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Dawson Park Boy

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Posts posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. 38 minutes ago, stumobir said:

    Are you seriously comparing someone coming out to receiving a terminal illness diagnosis?

    You are a reprehensible piece of shit.

    Who is talking about a terminal illness diagnosis?

    Maybe you should read a little more carefully.

  2. 11 hours ago, Leith Green said:

    Just caught up with your reply.

    Thanks for being honest, but if you really think people can grow out of these things, there's no point debating this further.

    I think you are being very black and white here.

    I don’t know if you are a parent or not but I would have thought that, confronted with such a situation, the initial reaction would be to hope that things would change. Just like with a bad medical diagnosis most people would initially hope that it would get better albeit naively.

    Obviously, after a bit of time to see that things won’t change then it is necessary to deal with the situation to the benefit of the child.

    Okay, let’s leave it there but I don’t think we’re actually disagreeing here. Maybe you don’t like that?


  3. Just now, Blame Me said:

    Aye I'd have to agree. Can't see him kicking a ball for us again even if he's going with our best wishes i.e. been told he's not getting renewed.

    With his injury record is he likely to put his body on the line if needed when he's got a paying gig lined up ...

    There was a picture of him coming out of the bus at FC Edinburgh?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Benjamin_Nevis said:

    You are genuinely disgusting. 

    I was asked a perfectly reasonable question by Leith Green which I answered as honestly as possible.

    All you can do is throw out abuse and soundbites.

    You are definitely a disgrace to the public service and will probably soon be binned again.

  5. 1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

    What would you do if (theoretically) you had child, born male, but who had perhaps never conformed to the standard ideal of what a boy should be?

    Lets say that child told you at puberty that they felt deep down that they had always been female.

    All piss taking aside, if this was your child would you tell them that only biological gender counts and that a wish to change this is "nonsense"?

    If it was your child.

    Yes, fair point although it’s really just self id with which I have a problem.

    Obviously, we’d take all the professional and medical advice available.

    We would do everything to delay the situation and, I expect, hope they would grow out of it.

    At the end of the day if drugs and operations are required then I would imagine we’d be supportive and loving.

    Not much more I can say, really.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

    Well yeah but it's a football discussion forum which makes discussion of footballing staff pretty fair game tbh. 


    And Samdy Alexander has been a condescending fanny towards the fans on more than one occasion. 

    Just hope SA doesn’t read this, especially as its likely he’s the one baling us out as per the Accounts.


  7. 22 minutes ago, Benjamin_Nevis said:

    You really have a deeply unhealthy fascination with this stuff. 

    Speak for yourself.

    I just believe in biological sex/gender.

    You are the one propagating all those so called  ‘progressive ‘ ideas.

    Mind you, I think the public are starting to wake up to all the nonsense.

    Back to basics.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

    What we really need is a member of the Royal Family to come out as trans. It would be brilliant watching the contortions in the media. 

    Some folk on the Forum would be demanding photographic evidence of the boaby- or lack of one - before even acknowledging such a thing was possible. 

    The only contortions I can see are within the SNP.

  9. 58 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    When it's safer for everyone, yes. Do you think it would be safe for a young transgender woman done for shoplifting to be put in a male prison?

    In my mind, that’s where they should be unless they’ve had their genitalia removed and have a GRC certificate


  10. 32 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    I think I'd rather the SPS carried on doing balance of risk assessments on a case by case basis than leaving it to the Broons. 

    So you accept that a transgender woman (in your mind a real woman) should be put in a male prison?

    Thats where PC gets you. Crazy.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

    It means they could be a danger to other prisoners I assume. Their preferred gender is irrelevant.

    That said, are there any born female prisoners in male prisons because they are a danger to women?

    Yes, your assumption is correct but that then makes a nonsense of the policy.

    People on here can argue all we like but when you put this to mainstream, socially conservative Scotland (maw, paw and the bairns) they think politicians are nuts and frankly disgraceful.

  12. The whole thing is a mess.

    The SNP are now saying that violent and sex offending trans women should be in a male prison. So that means they’re not female but male?
    I think it’s time we redefined the point at which a person can be called the gender of their choice.

    In my opinion, a man transitioning to become a woman cannot be considered to be a woman until his genitalia has been removed and he has a medically approved GRC certificate. Until that point he/she is a man.

    That seems to be just common sense but hey there’s not much of that about just now.

  13. 1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:

    Britain the only G7 economy forecast to shrink in 2023 | Economic growth (GDP) | The Guardian

    And for some balance, a piece in Moneyweek saying that our lack pf growth isn't down to Brexit at all. Make your own mind up.





    Thanks for that.

    Far too early to blame Brexit for all our problems.

    Personally, I think it will prove to be a good move but that’s probably my bias showing through.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

    A lot of sympathy towards female prisoners in the whole media coverage of this with very little regard for the reasons they are incarcerated in the first place or their victims. Seems odd that any prison inmates would be portrayed as victims but I suppose it suits the narrative in the current climate. 


    They are convicted criminals.

    Bear in mind, also, that it’s quite hard to actually get sent to prison in the first place.

  15. 22 minutes ago, coprolite said:

    I'd like to congratulate Jim Hara on his brilliantly worded "no penalties for innocent errors." Excellent civil service tightrope walking. 


    But I’d be a lot happier if he got his staff back to their offices.

    Its almost impossible to get hold of an HMRC VAT officer on the telephone. When you do manage it mostly they haven’t a clue and the number for yearly returns actually tells you that they can’t help until they get back to normal service.
    Appalling service!

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