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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Absolutely. All booked up and rarin’ to go.
  2. Yep, they look very like myself and my acquaintances.
  3. Your bit about retirees is just so wrong. Myself, wife and pals are just itching to get back on our cruises, holidays, you name it. For the last 18months we’ve had nothing to spend our cash on and all that’s happened to us is that we’ve lost valuable time we can’t afford to lose. In my experience it’s been the younger folks that have been the problem including many on here.
  4. Totally agree with your conclusion to this business. Whatever the rights or wrongs of all the offers and rejections it’s now up to the current BOD and shareholders to make this work. All fans hope it does work out and we must give them a fair chance to do so. Let the football commence.
  5. He’s just showing a good example about binning masks. Surely!
  6. I could just about understand your argument if there was an overdraft facility in place to allow the £600k to be spent if required but I don’t think that’s the case. The truth is ‘the cash has gone’.
  7. If you’re in the EU, you’ll need to comply with their regulations. Not up to you.
  8. Delighted to receive our vaccination certificates today. Only applied on line last Saturday. Very quick.
  9. Is it true, however, that they have 125000 members which Sandy keeps quoting? They did indeed get a lot of new members but quite a lot of people also left. No doubt the upcoming accounts will show the true figure.
  10. You’re wasting your time. The man is an idiot.
  11. Absolutely. Watching Scotland on tv. Playing bridge on iPad and writing this on other iPad. Easy.
  12. What I took out of the statement was that the cash is not ringfenced but has been used for other running expenses. However, they say that they will have another fundraiser to replenish the ‘ringfenced fund’. From the 2019 Accounts it is abundantly clear that the cash is just NOT there. It will soon be time to present the 2020 Accounts which will be interesting to view. This may or may not be legal but it is certainly very shabby treatment of the donors who thought they were contributing to an independence fighting fund.
  13. Masks are dehumanising and probably useless. I still see people walking about in the open air wearing them. Disgusting!! Actually, I’m not too worried about the near future as once people see what’s happening in America and Europe, public opinion will kick in with a vengeance.
  14. Wow - scary stuff. How are they doing on vaccinations or are they majoring on attempting elimination?
  15. Completely wrong. She merely said that she believed in biological sex. Apparently, this upset some snowflakes.
  16. Obviously a lot of educators on here. Out of interest, do you know of any pupils or teachers who have tested positive and have been seriously ill?
  17. What’s your problem? I’ve found their equipment to be quite good.
  18. He’s fine and looking forward to the new season and the end of this ‘Covid nonsense’. Thank you very much.
  19. Yes nhsinformscotland. They will send you a vaccine certificate.
  20. This is just some red meat thrown by Sturgeon to her own fanatical supporters. Absolutely unenforceable, completely idiotic, and just reinforces the view that she is a complete hypocrite. Pathetic!
  21. I actually quite like Lewis as he’s got a nice pleasant accent and a good flow of words. Comes over quite cultured. Bearing in mind the constraints put on him, well outlined earlier, I think he does well. The immediate post match interviews are as good as can be expected under the circumstances. Having had the chance to listen to commentators of opposing teams, he easily holds his own, I would say. I think we should dispense with the pre match interviews carried out on the Thursday or Friday prior, as none of our recent managers have stated anything interesting. From a fan’s perspective, you hope to hear about injuries, proposed team selections, etc., but realistically, that’s never going to happen. So, I say, bin it.
  22. Sorry, I just don’t get all this protest stuff. The current situation isn’t great PR wise but everyone thought the Rawlins deal was the correct move at the time. I say, let them get on with it and see how it goes. Regarding the Q ana A, okay it could have been set up better but let’s hear what they have to say. I’m sure they’ll address a good few of the matters which have been raised on here. As far as I’m aware the BOD are not in it for personal gain and that should always be remembered. Why put yourself through all this aggro from the ‘baying mob’ when you could have a quiet time doing other things? All this stuff about ‘the miners’, nurses pay, etc. Is just crap. For goodness sake, get a grip.
  23. Thanks for that. Certainly recall seeing him in the reserves.
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