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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Being in the euro means that you have no control over your interest rate policy and therefore the strength or weakness of the currency might affect you adversely. For some countries, Greece, Spain, Italy for example, are forced to trade at a level higher than suits them whilst Germany has a level lower than it needs and therefore aids its exports greatly.
  2. Just what I was saying about treating the voting system with due respect. You are correct.
  3. Yep. This is great stuff and I bet it’ll increase Boris’s standing in the eyes of the public. Anyone know what it’s for?
  4. Have you looked at all his recommendations? The worst case was probably Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamles.
  5. Have you got a problem with free speech? Thankfully, the government are bringing in legislation to allow freedom of expression. Just in case I’m a fully paid up member of the FSU.
  6. Eric Pickles did a report about 5 or 6 years ago which showed that it was quite prevalent.
  7. It tends to be in Asian communities, I believe.
  8. Well, there you go ! Now the real reason is coming out. Somebody further back said ‘If you’ve nothing to hide, what’s the problem?’
  9. The Daily Mail has recently become much more central in its politics with the new editor but, obviously, a lefty editor would never get the gig.
  10. My local, the Falkirk Herald, was part of Johnston Press but is now part of National World.
  11. The poster I was responding to suggested that there were advantages in a new system with voter ID.
  12. The point you’re making about it helping one side or another is just wrong. It should be a fair, transparent and legitimate system. Presumably, the Electoral Commision will be involved.
  13. Yes, they tend not to be very political but just report on what’s happening with the local council in a fairly factual way. Also, it’s interesting to read the local Court reports and birth, deaths and marriages. They also do a lot of stuff from years back which is interesting. The only time politics comes in is in the Letters pages and our paper gives a good balance in the letters selected.
  14. Yes, I think the stalling is mainly down to obesity. Cant be smoking as it’s greatly reduced.
  15. Thank you for that. Im afraid life’s too short to delve into all the minutiae of voting. As I said, my wife and I have used postal voting for years which is very simple. If voting in person is even simpler, as you say, then why not require voters to show a passport or driving licence or some other means of identification to prove your authenticity. Actually quite shocked by how easy it is to vote in person without verification, as you outline. Maybe there is quite a bit of fraud and it’s not picked up? As I said earlier, the right to vote is an important thing and should be treated with due seriousness. If someone can’t be bothered to follow the correct procedures, then they don’t deserve to have that privilege.
  16. As an aside, the Guardian newspaper supported the South in the Civil War.
  17. Interesting! The Guardian is Labour supporting as is the Independent and the Mirror /Record. The FT is quite left wing I understand the Express has recently changed hands to a left wing group but will probably continue taking a right of centre stand. Actually, I think the Editor is more important than the owners. The Mail has gone much more centrist since Dacre was replaced by Greig and, on an almost daily basis, goes after Johnson and Carrie with a vengeance greater than most of the leftie papers.
  18. Weekend voting. Great idea.
  19. You evil moron Oh dear. Back to abuse. Says it all!
  20. Voter ID isn’t a topic I know much about but I haven’t heard of much fraud taking place in Scotland. I have heard of fraud in certain Midlands and London areas but how prevalent it is, I don’t know. However, in principle, I don’t think it should be too easy to vote as the right to vote is an important privilege and shouldn’t be looked on lightly. At the risk of being branded ‘evil and a moron’ Ill state that I think it needs to be made such that at least some effort is required to exercise that privilege. We use postal voting but maybe that’s too easy and we should be made to attend in person unless we were away or through Illness. Ideologically, I’m certainly not against any move to tighten things up.
  21. Good question. From a unionist point of view, I would have it sooner rather than later. Reasons Scotland is receiving approx. £2000 more per person than the RUK through Barnett. Scotlands budget deficit is terrible and worsening vis a vis RUK as per the SG’s GERS figures. Scotland has benefitted greatly from the UK’s vaccination programme. EU is in disarray with growth projected to be lower than the UK Brexit will be shown to be NOT the horror story as predicted by the SNP SNP will still have no viable policy regarding currency post independence. Oil, although important, is now much less so as fossil fuels are seen as being a negative. The importance of shared language and culture will be emphasised. Just a few for starters. Bring it on.
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