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Everything posted by Mod1967

  1. Striker and centre mid definate priorities this window, excess cash which I don't think we have you would look at left back, possibly right back and even another wide player, 4/5 are very average for our league although good lads. I'd be happy with striker and a CM with Bryden out on loan for experience and Bangala possibly away
  2. Yeah keep it cordial but decent Ritchie Absolutely, good time fans get enjoyment from wins, but nothing compared to us mentally damaged diehards who remember the maulings from the Brechins and East Fifes of this world
  3. Small steps and all that, bar, covered terrace, far superior run club will all help, us sados ,masachists call us what you like are about 1500 strong and will loyally (stupidly) follow no matter what and we and likeus willalwaysmeanthere'san AyrUnited we are undoubtedly better fans in my opinion, but we do need to embrace the floaters, the club need them to push on, some might get our silly bug or even better their kids might.......Ritchie put your arm around them next time on the terrace, you just never know
  4. What about the fans who work on Saturdays and get a couple of Saturdays off a year and save them for the bigger games, what about folk who can't afford to go that much, what about neutrals or possibly lapsed OF fans who have a fondness for Ayr and could be tempted.......don't share my terracing.....nonsense
  5. I bet our chairman will be delighted to hear we want floating fans to stay away, marvellous idea to drive the club forward, some shite spoken on here but that's right up there, utterly ridiculous, ever club has a core support then various levels of folk who are fans to different degrees, mental actually F***ing mental statement.
  6. I like McKenzie I was trying to highlight how unfair the criticism of Bryden was compared with the other 2 who did nothing, McKenzie was asked to compete in midfield which he didn't, who knows what JML was asked to do, whatever it may have been he didn't do it. McKenzie is a striker so unfair to be continually asked to play midfield, wide right or left, but in his last 3 appearances Thistle as a striker, on against Dundee and again yesterday he's done nothing, that said I like him alongside Dipo but has to do more.
  7. Totally agree with this, thought Smith did really well especially first half, Hewitt took a wee bit to catch the pace but did well overall. Reading had a decent game considering his recent form, but he was absolutely not or best defender yesterday McAllister was excellent, Kirk is as good a defender as there is in the league and McGinty again hardly put a foot wrong. Total nonsense about the performance getting spouted, we won after a shaky spell, were never troubled, lost an influential player straight away and got good performances from 2 kids especially after the Bangala nightmares, our defender's all played well, the pitch was testing and it was a rotten day ,still 2/3 out injured and we moved back into 2nd place, remind me where we were 8th January 2022...... The criticism of Bryden again totally overboard I actually thought he did well, what did McKenzie or JML do when they came on..........nothing AGAIN
  8. Mcdaid is simply miles in front of Ashford absolutely miles, also the hugely underwhelming JML
  9. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Dipo doesn't get injured then, because no other striker is scoring, McKenzie usually does OK ,Young flatters for me, Bryden has promise but isn't ready and Ashford as a forward isn't anywhere near good enough, I agree possibly a 10 type maybe more useful, but we do need a different option for Dipo
  10. Think Ayr United and the fans owe Tomi a huge debt of gratitude for last season, undoubtedly kept us up, however I think both club and player have moved on so don't really see it happening and probably for the best. Just throwing a name in here but what about Oli Shaw on loan from the great unwashed, he hardly plays now for them, but managed 14 goals last season in the championship being I think their top scorer, surely even further out the picture when the big bigot returns, don't know the relationship between the clubs on an operational level so unsure if its possible but would be much better than that lump Innes Cameron and after all his dad did play for us.........just a thought btw .
  11. Oh I do agree however that a bit of realism is required we're struggling just now for sure, but it's a struggling at 3rd place, our good players will return, we'll recruit and push on I'm sure of it......be nice if someone could post where we were sitting on 1st of January this year to cheer us all up
  12. Don't think Ashford is the answer anywhere even in the short term, he's been non existent for months and at Partick I think Bullen had seen enough, nowhere near the level we need, along with Bangala, Young and probably JML I'd be looking to offload, the 4 of them give us largely nothing week in week out.......please don't reply with good attitude or runs about alot, because that's tired now. .
  13. True, but Bullens opinion would show that he has a lot more faith in Houston than he has in Reading, Houston has had far more good games than 3 or 4 that's incredibly harsh and in my opinion nonsense, but it's all about opinions as you say. Regarding hate victims you've been very consistent in your dislike of Houston, but we all have players that don't do it for us, I've got to put my hands up to never really rating Ashford apart from an honest runner I don't see our level of football player .......opinions
  14. Yip definitely agree Ecrepont who always looks decent needs a chance, he's also a powerful unit which Paddy is not, I've been a big fan of Paddy although I thought defence isn't his main attribute, but it's now glaringly obvious game after game that hes targeted at this level. Totally agree with another centre back in January and another centre mid, I wouldn't put Smith out on loan as that would only be 3 mids, Bangala could go though, possibly McAllister and I think we need another striker strangely as although we have 5 !! , Ashford and Young haven't done enough for me, Bryden needs a loan after injury, McKenzie has been the best of the rest and forms the best partnership with Dipo, I'm being greedy and possibly unrealistic though.
  15. Also to suggest on his few showings that Bangala could be trusted at right back is utterly preposterous also Ashford at right back on his performances doesn't sound wise either
  16. Bullen took our best defender out of the centre to left back, he obviously saw the danger now at left back, Reading plays because others are injured now, Houston is still our best option at right back, he has bad games certainly but also good ones, Reading hasn't been good in over 2 months, Bullen knows opposition teams target his softness, that was evident way back in the last Killie game when Mcinnes got them to do a number on him. Ideally both would be replaced, but Houston can defend can attack, he's just incredibly inconsistent, Reading however can never defend when he was decent he could attack now sadly that has stopped completely, Bullen will replace him as he has done when all are fit and will get a signing in fairly soon, I believe he's run out of patience with him.
  17. I would suggest our dreadful left back needs attending to first, he's utterly garbage every game now
  18. Yes fully agree, also a centre mid short, possibly mean some out on loan, Ashford for me, other than running about gives zero
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