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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Don’t have the lanyard. Just the digital version. Please keep up.
  2. Pleased to hear all the good experiences but I’m afraid I found the opposite today. I visited the bank, a supermarket and a couple of independent shops and almost 100% of people were masked. Worse still, I saw lots of people walking about in the open air wearing masks. Depressing.
  3. How funny? Its quite a complicated and serious story. TheBBC cover it quite well but it’s hard to get your head round it. Whats your take?
  4. I’m not sure that’s quite right. Ive heard him challenge some of the more extreme projections of the climate change lobby but not the facts that the climate is getting warmer and there appear to be more extreme weather events. Thats more or less agreed but the big debate is how to transition from a fossil fuelled economy to a more environmentally friendly one. Moving too quickly will just trash the economy and living standards and help no one. Also, what to do about China and India? Without them on board, not much can be done. I can well remember the big theme in the 60’s and 70’s was ‘global cooling’ and the new ice age. Just like with Covid, scientists need to be challenged.
  5. I’m intrigued. What has A Neil said that marks him out as a lunatic?
  6. Looks terrible. Will need to look into it. i know my son had a zoom meeting with him regarding investments and I told him to stay well clear.
  7. Fair point. Didnt we used to get Brentford or Millwall fans up with England flags. Im a dedicated conservative unionist who loves the Union flag but I don’t think flags with any political allegiance should be flown at our ground. From what I saw on Saturday, the flag was removed fairly quickly. End of story.
  8. Wasn’t it a Danish scientific study which showed that mask wearing was virtually useless? The study was kept under wraps by other countries.
  9. The UN has been predicting disaster for over 60 years. About 20 years ago, they predicted the Maldives would be underwater in 10 - today they’re building new hotels. They said the glaciers, the Great Barrier Reef would be gone - they’re still here. They said polar bears would be gone - they’re not. Thats just for starters!
  10. Agree it must be an agreement between employer and employee but in the case of the public sector I understand that staff who travel into London from suburbia are often given ‘London weighting allowances’. Under those circumstances and if they refuse to go back to normal working then thy should lose those allowances. I can see quite a few conflicts arising.
  11. I think Andrew is doing very nicely, thank you. The Spectator is going from strength to strength of which he is Chairman along with other business interests. He spends most of his time in the South of France and writes articles for newspapers and makes some guest appearances on TV. Yep, he’s doing very nicely. I think he must have covered the football under duress as he is not slow to voice his dislike of the sport.
  12. Agreed. Nobody is arguing against you. Maybe we could design a Falkirk FC flag?
  13. He’s absolutely spot on and has to be congratulated. One of the most sensible posts I’ve read for some time. I just go to the football for that - to watch football and support my team. All the other political stuff is for elsewhere.
  14. I’ve seen private ambulances here in Scotland. Presumably they are for patient transport? Do you pay to see a GP(if you’re lucky) ? - No Do you pay for hospital treatment, emergency or elective under the NHS? - No Do you pay for elective surgery in a private hospital organised by the NHS?- No Do you pay for surgery in a private hospital? Yes- your choice. Do you pay for NHS dental treatment? A small amount. Do you pay for private dental treatment? Yes - your choice.
  15. Wrong again. As mentioned earlier I only produce the digital exemption certificate when confronted. Also, if you look at the reasons for getting one, just about anyone could reasonably justify having one. Went into the bank and Morrison’s today and neither myself or wife was challenged. Therefore no need to be used.
  16. Typical Guardian scaremongering with very little actual evidence. Procurement is always going to be in private hands. Can you imagine the NHS having manufacturing facilities for PPE, drugs, equipment, construction of hospitals? It’s ludicrous!! Regarding GP’s, they are private contractors at the moment and are self employed for tax purposes. Actually, I have no problem with companies forming groups of GP’s as we might get a better service. The point is - who pays? If it is free at the point of delivery then it’s NOT a privatised health service. Personally, I wish it was part privatised but it isn’t.
  17. I’ve used it once or twice when confronted. Does the job no problem. If we could get millions to apply, that would end face masks.
  18. Out of interest, which parts of the NHS have been sold off down south? I must have missed that.
  19. Depending on what you get, art can be a pretty good investment and is unlikely to lose much value over the coming years. It's not like they went out and spent £100k on something with no resale value like whores or Monster Munch. Bit of a non-story this. Absolutely. Probably one of the best investments that could be made. Will also enhance Downing Street for years to come. I would imagine there are a few decent paintings hanging on the walls of Bute House. Time for some people to get a life!!
  20. The NHS needs to be reformed but the Tories find it politically impossible to do as all the left leaning parties have made love of the NHS into something almost cult like. Most other European countries have various types of hybrid systems, part state and part insurance funded through individual contributions. In the main they seem to work well and have better outcomes than us. I have private health insurance as I would hate to have to rely purely on the NHS. Just remember, the NHS is NOT free, We just need to decide how and by whom it should be funded. Big problem which needs sorted.
  21. Was quite impressed with Peterhead today. Will be in the top section at the end of the season. Wished we had the big number 9 - McLean. We need height although we won quite comfortably.
  22. A real joy to watch today. At last, a football team!! Must give credit to Holt for bringing in some great talent. Cant wait for the next game.
  23. Apologies for posting my last post on here. Didnt realise I was on Covid thread.
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