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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Steady up. I seem to recall stating that the purpose of a custodial sentence should be punishment, education and rehabilitation. I don’t mind being at the opposite end from you politically and, therefore fit for abuse from your self imposed sainthood but, in this case, I think you’re being a little unfair.
  2. What, specifically, about people seeking asylum troubles you so to think this is worth a try? Maybe you might consider the fact that those people are leaving a safe EU country wherein they are quite able to claim asylum. In fact they’ve probably travelled through numerous safe countries to get to France.
  3. Inmate - yes, okay. My first thought would be convict - noun of convicted but maybe that’s a bit old fashioned.
  4. It’s just the usual pc nonsense. In my book, a client is someone paying voluntarily for a professional service. Convicts are people being deprived of their liberty by the state because they have carried out a misdemeanour against society. I just think the word ‘client’ is wrong in this context. A prison sentence should be a combination of punishment, education and rehabilitation.
  5. As a unionist I followed Campbell quite a bit and his passion for Scottish independence was undeniable. His big problem was with the new SNP under Sturgeon which he began to believe was more interested in maintaining power and control in Scotland under the UK rather than Fight for independence. He was also a social conservative and hated all things ‘woke’ which, inevitably, led him to clash with the SNP. He was a brilliant journalist and led the charge against the missing £600k in the SNP Accounts amongst many other interesting crusades. I just enjoyed reading his stuff and never thought he had done anything which could be classified as hateful. Anyway, just my take on him and Wings. Also came across lots of friendly people who put up with my unionism with great tolerance.
  6. Just so terrible. Martial law basically in a modern democracy. Why do they tolerate it?
  7. Yep £12. Just use your previous login and password.
  8. Per the Migratory Observatory, the end result for people claiming asylum after multiple appeals shows that 54% are successful. Initially, most claims are unsuccessful. However, I do accept that the word ‘most’ is incorrect.
  9. Good points there regarding the hypocrisy by all sides. You also need to remember that most of those people on boats in the channel are young men looking for a better life I.e. economic migrants.
  10. Is this jolly old Jolyon again? Probably another lost cause.
  11. Correct. We should just get on with it and adopt some spirit under adversity. We need positivity rather than ‘playing the victim’.
  12. If what you say is correct, and I’ve no reason to doubt you, then that’s good news. Alway was a bit scared about Torness being decommissioned as I liked the idea of nuclear being in the mix.
  13. Yes, I take your point. I think she likes to go with the ‘safety-first’ message and only relaxing AFTER Boris has made some changes. It really makes a nonsense of the separate country approach. For something like this it should be on a UK basis especially as the game changing vaccines came from a UK initiative. Anyway, we are where we are.
  14. If you’re to the right of Castro’s Cuba, they’ll call you a fascist.
  15. Couldn’t be more correct. Nigel Farage has never been ‘far-right’. I think I once voted UKIP until they forced the Conservatives to become more acceptable. Same with the Brexit Party which again revitalised the Conservatives and brought about Brexit. Some of those terms are just nonsense. During these Covid times it has been the left which has been the most authoritarian and illiberal.
  16. And yet there was an Australian based bloke on here a few weeks ago telling us how wonderful things were and how we were the basket case of the world. Where is he now when we need him?
  17. Yes, but give any council jobsworth any little bit of authority and they’ll take a mile. Just human nature.
  18. Any idea if Millers red card applies to the League?
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