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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Yes, you are correct, but none of those politicians are expert in drafting bills. Once they agree the principles involved, it needs expert parliamentary lawyers to do the drafting.
  2. Let’s just wait and see the outcome. I’m sure the end result will achieve what was intended.
  3. Thanks everyone for the information. Learnt a lot. Good to see the big drop in fossil fuels over the years. With the introduction of electric cars surely demand for electricity is going to increase? Surprised at the level of imports but are there times when we export? Im not looking at this from a constitutional perspective but what’s good for the UK and Scotland. Dont know why China and India keep building coal power stations? Anyway, what about ownership and where the jobs are. All very well having all those resources but are we, UK/Scotland taking advantage of it through home grown companies or is it all controlled by foreign companies with manufacturing overseas?
  4. Sandy - calm down. I think you’ll find that the problem here is with regard to legal technicalities. I understand there is no problem with the principle behind the legislation but rather with the legalese which is quite important. In any case, it’ll be fixed by the Supreme Court. I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill and, my suspicion is that this is just another grievance engineered by the SNP.
  5. Wow! Thats interesting. Didnt realise just how minuscule the wind percentage was. Am I reading this correctly? Thank goodness we have plenty of other sources of generating electricity.
  6. As you work in this industry I’d be interested to know just how much of the industry is owned and controlled by Scottish or even UK companies. Do we manufacture the turbines or are they made abroad? We keep hearing about all the jobs created but how many of them are here and how many are overseas.
  7. Something I can’t quite get my head round as I am hopeless at technical matters but maybe someone on here can answer for me? I hear lots of figures about huge amounts of green energy powering Scotland but, what if we get a few days or weeks with no wind, presumably we need to fall back on nuclear, gas, coal or hydro for power up to the full capacity needed. If that’s true and we can’t store wind power (or can we?) it means we need all our existing nuclear and fossil fuel generating capacity. Or am I getting this wrong? Seem to recall Andrew Neil ripping to shreds some green eco warrior on this a few years ago.
  8. Yes, I think that’s correct. Im a unionist but not a great royalist but the media have gone completely over the top on this. My wife, very royalist, was furious at missing the final of Masterchef on Friday.
  9. I see the SFA and SPFL are meeting today about the weekend fixtures In light of the Royal funeral?
  10. To answer the title of this thread, I think the referendum will happen sooner rather than later. From a unionist point of view better to go when we are still trying to recover from Covid. At some point all the non- jobs like extra security in supermarkets, hospitals, etc. will disappear and companies will try to maximise their profits and that’s when Boris should strike. The more I think about it, the better it becomes. Show how the strength of the UK can play a big part in the recovery. Its coming so better to have it at an advantageous time.
  11. Snappy enough , I suppose, but full of holes. Just one - GDP per person is around 8% lower than the rest of the UK and 20% of the workforce is in the public sector. Not a great start.
  12. Sandy, of course you’re capable of running your own country. You and the nationalists just need to be totally honest with the electorate about the outlook and how things like currency, pensions, GDP, austerity will affect their lives. The Andrew Wilson report did try to do that and the result wasn’t great. However, it just depends how important sovereignty is to you. Obviously, to yourself it is everything, but to others it might not. It is very similar to Brexit. The experts mostly said it was a bad idea but sovereignty was the clincher. Yes, there are problems, but it is interesting to see that trade flows with the EU are bouncing back quite strongly. The UK public took the decision and the consequences. Whenever and, if, the referendum happens, then the Scottish public will just need to weigh up the pros and cons and make their judgement.
  13. Not an expert on such matters but apparently the ILGA (supported by LGBT Scotland and Stonewall Scotland ) wants to reduce the age of consent to 10. Seems similar to a group called PIE way back many years ago. I think a lot of labour politicians got involved with this. Certainly can’t agree with that as a policy.
  14. For once, I felt I was watching a football match. The formation change made all the difference Seems Dowds will be out for a few weeks. Pity as I don’t think I can take much more of Francis.
  15. I’ll leave DMCs to respond authoritatively but I would surmise that Scotland, as part of the UK, benefitted from the workers contributions to the national government and therefore should take on the pension paying liability whereas France received no benefit from the workers contributions and therefore has no liability. No knowledge but just trying to use some common sense!!
  16. I think the product is good. Certainly better than most. Let us know what you think after the game.
  17. Yep, these interviews are beyond parody. A complete waste of time. The interviewer doesn’t even ask about injuries!
  18. Sorry about that. Im also an atheist so, at least we can agree on that.
  19. I think abortion is a woman’s choice and I’m all for assisted suicide. Maybe that’s because of my age. Plenty of volunteers , I would expect on here, to do the assisting.
  20. Just had a look at that election flyer and, tbh, I have no problems with seven out of the eight. Probably an age thing but most of my contemporaries would probably feel the same. Maybe, for a laugh, ask your parents what they make of it? Let us know the response.
  21. No problems, Sandy.. Actually, I think you and I could get on just fine. Nothing wrong with good honest debate.
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