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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. The reason you are saying all this stuff is because we, the fans (fanatics) don’t know what’s going on. So far the new signings seem okay and most of the dross has been binned. Sheerin must be given a fair chance and I’m sure there will be lots of more signings to come. As I said earlier the lack of info from GD is causing panic. He needs to communicate now!!.
  2. I think it is now vitally important that the fans forum is held as soon as possible. Too many people working themselves up into a strop without really knowing what’s going on. GD needs to start communicating to the fans and start answering questions.
  3. I think your friend is being very premature. After 50 years during which he has seen some great times and some bad times, why would he give up now? Obviously, not a real fan but still very sad.
  4. Really sorry to see that KK is leaving. Lets hope it’s not to do with his health.
  5. Yes, I think the boundary changes are probably fair, but you’re right. FPTP is totally unfair. The worst example was probably UKIP who got shed loads of votes across the country but zero seats. I certainly think we need to change.
  6. Heard a rumour that Kieran is off sick. Any truth to this?
  7. Looks like the start of a police state. Very worrying.
  8. So, after being double vaxed for over a month, what else can we do? Most of you seem to be making the same point but are not prepared to do anything about it. Sheep.
  9. Appreciate what your saying but there’s lots of little things you can do. I always offer my hand to shake with anyone I meet. Most times they’ll take it but at least you can cause a little embarrassment. Once I’m in a supermarket I drop my face mask to well below the nose. Nobody bothers. I get closer to people than the regs. allow. Lots of little acts of disobedience help to instill the feeling of not being controlled by ‘big brother’. Its called being human.
  10. There only needs to be SD if you observe it. Why can’t you grow up and do your own thing? Time for mass civil disobedience. God, you’re all just so compliant!
  11. It is insane! My wife and I don’t allow anyone into our house unless they abandon face masks, greet us in a normal way, abandon all SD and act normally. So far it’s worked and we’ve had no rejections from family, friends or trades people. Its time to put a stop to this nonsense!!
  12. Good figures, I’d have thought. Just wait till they put the negative spin on it.
  13. Heard also that there’s big waiting lists at the Murrayfield and other private hospitals as well.
  14. As an interested outsider, I have seen copies of letters sent to Mr Murrell asking all the relevant questions in a polite and correct manner. Unfortunately, he just ignores them. I would think that the next opportunity to quiz the executive will be at the AGM when the 2020 Accounts will be presented. The people who have resigned have all tried to get the necessary information but to no avail.
  15. Just watched Hartlepool v Bromley. Not too many fans in the ground but no sign of SD when they were celebrating the goals. Great to see!!
  16. The question I find difficult to reconcile is why, being part of a liberal democracy, most of us are just so compliant? I could understand it if we were living in China or North Korea but here in Scotland, the UK, it really is just so depressing how the vast majority of our citizenry go along with all the diktats from on high. Okay, to get into most shops, you need a mask but to see people walking about in the open air in a muzzled state is like watching zombies in some sci-fi film. Dreadful.
  17. The December 2019 Accounts are available to view on the Electoral Commission website. They show £190 k in the bank and total assets not much higher, as I recall.
  18. Agreed she’s bad but not in the same league as that Devi Sridhar woman. You can just see the pleasure in her smirking smile when she doles out the bad news.
  19. For probably the only time in my life I actually agree with you. Surely we should now be vaccinating 24/7? I know trained vaccinators who are not being fully utilised. Its so obvious!
  20. Very widespread,mate. Wife and I have been totally anti lockdown right from the start. Our view was always -‘we’ll take our chances’. Fortunately, all our family are similarly minded and we’ve not adhered to any of the rules other than having to wearing masks for shops. Its now becoming very wearing mentally as were both fully vaxed. What more can we do? Time for a revolution.
  21. I certainly won’t be asking for any refund. Not the club’s fault. The money is long gone. Forget it.
  22. People who vote against equal gay rights seem a decent sort to you? It’s called social conservatism. Just my view. Any objections? I do accept the law of the land, however.
  23. Strikes me as a decent sort. Anytime I’ve seen him running the line he’s been okay.
  24. Interesting My wife and daughter went to IKEA Edinburgh today and experienced no kind of traffic light system.
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