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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. My wife’s just been speaking to your dad. He reckons Holt will do the business!
  2. Been doing a little retrospective analysis on the season to date and, although our recent league form has been disastrous, the game which brought home to me the sheer incompetence of our management was the Celtic game. A game you might say of little importance in the grand scheme of things, but the performance , the statistics, the post match interview were all just so awful that I was completely ashamed to be a Falkirk supporter. I remember a thrashing on a midweek at Celtic of something like 7, I think,but, at least we attempted to attack them. The recent game was a disgrace and, it was then I said ‘these guys must go.’ To be shown on a national TV channel and praise a performance like that was beyond the pale. Surely, surely, the only way is up.
  3. Liam Corr is the very helpful chap who works in the office. Dont know what his football qualifications are?
  4. Appears there’s a quad who determine formation and tactics. M&M, Holt and Corr. We need a dictator!!
  5. Definitely NOT watching. Have scheduled a 7pm online bridge match.
  6. Heard a whisper, totally unconfirmed, that there was a Board Meeting today. As I say, not verified.
  7. Don’t know about Japan - I’ll take your word for it but we certainly have an obesity crisis here in the Uk. Just take a walk along any street in any town and what you see is horrific. One thing that might help is putting a much bigger emphasis on cooking skills in schools. So many people just don’t have much idea about how or what to cook. I am just so amazed at what my wife can do with a ham or a chicken in terms of meals and soups. So economical and just so healthy.
  8. Certainly wouldn’t fancy a bunch of gypsies setting up shop next to me without the proper planning approval. I would think most reasonable people would think similarly. No disrespect to their culture but they must adhere to the same rules as the rest of us.
  9. I suppose it’s all down to where your starting point is from?
  10. Yes, they lost their charitable status. You are correct. I am no longer paying fees, thank goodness, but I think the effect of paying rates is not too great on the fees. All a bit childish by the SG as the saving to the government is quite large as, otherwise, they would have to pay for all those kids. Personally, I think the SG should be paying a subsidy to these schools to account for the savings. As a general principle, I like the idea of a variety of schools whether religious, feepaying or whatever as long as the standards are high. It just reinforces the freedom of the individual to chose something other than what the state decrees. Power to the people!!
  11. I think it’s all about parental choice here. I certainly can say that in my area, the ethos in RC schools is good and many non catholics send their kids to them. As long as it doesn’t cost the state any extra in overlapping or transport costs I’ve no problem. Likewise private schools. I sent my kids to a great fee paying school in Clackmannanshire and was really pleased with the result. No cost to the state and, in fact, saving the state paying for my kids education. We just did without some luxuries which other families had. Win, win for the state. I have grandkids at both feepaying and non-denominational schools and, sadly, there is no comparison especially during this Covid period. Just wish Nicola would deliver on her pledge to put education at the top of her priority list.
  12. Would love to know what your definition of ‘right wing’ is? Most of the tv stations in the US are left wing - CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg for example, with Fox being the only right of centre channel. In the UK, despite supposed to being neutral CH4 is incredibly left wing with the BBC, ITV and Sky all being moderately leftish. I don’t think there can be any debate about that but most of the people on here are steeped in leftish ideology.
  13. Absolutely loathe those Interviews. Complete nothingness!!!
  14. Can’t wait for GB News to begin. Hopefully, some middle of the road journalism at last.
  15. Agree with most of their policies apart from abortion. The interviewer fellow with the headphones is a right idiot.
  16. She should know what her own Growth Commission told her. All prepared by her own people led by Andrew Wilson
  17. Correct. Because of sovereignty and, in my opinion, there will be economic benefits after a few hiccups. She could have answered along those lines.
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