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Everything posted by Jamesw

  1. bonnyrigg will get license so they make it 15 teams again after ww go down. if cove win play off berwick make it 16 but if berwick won play off applications will be taken for the 16th pos.
  2. your no kidding. i left at 0-0 right on 90. checked on website an it said 1-0 uni. not good for us
  3. so when will the league confirm they’ve resigned? leaves us bottom
  4. Eosfl website has a W/O for sauchie so no game this wk.
  5. £165.000 was figure rumored. even if they have players the debt is there so they cant continue
  6. Sfa have suspended selkirks license was the rumours at falkirk stadium on saturday. meeting this week with sfa will making decision.
  7. if they go into abeyance they should be relegated to bottom league of east scotland. no relegations from lowland unless hl team go to spfl and bottom team south of tay. why can’t they use amateur team to fill place in league
  8. kelty were too good for us last night and will challenge the top 4. was your keeper injured or was your manager just being disrespectful?!
  9. The 3x13 will only be in year 1 surely to create a level playing field so everyone plays same games and has no excuses. Year 2 onwards will hopefully see a 14-14-12 split with room for new entries in the bottom league
  10. This confuses me. does this mean the existing eos teams in 1 section, top 13 ersjfa in another and bottom 13 in another or hawick go in a. lothian in b. preston in c etc etc
  11. A statement from eos would be good. juat saying how many additional applications have come in and that members will vote at agm thursday
  12. 38 teams? 12 EOS and hawick makes 13 23 ersjfa teams and dunipace and swifts is 25 Bonnyrigg. Lithgae. Penicuik. Bluebell. Broxburn. HoB. Bo’ness. Camelon. Nitten. Sauchie. Jeanfield. Mussie. Haddington. Blackburn. Tranent. Dunbar. St Andrews. Arniston. Dalkeith. Edinburgh. Crossgates. Craigroyston. Easthouses.
  13. Can someone provide an up to date list of who has confirmed as applied and who is rumoured!?
  14. When will eos make announcement? Was due 7 days after meeting wasnt it?
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