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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Excuse me saying this, but do you do anything else apart from post on here? You appear to be up on everything that’s happening, as it happens.
  2. Absolutely. Normally go about twice a year. Time you got a life.
  3. My gas boiler will need replaced in a few years and I’m concerned about what to do. We’re in a late 80’s bungalow, we’ll insulated, and don’t know how a heat pump will perform? Ill need a lot of convincing before going down that route.
  4. Announced as true by Guido Fawkes. Liz Truss confirmed from November. Geat news
  5. Why should you get it all out tax free? Remember, you received tax relief at your highest marginal rate on your contributions. You received 25% tax free , I think, on the total SIPP pension pot on retiral. Someone earlier said 15%. Maybe it’s changed to that? Seems a good deal to me. Also, when you do die, you can pass on the benefits free of IHT.
  6. Doesn’t bother me where they’re situated. At one time had a house quite near Torness. Ive got a large petrochemical complex situated nearby to where I live.
  7. Interesting point. So what’s become of SNG. Has it been embraced elsewhere?
  8. Not quite. They ensured there would be no more nuclear by stating that they wouldn’t grant planning permission.
  9. I’m not specifically blaming the SNP but you have to admit, they seem to e in thrall to the Greens and the green lobby. The UK government are much the same but I do have some hope that they will see sense. At least they haven’t stopped nuclear. We need to have a broad based energy supply policy embracing coal, gas, oil, .nuclear and renewables. Once our supply Is secure then you can talk about zero carbon.
  10. You never answer the question. You're obviously stuck in some Left wing Corbynite mindset that you don’t seem to realise that most of knife crime in particular areas are committed by the black community. Even Trevor Phillips acknowledges that it is a huge problem. Likewise the bulk of corporate fraud is carried out by white people. You seem to be a truth denier. Oh well. Back to your cave.
  11. In London most of the knife crime is carried out by and against black people. Seems reasonable then that most stop and search should be carried out against that community. ‘If you do the crime, you should do the time’. Doesn’t matter what colour or race you are. Equality under the law. If travellers set up an illegal camp near you and start committing crime and creating havoc then it is reasonable that the police and authorities take appropriate action against them. Just common sense. At least you’ve started debating rather than abusing. A big improvement!! Keep it up.
  12. Don’t you think the law should apply equally to everyone?
  13. The gas shortages have nothing to do with Brexit. Weve even had to fire up some coal fired power stations. we rely too much on imports. Who banned fracking? Who has said ‘no more nuclear’? Who is prevaricating over new oil finds? Time we got real over energy, especially when the wind isn’t blowing.
  14. Yes, I’m inclined to agree with your points here. I, for one, will keep attending and contributing, until my expiry date. I enjoy it, even the mostly bad times. Don't see the point of ranting on here but not attending. Someone back a bit was moaning about McKay and complaining about Hall being dropped. Maybe I’m getting old but all I’ve heard these last few weeks and months is how terrible Hall is. Fans are fickle but, hey, that’s football. Actually, I do think it’ll come right but when, who knows. Was really impressed how articulate Telfer was in his interview. Not like the usual footballer.
  15. That’s it for me. I live in one country. Sometimes we’ll get a government I approve of, sometimes not. My vote is worth the same as one from Bucks.
  16. In addition to what you’ve just said, the Scottish media is just so compliant. Boris and his mates would never get away with what NS and her coterie get away with up here. Very worrying.
  17. We booked through a company CMT, £68 a pop, and you need to put their reference number on the Locator form you complete before leaving you holiday destination.. The tests arrived a day after arrival home and then we sent them off by prepaid Royal Mail. Results came back within a day.
  18. If true, looks like Morrison will be out for a while.
  19. I believe you. I came into Edinburgh this week and much the same experience.
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