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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Wish they would say how many have left and what the total paid up membership is?
  2. What does Leitch need to do to NOT get picked. Alston is also very poor. Onlygood thing is that we’re one up.
  3. EU making a complete disaster of vaccine delivery. Do you want to be part of that?
  4. ‘Let’s get Brexit done’- achieved. ‘Vote SNP for indyref2’- failed
  5. Sandy - what a snob you are. What’s wrong with being raised in a Council house? I was.
  6. Understand one of the new boys will start and one will be on the bench.
  7. Thanks for finding this. Still not great and rather undermines her saintliness. Maybe the deal was that if she left the profession then they wouldn’t proceed further?
  8. Sandy - was it not the case that the sainted Nicola was found guilty on disciplinary charges by the Law Society whist working at a legal practice in Stirling? Also, did she not have to grovel to parliament after she supported a crooked Pakistani businessman? Happily retract if I’m wrong.
  9. Is that the missing money in the SNP accounts which was supposed to be ring-fenced?
  10. Good for you. Shows that your mind is not entrenched in any one philosophy. When I was a student, I was as left wing as was possible but throughout the years I’ve move quite a bit rightwards Having witnessed the uselessness of socialism. Worst kind of person is the one with the closed mind.
  11. Wow Thats a lot of anger! I think you may have a problem?
  12. The ‘absolute disgrace’ is that the Fabiani enquiry is so useless that they refuse to get the information to shed light on this matter. If you had bothered to listen to DD you would see that he was advocating more powers for the Scottish Parliament. Ridiculous that it needs a UK parliamentarian to expose the failures of Holyrood. Open your eyes, man.
  13. Yeh, cause Tory's attacking Scotland works.. Truth always works wherever it comes from. Lets just watch this play out. No rush. The election is a good way off.
  14. This is big time stuff!! The MSM will take this up at long last. Makes the enquiry look like a whitewash which, of course, it is. Well done DD.
  15. Jim Brogan was in partnership with David Cattanach.
  16. Yes, that Partick game was a real disappointment after such great expectations. I recall they had a skinny winger play for them. He lived quite near me in Polmont at the time - McQuade?
  17. On that basis, I suppose I am a fan just like I am of Sunderland and Barnet - good friends are supporters and I watch how they’re doing. Similarly, I had a neighbour who was Chairman of Rangers, Falkirk and Dundee at various times. My point is that you can be a fan of a number of teams with varying degrees of allegiance. My first allegiance is to my local, home town team and always will be. Absolutely no problem.
  18. Absolute rubbish. I have never attended a Rangers game other than when they were playing Falkirk. I have been at the 1957 cup final when we beat Kilmarnock and have been to Europe on the official plane on our one and only sojourn into such exalted competitions (we lost). As I have opined regularly, I have a soft spot for Rangers and have enjoyed watching them play in Europe this year, more especially since League 1 has been in deep freeze.
  19. I’m a unionist and a Conservative and I don’t support Rangers. As a Scot, I follow Rangers and Celtic in Europe and love them to do well as it’s good for Scottish football.
  20. A lot of things come into play here. Equality under the law Practicality of action. Behaviour of the crowd Regarding the Rangers response, the police had absolutely no chance unless they brought in water cannon, armoured cars, heavy force, etc. I recall Boris bought water cannon for use in quelling riots in London but the furore was so great that they couldn’t be used. Regarding last night, the problem was the ludicrous Covid laws which are a stain on the fundamental freedoms of citizens of this country. Having seen the pictures, there didn’t appear to be any public order problem, so, in that case, the police actions were heavy handed. However, they are tasked with upholding the law, so they are left in an impossible position. What do they do? It’s all very well ranting and raving about police actions but it’s the politicians to blame for putting them in impossible situations. People like myself get annoyed with BLM , antifa and statue toppling demos but it’s not easy to come up with a solution that satisfies upholding the law, allowing peaceful demonstrations and addressing the practical problems facing the police in dealing with these events. No easy answer
  21. The question of context is perfectly correct. These women may have been behaving violently. One minute they are baying for equality and the next we get ‘oh, we’re nice gentle women!’
  22. Like every unionist journalist that continued to ask Nic questions about Salmond when she was trying to give said briefings? Quite happy for her to continue. Most folks I know are sick of the sight of her. Shes suffering from too much exposure, especially after all the recent hullabaloo.
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