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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Just ordered a new pair of slick tyres for the MTB to replace the semi-slicks currently on it. My initial plan was to buy a set of Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyres, but at £50+ per pair, I've decided to opt for a cheaper alternative in Schwalbe City Jets. £18.75 for the pair with free postage from Rutland Cycling (who I've used a fair bit recently as they offer some cracking deals from time to time). The City Jets won't be on a par with the bomb-proof Marathons, but I'll only be using the bike for commuting so I'll take my chances. I've decided that I won't be using the road bike after the first lot of salt is spread on the roads. Talking about salt, I was in Homebase yesterday (aye, I like living on the wild side at the weekends....), and they were selling bags of salt for the driveway/paths. Pretty small bags, BTW, but they were eight and a half quid, FFS! I've taken the coming week off work to do a bit of decorating, but I'm hoping for at least one decent day to get out on the road bike for a few hours. Fingers crossed....
  2. We all get days like this. The main thing is not to let it scunner you. I had a near miss with a motorist this morning. The clown pulled left out of a junction almost directly in front of me despite the fact that I was travelling along the road at 28mph and didn't accelerate away with the consequence that I actually had to pull into a bus stop bay in order to avoid running into the back of him (it was too dangerous for me to come to a halt on the road as there were cars close behind). He would never have attempted this manoeuvre if I had been a motor vehicle yet it was as if I wasn't there - I had my hi-viz jacket on, it was in broad daylight and he'd obviously seen me as I could tell that he was thinking about it before pulling out. I caught him at the next set of lights and, aherm...gave him a piece of my mind
  3. I'm not a fan either, mate, but needs must. I use the bike to commute, and while I'll use the MTB in the worst weather, the mudguards give me (and the bike) a bit of protection. The raceguards provide good protection for the front mech and chaiset, as well as my backside. They'll do me a turn, and are light as a feather.
  4. I think so, aye. It's pretty impressive, and uses google earth mapping so is very detailed. It has numerous functions, and distinguishes between moving time and stationary time so you get an average moving speed etc. A very clever wee bit of software that costs hee-haw. My Tracks is quite demanding on the battery, too. I've used it for a 70 mile run and the battery still had a wee bit left in it, but if I was using it for a long sportive etc. I'd buy a spare 'phone battery as a back-up.
  5. I use My Tracks on my HTC - sounds similar but I'll check this one out.
  6. Ah, but these are no ordinary mudguards. These are the type of mudguards that Batman would fit to the Batbike
  7. Fitted my Crud Raceguards to the road bike today. It was a bit of a faff and took me the best part of an hour and a half but they actually look the mutt's astonishingly enough. Stealth mudguards Yet to test them in the rain, but they seem to fit well and don't rub or rattle (and weigh next to hee-haw). I had thought of changing to my Conti Gatorskins 25mm tyres for the winter, but there is no way I'd get them on with the guards fitted. The front has enough clearance but we're talking baw-hair width on the rear. I reckon this is why they look pretty good, as you'd hardly know they were on the bike - not least as my Cube is mostly black in colour, as are the guards. I'm also swapping the ridiculously impractical white bar tape for some black stuff. Anyone else pimping their ride for the autumn/winter?
  8. It was pissing down through here in Dunbartonshire
  9. I'd steer clear of anything with seat pads. I got a LS top and it has been fine. They sell hi-viz armbands with LEDs, and they've been good too. They are doing waterproof over trousers at a tenner and I might check them out to have a spare pair to keep at work. Their winter gloves are pretty good but not for the coldest days.
  10. Thursday is Aldi bike gear day. You can pick up some pretty decent kit for much cheapness if you're not brand-obssessed.
  11. You're a student, FFS! Everyone expects you to be a smelly bastard! Central Station used to have showers, and I think Queen St might have (had) too? The latter would be handier for you. Worth calling to check. They are kept in good order nowadays.
  12. I have to say that when I can't use the bike for even a few days now, I actually think I get a bit depressed. In all seriousness. I've noticed this pattern emerging over the course of 18 months or so, and it cannot be based on coincidence. I'm a strong believer in the theory that being (and staying) physically fit enhances your mental health - I can't see past this, in fact.
  13. A hybrid sems like thte best compromise right enough. I lock out the shocks on my hardtail MTB and stick mudguards on it, but it is a brute compared to the road bike. I'll fit some Schwalbe Marathons and opt for the shortest route, so it will have to do.
  14. Aye, the flashing LED armbands are good. I've got 4 of them - cheap as chips from Aldi. I've already fitted my 'safety' lights to the Cube, and have a ridiculously bright Magicshine front light when I'll need it to see where I'm going. If I'm being honest, I would proabably find it hard to motivate myself to get out during the winter if I wasn't commuting. This might well be where membership in a club comes into its own.
