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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. His assist for Dowds goal against Dumbarton came from the right wing.
  2. Totally embarrassed by that. never laid a glove on them. Just shows how far we’ve fallen. Passmarks only to the youngsters and Robbie. Worst were Mercer, Leitch, Damon and Francis.
  3. Cheer up, please. Actually, maybe your being a little too despondent. If you were a Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday reader, which I doubt, you would have noticed that for weeks on end they have been investigating all things Boris and Carrie to an amazing extent. Very unusual! They have been tracking the source of the funds to renovate the No. 10 flat, Carrie’s animal charity, the Jennifer Ventura affair, almost like a Boris vandetta So don’t despair. I just wish the Scottish media would do something similar on the Murrells and, more importantly, where is the so called hypothecated £600k fighting fund in the SNP accounts which only show £90k on the Balance Sheet.
  4. I thought it was part of a wasp, you being an Alloa fan.
  5. No - I’ve more important things to do but, I have admitted I cannot prove my contention, so I’ll leave it there.
  6. Sorry to take so long. I’ve been out on a 15km walk with my pals today. You may well be correct. Simple answer- I don’t know. I took my cue from Jack Perry of Scottish Enterprise who went public in stating that they were put under severe pressure to toe the line by the SG. The only one I know of is Jeanne Freeman who was a bit of a ‘quango queen’ before becoming a minister. Anyway, I can’t be bothered looking into it (life’s too short) but I don’t know so, in that respect my post was a bit over the top. Happy with that?
  7. As a unionist, I must confess that Douglas Ross is not a great choice to be leader. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a great pool of talent to pick from and that includes all the parties. Just a pity that Ruth Davidson has packed it in. I do, however, think it’s a bit unfair to ridicule people who have hereditary titles. They can’t help who there parents were. Why should someone like myself, from a Council house background, have an advantage? No, take people as you find them and a bit less stereotyping wouldn’t go amiss. As I’ve said before, one of the most decent and egalitarian politicians I met was Tam Dalyell who came from an aristocratic background but was very left Labour like Tony Benn. Likewise, Lord James Douglas Hamilton was a charming individual with great wit and knowledge. In contrast. Some of the SNP MP’s find it difficult to string a sentence together.
  8. Sandy - I think you’ll find this goes with the territory. When Labour were in power they put their supporters into these kind of jobs. I think you’ll find that most of the Quangos in Scotland are headed up by SNP placemen. Very hard to change things, I’m afraid. Everyone is biased to some extent. Even your good self is not unknown to indulge in some political exaggeration.
  9. Sandy - absolutely agree but I would prefer to give folks the right amount of benefits so that they can buy these personal items themselves. Dignity and self respect is what I am espousing. As usual you miss the point! I just wish you would address the point I am making rather than go off on one.
  10. It’s just so indicative of the nanny state. Whats next? Toothpaste, toilet paper. As I’ve said so many times, welfare should be sufficient to allow people to look after themselves. If it’s not, then that’s a big political argument. However, I dislike the state interfering in our lives whether it be bus passes, free tv licences, prescriptions. If you want independence, try to learn to be independent as an individual.
  11. Yip. Why not just sit back and enjoy the largesse which Barnett brings as outlined by the IFS report? Make use of the money and develop some good economic policies rather than stupid baby boxes and free tampons and the like.
  12. The word ‘hate’ has been used out of context. Im sure you knew that I meant ‘dislike’.
  13. Fortunately, I’ll be watching football tonight.
  14. This ‘John’ needs to get a life. Pathetic!!
  15. Sandy - you’re missing the point. Absolutely no problem with women’s teams. Good luck to them. What I and the Mrs hate are women commentators and pundits. Let them deal with the women’s game.
  16. I see the club has just readvertised the game tonight so must be okay. Sorry to have raised concerns but this is a good forum to find out if there’s anything in ‘rumours’
  17. Just heard a rumour about the game being postponed. Any news on this or is it rubbish?
  18. You are so right. Why do we get female commentators on tv regarding men’s football? They are fine for women’s football but definitely not for the men’s game. Mrs DPB heartily agrees. She loathes femail pundits and commentators. She would never dream of watching women’s football.
  19. Ferrier seems to be big with the Catholics. Did she not have some kind of prayer fest at her local church after her misdemeanour, or maybe that was to confess her sins?
  20. I don’t really agree with that. The EU and the euro is controlled by Germany and France to the detriment of the southern nations. The euro exchange rate is low enough to help German and French exports but too high for Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. I think I’d do some checking up into the workings of the EU before you commit Scotland to becoming involved, if indeed they accepted you.
  21. I’m no history expert but I have read quite a lot about the British Empire and the British East India Company. In addition, I’ve travelled extensively embracing most of the former colonies. From my experience, the Empire has a mixed reputation with most countries glad to be free but acknowledging the good things which they derived from the British. In other words, good and bad. I doubt if the Commonwealth would still be in existence if we were viewed as the ‘devil incarnate’. One thing which is absolutely true is that the Scots played a disproportionately large part in the work of Empire and to suggest that they were dragged in to it by the evil English is just wrong. Wherever you go in the former colonies Scottish names are everywhere. In Jamaica, for example, every other person seems to have a Scottish name. Sandy - what you posted is just nonsense, I’m afraid. Best to embrace the Empire and recognise both the good and the bad.
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