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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. For factual stuff, local and foreign,I still use the BBC but for comment and analysis I am increasingly watching GBNews as it tends to be in tune with my own centre right, anti woke views.
  2. Okay, no offence taken. On here, that’s a badge of honour.
  3. You’ve just agreed that they can’t think for themselves. Enough said!!
  4. Spot on. Still seeing so many idiots walking about in the fresh air wearing masks. Madness!! Theyre making a statement that they can’t think for themselves and are happy to be subservient robots.
  5. Should be a lot earlier. UK and SG got it wrong. Should have been 21st June.
  6. Absolutely. Tory voting unionist. Pissed off with this nonsense.
  7. As most of the contributors on here appear to be SNP voters, why don’t you all canvas your MSP’s to get an f............ move on and follow suit. Why hide behind England’s coat tails?
  8. Yep - they need to get a life. Tends to be people in the public service. Must be all the diversity training.
  9. Yep This thing is effectively over. The vaccine is doing its job. After that, it’s just your luck like getting any illness.
  10. Absolutely! Sorry, but you and I are agreeing much too often.
  11. I know you won’t like this but I always saw a bit of potential in Hall. You may be correct but this is what makes everything so joyous. The subjectivity.
  12. At last, I’m starting to hear some positivity. Completely new back room staff, mostly new players. Apart from Miller, I’m quite excited to see what Sheerin and Grainger can get out of them. Okay, it might go tits up but GIVE THEM A CHANCE. If it does go badly, you can join SD on here and moan for all it’s worth. Get along to the shop and buy ST’s. You KNOW it makes sense, and you’ll feel so much better.
  13. McHugh is poor. No way would I want a signing like that.
  14. The Rawlins are the new regime, albeit on a minority shareholding. With Scotland out, surely you can support England?
  15. Absolutely, we need to give the new regime a fair chance. I, for one, am looking forward to the new season just as I always do. Well done big Harry.
  16. Just watching England v Germany. Awful!!? Especially England. Desperate to see Falkirk now. Cant wait for season to start.
  17. Firstly, Good Law Project. Is that not the chap that keeps crowdfunding for failed causes and tends to lose. Also, did he not deliberately kill a fox. Anyway, the biggest - job retention bonus £2.6bn As I recall, that didn’t happen because Covid came back with a vengeance and furlough was kept on. I don’t think it was needed as I can’t recall getting anything for any of my staff?
  18. Parliamentary enquiry will just be a whitewash. Waste of time!
  19. I live in Scotland which is the government responsible for public health so my first criticism is against them. But yes, I am critical of the UK government which the SG tends to follow slavishly albeit a week or two behind in case anything goes wrong. Their saving grace, however, was the vaccine rollout.
  20. She’s a complete hypocrite. Whether it’s regarding Manchester, the complete volte-face over the last few weeks or her whole tactics vis a vis the UK, she and her government are a disgrace. Lets be honest, it was the vaccine and Kate Bingham that saved us. Hopefully, there will be a full enquiry into this affair and we can see the difference, if any, between countries like Sweden which stayed relatively open and ourselves who operated draconian rules. My instinct tells me there has been very little difference but time will tell.
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