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Bad Wolf

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Everything posted by Bad Wolf

  1. Tbf to the thick, bigoted, flag-shagging c*nts, just this once, we wouldn't expect anything else. It's consistent if nothing else.
  2. Good point. I just had a look at this season's crowds in Germany and Scotland - we have 26 clubs with four figure crowds, Germany has 94 (a good few of which are reserve sides). My mathematical illteracy prevents me from a more rigorous analysis; but our population is 1/17th of theirs. So I think we're doing pretty well.
  3. Even after more than four years living in southern teuchterland aka D&G, I still can't get used to road signs for The North, meaning Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  4. While I don't see a down side to Greg's signing, I am less convinced than others that DM will use him correctly. I do hope I'm wrong, of course.
  5. I watched the first one a few years ago, it was strangely fascinating. As was (I kid you not!) the video on the opening of the charming Foregate centre in 1976.
  6. I voted for McInnes, perhaps predictably, but I have high hopes for Lampard. I think he's a realistic-ish candidate, and would of course be a bin fire.
  7. "Always a fraud, never a Ger". Hmm, that sounds strangely familiar...
  8. Nooooooooooo! Don't spoil our fun. Sometimes pointing and laughing at those less fortunate than ourselves is not only enjoyable, but necessary, possibly even educational too. Our ALLCAPS addicted chum may just learn from it, and grow as a person.
  9. I know this is supposed to be a lighthearted thread, but I genuinely despise all Celtic fans and consider them lower down the evolutionary ladder than the other lot. That video isn't funny, as the thick c**t truly means it.
  10. Talbot are up to No.3 in the ranking, and will be at 2 after they beat Wigtown & Bladnoch 47-0 in the cup.
  11. Credit where it's due, that wasn't the response I was expecting! After escaping Ayrshire I lived in Edinburgh for three decades, and now reside in a rather nice part of D&G. So the idea that I could possibly be jealous of any aspect of Auchinleck life genuinely never crossed my mind. I'm prepared to concede that your football team, unlike mine, have been known to punch above their weight (an appropriately Ayrshire metaphor I feel) on occasion. And FWIW I'm coming to the conclusion (especially after this morning's foray to Kickback) that I find many Killie fans as objectionable as some of your lot, sadly.
  12. I disagree. The quicker they eff off back to a reconstituted Ayrshire Joonyur League the better.
  13. I happened to be passing through West Linton yesterday and noticed a wee lass in a Hotspur girls hoodie. Not perhaps haud the front page stuff, but further indication that they're a well-established community club and should be a good addition to the league.
  14. Darvel (as unloveable as their owner undoubtedly is) have yet to do a Gretna, and neither have Burgh. I didn't say they shouldn't be criticised, but judging them on their actions, when those actions occur, is surely fair.
  15. Again, I think it's too early to judge in Johnstone's case, arguably in Darvel's too. If supporting your local team proves to be a more rewarding experience (however you define that) than following your local or not so local "big" team, some may stick with it. Off the top of my head, I don't know if Johnstone have ever been very successful in terms of trophies, so any form of success will be a big step forward for them. ETA On consulting Wiki I see that Burgh are both a newer club and a more successful one than I would have thought, but haven't done much of note in the last two decades.
  16. I genuinely don't know, but surely a club located in a town the size of Johnstone has some potential for growth? You or I may not like it but throwing money at football clubs sometimes works. The obvious comparison is Darvel, for all the criticism of them (much of which could be averted by putting a muzzle on John Gall), they won their league the season before last, and gained one of the biggest Scottish Cup shocks ever this year; both of which are more than 95% of non-league clubs can ever hope to achieve. So perhaps it's worth a gamble, and the guys involved with Johnstone are (presumably) spending their own money rather than that of others; so it's their choice.
  17. It gets a tad whiny and defensive on the third page, but I don't see much there to criticise. Being a Killie fan, I'm all too aware that Lafferty is far from universally popular, but as I don't do social media I can only guess as to the nature of the "lies" referred to. I see no problem with any team trying to raise it's profile and/or progress up the leagues in a sustainable fashion, and it's surely too early to judge whether this is the case here or not.
  18. This ought to be the least meh meh derby for a while. Which probably ensures a 0-0.
  19. Repeating scurrilous rumours is very, very wrong... unless they're entertaining, in which case it's one's civic duty. The word on the mean streets of EH7, where I lived at the time, was that Lenny threw a chair at Leanne, and called her a "fucking clueless dyke". So it's unlikely that Stenhousemuir (or wherever they end up next season) is big enough for the both of them.
  20. I find the Rory haters on Kickback such utter fucking balloons I've pretty much given on that place, but he has been well below par for most of this season, especially when wide left, which is presumably where he'll be today. I'm thankful for small mercies though, no Taylor or Power is something at least.
  21. I know I shouldn't extrapolate too much, but a recent soaraway Moffat News mentioned a local amateur cup final with a crowd of 200. Extrapolating merrily nonetheless, two clubs with potential supports of 100 apiece could perhaps compete in the SOS? IIRC (which is unlikely but not inconceivable) there was one Dumfries side and one village. ETA It wasn't a cup final, it was a top of the table Sunday League clash (God, I sound like the Sunday Post here!) between Birchtree and Lochside. Which maybe makes the crowd more impressive.
  22. The Killie team mentioned in the Wiki page above looks (arguably) worse on paper than what we have now, and was managed by Gary Locke (having just taken over from Allan Johnston) to boot. Yet was three places and ten points above Motherwell in the table. Hmm.
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