  15. It's been hell of a quiet on here recently. A sure sign that autumn has arrived? I've been looking at various alternative commute routes for when the nights fully draw in, and the weather becomes even shittier. Comfort and safety become the priorities over the autumn and winter seasons. The challange is to get on the bike in all but the very worst weather, and, as we've given up one of the cars and my wife has just secured a job out the area so will require the one we have left for her commute, I'd better get used to riding in all conditions. The alternative is the loser cruiser, and I'd prefer to keep my use of this transport option to a minimum. I was pretty consistent last year in all but the most hellish frozen tundra conditions we were subjected to. So, who else regularly commutes to work/uni/college/school etc., and do you plan to keep using the bike over the autumn/winter, or will you be reverting back to the car or public transport options? I'm pretty well prepared for the crap weather, have ordered a set of Crud Roadracers for the road bike, and fitted new disc brake pads on the MTB at the weekend (though a bit of tweaking is required there....). Hi-viz waterproofs; overshoes (a must!); waterproof trousers; roubaix bib-tights; several pairs of gloves; buffs for neck and face etc....etc.... I've been augmenting my stock of winter kit for a few weeks, now, so hopefully I'm just about prepared for the worst (well....perhaps not the very worst) that a Scottish winter can throw at me. How about the rest of you?
  16. Rank Badjin, if you're interested in a Flying Scot for very reasonable money, send me a PM as my late father- in -law's bike is for sale and we're looking for a good home as opposed to financial gain on it. Drew
  17. I keep two pairs of dress shoes at work (and some breeks, a jacket, belt, toiletries etc...etc...). I'm fortunate to have my own office so have plenty of room to keep plenty of stand-by bike kit here, too. I've got a wind-proof, and warmer, waterproof hi-viz jacket, and various other bits and pieces. So....do you have cleats, and, if so, are you waddling about like a demented penguin?
  18. Goodness me, and this is the man who was humming and hawing about even buying a road bike just a few short months ago I'm making do with my MTB when the elements really close in. I might get a set of Crud Roadracers for the road bike and stick the Gatorskins on it, but the MTB will do me turn in the worst conditions, and I will also be able to commute off the main roads (in part), and this will be beneficial from a safety POV. I can certainly see the point in getting a winter bike, and would consider this if I had access to the poppy. You'll get loads of good deals just now as the 2012 bikes are coming on stream, so 2011 and even 2010 bikes will be available with significant discounts.
  19. Great day for a wee hurl. After slicing my finger on Monday, I hadn't been out for a ride in over a week. FFS, it must be an age thing, but even after a short break like that, I felt it a wee bit of a struggle at times, though I was trying to push myself having not been out for a while. Weather looking decent for the daily commute this coming week, so looking forward to getting back into it
  20. Fantastic stuff, mate! Congratulations on your new arrival, and the very best wishes to you all for the future
  21. I had the same thoughts about a winter trainer but I've no chance either. One option would be to sell the MTB but that would be a tough decision to make, and I wouldn't get anything like it's value (to me). Christ, I spent 350 quid on upgrading the forks and cranks alone, and I'd be very lucky to get that for the entire bike now. There's no way I can realistically justifiy buying another bike otherwise, even if the missus wouldn't castrate me for suggesting it. TBH, I reckon I'll content mysef with what I have. Downgrading to a poorer road bike might just be frustrating anyway, so I might be better alternating with the MTB and that avoids any comparison (other than the obvious). I was happy enough to trundle along on the MTB before I had the road bike, and it will only be reserved for the shittier weather, so I'm sure I can live with it. Also, if I can haul myself up the 1 mile long 10% gradient climb to my house each day on the MTB, this will keep my fitness up for the new season. See....you can talk yourself into anything
  22. Aye, the shittier weather is a challenge, but aside from blizzards, gale force winds, and ice, I'm willing to persevere (hand injuries permitting ). I've got a fair old stock of waterproof and warmer kit, hi-viz jackets, and lights for commuting, but I'm torn between sticking with the road bike throughout the autumn/winter, and brushing the cobwebs off my trusty old MTB when the weather starts to deteriorate (as much to protect the road bike from the worst of the elements as anything else). This will be tough, though, as the MTB is so much bulkier, and I'm now used to negotiating the hills on my commute and weekend rides on my svelte Cube. The MTB is pretty much bomb-proof, though, and has hydraulic disc brakes which make a huge difference in poor weather. I reckon I'll alternate between both, depending on the weather on a day-to-day basis. Go Team P&B!
  23. After the last two days of attrocious weather, it has now settled down through here and I should have been enjoying slinging a leg over the bike to commute to work this morning.... Instead, I have an enforced lay-off due to having sliced a finger open on a can lid on Monday night. It hurt (and bled) like buggery, and I had to get it patched up at the minor injury unit yesterday morning. As a result, my right hand is pretty much out of commission for the next few days at least, so no riding for me I'm gutted, and that just goes to show what a pull this riding malarky has.
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