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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Surely, it must be tomorrow!! Can’t stand much more of this.
  2. Agree with your analysis but what’s the alternative? The last thing I want is to see the club die, so I’ll just continue to pay my money and live in hope.
  3. Maybe it’s time we gave all the speculation a bit of a rest and just waited for the announcement which must be imminent. Mind you, this is creating more excitement than the season’s football.
  4. All I’m doing is listening and watching him and it is my opinion, probably not yours, that he is telling the truth. None of us are privy to the absolute truth but I just find him credible.
  5. I’m finding him very impressive and believable. Just wish we had more people like him in both the UK and Scottish governments.
  6. Glad you like it. Anyway, just remember electric cars are not quite as green as you may think.
  7. I don’t know, as no one in authority spells it out, but because of that, I rather think it is down to the immigrant population such as the ones that were being stopped from being arrested the other day. A little bit of truth and accuracy would be helpful. Im sure there are a few Glaswegians on here itk.
  8. Maybe you should define ‘gammon’ to me? I seem to have found various definitions which are quite diverse.
  9. Who are those people who are not getting vaccinated in Glasgow? Are they from a particular social group or class? I don’t know Glasgow very well but it must be galling for businesses to be stuck in level3.
  10. Okay- let’s take them one by one. foreigners - no problem at all. I go abroad regularly and keep in touch with lots of ‘foreigners’ as you call them. I do, however, agree with immigration controls and do not agree with open borders. I think most countries in the world adopt such a policy electric cars - no problem. In fact I have made a bundle from investing in Tesla. cyclists - a very old means of transport and, again, no problem wind turbines - at a certain level they are useful as a top up but as a base source of electricity they are no good when the wind isn’t blowing. freedom of the individual - I do not like to be bossed about by the state and believe in being independent minded. Seems to be a thing about lefties that they believe in state control. things new - nonsense - see my reference to Tesla.
  11. Not at all. What he said was true and funny. Sandy, do you wear a kilt? Anyway, is Islam a race? Adherents come from all races.
  12. Have to agree with that. Ross is steady enough and comes across as decent but we really need someone with charisma and the wow factor. A tartan Boris would be great.
  13. Great pic. From the wasted talent of Colin McNair, the dreadful Brendan McIntyre to a bunch of heroes. Puts today’s situation into context.
  14. I might be wrong but I think hormone injected beef is disallowed within the deal. The point is that the NFU and the poor wee crofter from Skye are egging this up out of all proportion. Always remember that this deal will be great for Scotch whisky. Swings and roundabouts.
  15. Over the years I’ve spent a lot of time in the US and I can only say that the food, in general, was top notch. Maybe I’m easy pleased or maybe I just dislike fast food wherever it’s sold.
  16. What I can’t really understand is why we can’t just leave it to consumers to buy what they want? As long as the chlorinated chicken, hormone injected beef or whatever is labelled accordingly then I don’t see a problem. Exactly the same with genetically modified crops. Let the customer decide.
  17. Uk consumes around 300000 tons of lamb of which 100000 is imported, albeit our production is roughly equivalent to our consumption. Imports and exports are roughly similar. Australia currently exports around 10000 tons to the Uk which, again, is very small. For Australia, Asian countries are their principal markets.
  18. Exactly. Thats why the new Digital Borders system will be up and running by 2025. Not before time.
  19. Sandy - a little context. The UK consumes around 1mn tons of beef per annum. At present we import 1500 tons from Australia. If this doubles or triples, then we are only talking minuscule quantities compared to our consumption. In addition we only produce around 75% of what we consume which means we need to import around 250000 tons per annum. I think you are overstating things somewhat. Do you get your figures from the poor crofter from Skye?
  20. All he’s saying is that it’s all about sovereignty. You want to control your own affairs whatever the consequences. There will be pluses and minuses but you’ll deal with them. Thats why I voted Brexit which I would guess you did also from reading your post.
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