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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 14 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

    Same non reply as I got the last time - "Thank you for taking the time to send us your comments. We appreciate all the feedback we receive as it plays an important role in helping to shape our decisions. 
    This is an automated message (sorry that we can’t reply individually) to let you know that we’ve read your comments and will report them overnight to staff across the BBC for them to read too (after removing any personal details). This includes our programme makers, commissioning editors and senior management. 
    Thanks again for contacting the BBC. 
    BBC Audience Services."

    Lovely auto-generated stuff from the BBC's "audience services" factory in Belfast, which has been outsourced to Crapita for the past 20+ years. It's been read by someone there, very briefly, but the idea that it will be used to "shape our decisions" is risible.

    You can be 99.999% certain that no one who works on the BBC's Scottish football coverage will see your feedback, which will make it tricky for them to take the factual correction on board and improve their efforts in future.  Embarrassing them on Twitter is probably a marginally better strategy.

  2. 48 minutes ago, AJF said:

    The source wasn’t Joel Sked, it was from the tweet below, published by Michael Bochel who was employed by the SFA as Head of Digital at the time the tweet was published.


    If true, surprising.  Every time I have been to Hampden for a Scotland match in the past ten years or so (including one campaign as a season ticketer), almost every accent I heard around me was north-east.

    The fact that fewer Celtic fans than Aberdeen fans are SSC members is pretty pathetic too given the overall fanbase numbers...

  3. 10 hours ago, Avon Barksdale said:

    "So how did we get to this point? Perhaps we can rewind to the mid-1980s, when Graeme Souness lured England internationals like Terry Butcher and Chris Woods to Ibrox. Whenever these guys represented their country there was a whole host of Bears tuning in. But the majority of Rangers supporters still followed Scotland.

    When the Geordie genius Gazza joined Rangers in 1995, a few more made the switch from the dark blue of Scotland to the iconic white top of England."


  4. On 05/06/2021 at 09:37, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

    Is anyone on here a member of the Scotch Malt Whisky Society? Considering getting a mate of mine a membership as a wedding present (I am best man). Worth it for 55 quid?

    Not a member myself but a pal was a few years back.  Had several fantastic nights over in the Vaults in Leith, which is really atmospheric and does excellent food as well as the huge range of drams.  The new Glasgow room looks nice too.   I'd say it's a very nice gift.  The optional extras they offer (just looked up the membership) look pretty good too.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

    It's cringey stuff.

    Everyone gets that relegation was tough on Partick but I just don't buy the idea that it was the greatest injustice in the history of football once you go through the detail. The thing with McCall is as well is he never gives any detail or rationalises his anger, just goes down the 'I could say lots on here, but what good would it do. I'll keep my silence and just you know I'm very, very upset'.

    He's done it multiple times this season, either say your piece or shut the f**k up.

    I'm a Thistle fan and I agree with most of what you say.  McCall is on Sportsound a lot and if you're going to come onto the programme regularly to talk about Scottish football and (inevitably)  your own club's fortunes, then the "keeping my own counsel" shtick is ridiculous, particularly when (as he did this week), he sounds like he's still absolutely seething, almost everything he says is boiling over with surly attitude, and he keeps referring to how he'll tell all in a full-length interview with Tom f*cking English.  The world of Scottish football really isn't waiting with baited breath for that exclusive.  I doubt I'd even bother to listen to it.

    Relegation *was* tough on us, because it was a triple-whammy - after it happened based on a suddenly halted season, we then got £150k rather than 500k support having landed in L1, and the season was delayed too. so we couldn't play. That all said, it's long since time to shut up and move on because nothing is going to change now.  McCall's done a great job to get us straight back up but sadly, his PR style appears to be from the cringey school of Jacqui "SPAD for Michael Forsyth and Failed Tory MSP candidate" Low.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Fuctifano said:

    I would be a lot harsher tbh, I'd obviously like Tiffoney to stay but would imagine his form will have alerted a lot of other clubs even in the Premiership bottom 6.

    Foster I'd keep as he improved as the season went on and can cover both sides.

    Everyone else could go and I wouldn't be fussed. The way I look at it is if we hadn't got promoted everyone would be wanting a clearout but now people want to keep some of these guys for a harder league?

    Of the non-Tiffoney loan players:

    Bell played well but this interview suggests he went P/T for a reason plus we're going up a level.  Geggan, Erskine similar re going P/T. MacIver clearly not any better than our own front 2 and Wright was fine, I'd rate him slightly above Sneddon.

    Of our own players I still don't see it with Sneddon and I've been consistent with this over the last 3 years, makes some good saves but let too many easy ones in. Williamson can go to Falkirk if he wants, think L1 might be his level. Penrice looked like a pound shop Arjen Robben vs Falkirk playing on the right wing but not sure that's the game to judge him on in that role, he needs to make a position his own and if Livi are interested he'd be stupid not to go. He'd probably be the only one I could be swayed on staying.

    Cardle I didn't want to keep last summer, he did OK but again he's another year older and we're going back up a level. Gordon still doesn't score enough goals for being invisible 90% of the game.

    In terms of incoming, it'll depend on whether McCall wants to stick with the 4-4-2, if so I would expect a few wingers and strikers given Rudden's injury history and his and Graham's likelihood of picking up suspensions. Wouldn't tremendously surprise me if we sign Dobbie, there was talk of it in January.


    Pretty much agree with all of this.  Tiffoney is an obvious priority to re-sign and I would hope we'd make him a good offer but if a top-tier club wants him then that's probably that.  Foster still has enough in the tank for next season a league up but I doubt Cardle does, although he might stay on as an impact sub.

    We definitely need a new 1st choice keeper.  Penrice is very meh but if he does hang around then I've not entirely lost hope in him.

  7. 1 hour ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Nice try but the obsessed patter didn’t wash last year so it’s never going to work this time round.

    Nice try, but you've repeatedly posted in this thread, both at the time and its reanimated zombie version, and had your fun "pissing yourself" when we went down. You seem... interested.

    I'm was pleased to see that your lot avoided the play-off spot.  We can have a sporting series of McCall reunion matches next season now.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Jollyjag said:

    Looks like Ian McCall has got a lot to say in the next few weeks  Looks like he’s not going to hold back

    He's obviously still raging about the relegation but the best thing we could have gone on to do was to win this league at the first attempt.  Job done, in style.

    Might be time to let the victim stuff go (if that's what he's got a lot to say about).

  9. Our shambolic relegation had obvious piss-ripping value for fans of teams like Ayr and Morten, who are generally delighted to tread water in the lower half of the second tier without hope of ever doing better.  It no doubt sweetened their obvious respective bitternesses about taking their manager when we decided we wanted him, and taking their lifetime's chance at top tier football away with such ease a few years back.

    Can't blame them at all for piling in and I hope they enjoyed it at the time.  Looking ahead, if we were to lose one of those fine clubs to the seaside league shortly, it wouldn't be a surprising or notable turn of events in any way - and I doubt it would produce a dedicated gloat-thread like this one.; just a shrug.


  10. Tiffoney, Rudden and Bell (sounds like a firm of Edinburgh solicitors) along with a much-improved Bannigan have been important this month, but pretty much everyone has put in good performances since we suddenly hit form.

    As lots of other folk have said, I can't believe we've just done this after the pit of despair we were in at half time against East Fife in the same calendar month.  Absolutely incredible.  If McCall sold his soul to the devil that half time, then all I can say is thanks Ian.

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