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Everything posted by Mod1967

  1. Still another striker, midfielder, wide player and 2 centre backs for me, although I definitely think Smith will push on massively this season.
  2. Murdoch is a decent wee player glad he's resigned, don't think I could stick the word fancy to his game though, I really do think the boy Smith will have a far greater involvement this season than folk realise, I was hugely impressed with him
  3. Sure the club will have plenty of targets, probably of a higher standard than we'd imagine and I doubt they'll come from the merry go round up here......here's hopeing anyway
  4. 2 CBs 1 or 2 CM Wide player 2 strikers (If Tommi is off) I think young Smith will possibly save us a midfielder, I've been hugely impressed by him, Moff is clearly meant for the reserves I wouldn't imagine we'll see much of him, although a decent cheerio would be good before his testimonial
  5. That Airdrie boy has taken losing his best player, manager and playoffs in the last 6months well hasn't he ,what with Sevco losing at the Great Seville drought he must be miserable, never mind son theirs always the auld German burd's Jubilee to celebrate ......dafty
  6. We win our promotion battles tbf, infact we even win our relegation ones inaw !!!
  7. 1 goal and 1 assist last season for a top 4 side, 39 appearances, Maxwell got 5 goals 2 assists in a bottom 3 side in 35 appearances. Smith had his chance, I wouldn't touch him, think Thistle fans are generally non plussed either
  8. Agreed we certainly have a few, but for me McKenzie and Moffat shouldn't be considered at this level, Ashford looks decent without being a major goal threat...yet and Bryden is a kid still learning that leaves Tommi if he signs I personally don't think that's enough. Well wait and see
  9. Personally thought Rose was a far better player than McKenna, but his attributes are desired in England, hence Maguire cost million, I never once said he was a world beater, but I've read on here about him being one of our worst defenders in recent times which is utter nonsense, his strength and more importantly pace will on many occasions get him out of bother ,there's plenty of rough technically basic centre halfs in the top league, however a lack of speed and strength will destroy you at that level.
  10. But that doesn't fit the narrative for many on here who are entrenched in the continual doing they hand out to a 'An incredibly young rough centre half' who was just starting his career. McKenna is a fast, left footed monster of a player, ideally suited to the English game, we're now making things up about him being dropped, possibly mixing him up with that other different style centre half, who was also learning his trade ,Rose......who has incidentally been dropped periodically at Coventry.
  11. Absolute nonsense on here about Adeloye, like the rest he's on holiday, I see Moffat hasn't resigned let's all get up to Mauchline with the pitch forks and harangue him........naw didn't think so ,calm down ffs
  12. He was excellent up at Inverness, also Dunfermline before injury, he'll kick on without the extremely ordinary McKenzie in front of him, on McKenzie he must be put out on loan to possibly kick on, but I doubt he's anywhere near the quality we require, good lad and great attitude tbf.
  13. This if we put some one decent in front of Houston I think we will see a big difference McKenzie and Houston on the right was a disaster and as soon as McKenzie dropped out we looked better. 100%
  14. Both unbearable arseholes, but for sheer scumminess the shame of Scotland take some beating.
  15. Todorov and Cammy Smith did nowt in this league.....lucky swerve
  16. Remember the Pars fans laughing at the robbery 3 weeks ago.....remember
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