lack of scouting department is true,  it might explain why our signings have either been ex-players McCall players he already knows well, experiences pros on the decline or loans from the Prem.

    We are a shambles top to bottom. Might be less Airdriefication and more being the next Clydebank under these cretins. Get them all to f**k.

    I couldn't agree with this more.  The "Family Club" cringe PR, the emphasis in a slew of Rangers-esque "statements" on our cherished status as innocent victims, and most importantly the fact that we are so utterly rancid on the pitch (despite being full timers in a part time league) are all infuriating. 

    Jacqui Low, our very own ex-Tory spin doctor for Michael Forsyth and failed Tory MSP candidate, deserves the lion's share of the blame. She has closely overseen our steady decline down to where we find ourselves now, battling with East Fife and Montrose for a play off spot in the third tier.   Unfortunately for us, she is a typical Tory in being oblivious to her own total lack of ability, and in her apparent refusal to take any responsiblity for anything.  Can she pick a manager? No. Can she forge ahead and fund/plan training facilities or a scouting capacity? No.  Can she bring in new backers? No (she can fend them off though, by sleekitly using the money for the training ground to take over the club and get her arse back in the chair, then stalling the plan to hand over to the fans). Can she establish any support among other clubs in how we are dealt with during Covid? No.  As a self-declared "PR Supremo", can she do basic, non passive-aggressive PR?  No.

    If we lose tonight, the entire management team and most importantly our charlatan of a chairman should all do the decent thing and f*ck off.

    On the plus side, our centenary cup winning strip is fantastic.  Swings and roundabouts...

  14. 10 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

    Lack of a buffer to play for is the big negative for me, although I usually had the ability to play myself out of it fairly comfortably anyway, and not in the good direction

    Haha - yeah, me too.  There's three things I dislike about it. 1) the rolling 20 rounds means that if you only play a handful of comps a year, a good score from possibly 2 years ago will have a big impact when it drops off. 2) It used to be possible to calculate during a (good) medal round how many shots you were breaking handicap by and what that meant. Now it's just "wait and put the number into the supercomputer and see what comes out". 3) Those of us who spent years grinding their way down to a target handicap could have expected to drift up very slowly (0.1 at a time) in the old system, and now it can jump all over the place quickly.  Some see that as a plus; I don't.

    Talking of wild fluctuations in scoring, delighted to see Spieth win again last night. 

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