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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Portes is extremely left wing. I seem to recall him from the IPPR?
  2. Okay. We’ll obviously need to await the 2020 Accounts being published. You can go on about PPE but there’s a bit of a smell about the guarantees given by the SG to Gupta plus the ferries Anyway, this will come out in due course. The £600k was to do with the party, not the government. You're obviously on a bit of a high just now. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  3. If GD can give all this information to a poster on here, why can’t the Club share all this with the fans at large? Seems odd. Fans crave information. Have also heard that a group of local businessmen having been speaking to the Board about taking a stake.
  4. Sandy- you’re obviously itk regarding all matters SNP. What happened to the ring-fenced fighting fund of £600k which is NOT in the bank in the last SNP accounts? Has the 125000 membership been verified and, if so, at what date?
  5. Yogi would be exactly the type of manager we need at the present time. Unfortunately, it’s too late now.
  6. Noticeable no mention of any SNP peccadillos but they’re not as funny or as entertaining as the Tory ones. One that comes to mind was the minister (his name escapes me) who had a thing for doing it whilst wearing a Chelsea strip. Just remembered - David Mellor. That is class.
  7. Well the police allowed all those protesters to carry on regarding the illegal immigrants!!
  8. As someone who is not a Rangers supporter can I just say congratulations. During this dreadful year I have enjoyed immensely watching Rangers progress so well in the Europa Cup. Its been a real joy. Certainly as my team have been so poor. Well done.
  9. Been thinking about possible coaches for us and, at this particular time in our clubs misfortunes, I keep coming back to Yogi. I just feel that we need someone with natural enthusiasm who’s going to lift players spirits. I know he’s got a ‘mixed’ track record but we certainly need someone with his motivational skills. Just a thought!
  10. I agree with this. A fan is much more than a supporter. A fan is a fanatic. Says it all. We’ve just got to stick with it.
  11. Okay. What are the Immigration Officers supposed to do when they obtain information about people who are staying illegally in the UK? Just ignore It because some people find it distasteful. Just try to go anywhere in the world without a passport and you’ll quickly end up in jail. Absolutely no evidence but my impression is that the general public get fairly hacked off with this sort of thing. I understand these people were from India which is a massive country with a democratic system albeit it is fairly oppressive towards the Muslim minority. Don’t know what religion these fellows were. Anyway, the sooner the law sorts thing out the better.
  12. Maybe he feels an affinity to the club such as makes him use the first person plural. I tend to use ‘we’ quite a lot when referring to my lifelong football team. Doesnt matter how bad things get I’ll see it through to the end. Hopefully, there should be some news soon.
  13. Nonsense Most of the Board are new and are trying to sort the mess out. Left to you, we might as well call it a day! Get a grip.
  14. Strangely enough, I’ve just seen an article by Michel Barnier where he is claiming that France and the EU needs to cut back on immigration and that there is a connection between immigration and terror is networks, Wow!!
  15. Hang on a minute. You state that your friend left her country for a better life which means she’s not a refugee but an economic migrant. Secondly, if she’s a great scientist, then I would have thought her earnings would be well above the necessary requirement. Calm down and have a rational debate and cut down on the abuse.
  16. Totally agree. Its been a long time since I was at university but I’m always hearing stories of lecturers being suspended or banned just because they disagree with pulling down statues or dislike BLM or whatever. The situation at Edinburgh regarding Thin seemed particularly appalling. Hopefully, this trend will be stopped.
  17. It’s quite funny that it’s always people like you and some others on here who pretend to be LIBERAL and from the left in politics that are always wanting people banned. Have you not heard of free speech and the expression of differing opinions?
  18. I think all most people are arguing for is a fair and reasonable immigration policy which fits in with our economic needs. Asylum is a separate issue and the UK has signed up to international requirements. However, once we have a settled policy, then that policy needs to be enforced vigorously and anyone found to be here illegally needs to be deported forthwith.
  19. You don’t know the full story. If they were illegals, then the law must prevail otherwise you’ve got anarchy. Id like to know more about this story.
  20. Agree with you and I think that’s what will happen.
  21. But you could say that re. the pound in the UK The pound floats on a daily basis against all other currencies and finds its value relative to the state of our economy. The UK is one country.
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