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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Information required from club historians. Just heard that Derek Haston has died - approx. 60. Am I correct in saying that he was a fringe player with us. Left back, I think?
  2. Just watched the Andrew Neil hour on GB News and he had Prof Tim Spector on who said that it was effectively over. He was being kind to the Governments by saying we should give it another couple of weeks but you could see he was saying that his stats meant it was done and dusted.
  3. Looks a good team. Maybe time for a little positivity ?
  4. It’s a lovely day and I went down to the club shop, bought my ST’s, had a nice chat with the young lady and went away quite excited about the season ahead. Not making any points as it’s up to every individual to make their own decision.
  5. At least they’ve had a vote, What happens here at Holyrood?
  6. Yes, that’s true but there are ongoing negotiations regarding the retrospective situation. Probably a lost cause but nothing further will be transferred until the situation is clarified.
  7. Yes, the cost of living, inflation, will rise for every country in the world, primarily due to money printing due to Covid and, very importantly, the rise in the oil price. Nothing to do with Brexit.
  8. That’s not quite true. Nothing has been handed over since the letter was received from GD pledging shares in return for donations. It’s now up to them.
  9. Yes, that’s correct. Labour are totally useless, a bit like the robotic SNP members here. There was one, Graham Stringer, Labour, one of the old Labour brexiteers who made a plea for reopening.
  10. Just watching a bit of the Westminster debate on Covid. Government getting a bit of a bashing mainly from its own side and all the points made on here are being being aired to the full. Brilliant stuff. Why can’t we get this kind of thing at Holyrood?
  11. According to the Guardian a maximum ten fold increase would give 17500 tons. Still very small. Have you added an extra zero?
  12. I think a little context is required here. At present the UK imports about 500tons of beef from Australia. Even if this was increased 10times to 5000tons it is still peanuts as a proportion of UK annual consumption of around 1mn tons. People will look for anything to moan about if it fits their cause.
  13. Guardian is owned by Guardian Media Group which is wholly owned by the Scott Trust which subsidises it.
  14. Time will tell. The Guardian wouldn’t be in existence without the Trust Funds which support it. Has never made a profit in recent times.
  15. Nothing odd at all. Firstly, Piers Morgan is not part of GBNews. Having watched a little, they, in my opinion, haven’t covered any ‘hateful’ topics that haven’t been covered by other networks. Ive seen segments on lockdown, taking the knee, Harry and Meghan, trade deals, just all the usual stuff. There seems to be a reasonable mix of people from a wide range of affiliations. You are of course correct in saying that advertisers are free to advertise where they wish. The same thing happened to The Spectator and the power of the consumer soon put an end to it. The same will happen with GBNews which is already doing well in terms of audience share. Maybe take a look and make up your own mind.
  16. I’ve been saying this for over a year now and being pilloried for it. I went to an anti lockdown rally but, although there were a lot of likeminded folks in attendance, there were also quite a few anti vaccers and the usual anarchist mob. Put me off, I’m afraid. We are far too compliant with government diktat and this tendency is incredibly worrying. The media played a big part in this along with the Sturgeon daily updates which scared the wits out of all and sundry. Thankfully, all we get now is Bauld and Leitch who are increasingly derided. We need many more people of independent thought to challenge the perceived wisdom of the MSM. GBNews is hopefully a step in the right direction.
  17. Thanks for that. Didnt realise there were, at least, a few sensible people on here. Your take on this pandemic is spot on. I have and will continue to do my own thing as much as possible.
  18. Why am I not surprised that you watch GB News... Well, it’s the only station that takes the line as outlined by nearly every poster on this thread. Put your prejudices aside and give it a go. If not, enjoy your Guardian.
  19. I’m certainly not giving any support to an outfit of which one of its leaders is gunned down by one of its own people. The whole TTK thing is just pure virtue signalling.
  20. Surely it’s okay to boo and to applause. Totally up to the fan to decide what they want to do. whether you like it or not people associate TTK with BLM, the organisation. Thats a fact.
  21. Might be wrong but I kinda get the feeling that the public are beginning to get totally hacked off with these restrictions. Listened to Boris but wasn’t convinced. I think people will probably accept another few weeks of this nonsense but that’s it!! Reports coming out that people are starting to abandon masks on public transport in England and hopefully this will be the start of some concerted civil disobedience. I certainly am up for it.
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