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AW saint

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Everything posted by AW saint

  1. Baby steps but so far so good. OK has pulled us together. Whisper it but we may just have nabbed us a top manager.
  2. Big up to wee Danny Mullen he was outstanding tonight. Ran his heart out. Hodson looked tidy at full back.
  3. Worrying fact that Stubbs saying we need to move players on before we can bring players in.
  4. 3 big days coming up. So far i have no faith we will get the right players in to fix this mess.
  5. So how long do we give the manager. We are 3 days off the window closing. If we are to part company it has to be now not after we can only sign free transfers.
  6. The team on large when we got promoted was decent enough. All that was required was a striker, dominant centre half, a winger and a ball winning midfielder. Now we need an overhaul. I cannot believe how much damage has been done to a stable squad. Stubbs is signing players for life back in the championship. I am sure cooke, king etc would cut it a level below but that is that. McGinn hit the nail on the head when he is talking about players with no game time. This is mismanagement in a grand scale. Stubbs has this week to rectify our squad or its down we go.
  7. Time for our chairman to come out anc address these issues. Why are we signing substandard players and allowing the heart of the side to bd ripped out.
  8. Probably worthwhile sending Rogers back to Aberdeen and bringing in another keeper. Would have thought we would have seen more movement this week.
  9. Hodson is a good start. Get him in at left back and allow Coulsen to get up the park.
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