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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Just heard Prof Sikora make exactly that point on GB News. He reckons we should take to the streets and do our own thing.
  2. Great debate about this on GB News just now.
  3. The big problem at the moment both for the ‘jar half empty’ and the ‘jar half full ‘ types is the lack of any meaningful communication from the club. I think we can all agree on that. Gary - get it fixed.
  4. Using my earlier criteria, can I just say that you, sir , have had far more than your money’s worth. What would you do without all the little twists and turns of FFC politics? Admit it, you love it.
  5. Okay. What sort of pricing would you find acceptable? I thought the video was fine. Whats your solution to the current situation?
  6. Yes. This could open up a whole new market for folks like yourself and myself who can’t take the extreme cold.
  7. Go on. Force yourself. Its not just the football. It allows you a platform like this to have a rant. When you buy an ST and support your local side, you get a lot more than watching the game. Great value for money and a big part of living, especially during these times.
  8. I think you’re a bit over the top referring to fans being ‘ripped off’. What could the club do? They lost the revenues from the lost games. i think they’re legally obliged to offer refunds but why not just forget it?
  9. Watched it this morning. Obviously a few technical gremlins to sort out but the interviews were much more probing than the MSM. Especially liked the one with John Barnes about BLM and ‘taking the knee’. Covered aspects skirted over by the other networks. Promising start
  10. I think they’re legally obliged to offer refunds. Maybe I’m wrong, but I can feel the preseason excitement starting to build up. A few more decent signings and I think we could be well placed. Seems there are problems behind the scenes but hopefully they can be sorted quite soon. I know this is platitudinous but as someone who isn’t in the know, not much else I can say. Rightly or wrongly, I’ll be getting my ST’s as soon as they’re out. Im hoping for some type of flexible ticket which will allow me to attend in the summer/autumn but be able to watch on iPad during the winter.
  11. Yes, read that too. Maybe they’re trying to get us to expect the worst so that what they do announce doesn’t sound too bad. A well tried manoeuvre.
  12. Delighted. Hopefully, the gloom can slowly be dispelled.
  13. Sandy, what do you mean’ Rangers supporter’? The guy is a Celtic fan. You’re talking in riddles.
  14. Wow, you make really great points straight from the coal face. Very, very difficult. However, on balance, despite all the problems, I do think we should introduce appointment charges. We accept these for things like physio therapy, dental charges, chiropody and more.£25 a go. Let’s try it. People pay a fortune on vet fees!! Enough said.
  15. Never stopped doing handshakes. Up to everyone to make their choice. If you turned him down, he shouldn’t hold it against you. I admire him for his refusal to be subhuman, though.
  16. Get it announced. we need any good news that’s going.
  17. Totally agree. Just ignore the rules and regs and do your own thing.
  18. He was a director of the club from a PR background. He, and his wife got their shares bought back by the club at 30p a pop. I think that’s right.
  19. What your views on fans who don't work Monday to Friday?, so buying a season ticket not feasible, but pay at gate, if off or go to midweek games, we just casual fans aswell ? Everything is taken just so literally. Obviously everyone has different work and social commitments. I can’t attend or watch on quite a few Tuesdays.but I certainly wouldn’t pack in my ST, especially after 50years of being a fan. That’s a major loss to the club and very worrying. Anyway, my general point is that cutting off funding to the club, however much or little, is not the answer. I know lots of former Falkirk people who live in Fife, Edinburgh and elsewhere and rarely make games but keep their ST’s going just out of loyalty to the club Yes, the product these last few years has been crap but, as someone born and bred here I feel I just need to live in hope that the good times will return. I appreciate that view might be a little different for folks who have come to live here more recently.
  20. You’ll need to get a lot worse before I consider doing that. Thats the point of free speech. Be my guest. It’ll make you feel good. Look, our club is going through a bad spell and has been for a good few years. What we need is support from our superb fan base not constant moaning. Lots of people do things to help on a voluntary basis because they love the club. Without finance the club will indeed fold so what’s the point of withholding money? I do agree that issues outlined on here need to be addressed and, for the life of me, I can’t understand why GD and the Board continue to remain silent. I don’t have an answer to that but I will give them another few weeks. Cheer up. Far too much gloom and doom.
  21. Well, he’s stopping being an ST holder so, by definition, he’s no longer a fan, real or otherwise. I suppose you could go on a casual basis but, by any definition, that’s not being a real fan (fanatic). Dont know what your problem is?
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