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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Good news today in that the US has lifted tariffs on Scotch whisky and other products. Especially helpful to Scotland. A Brexit plus.
  2. I don’t think it’s ever been properly explained to the general public. For some reason, politicians seem to dodge around it as a subject. Its only hen people like JKR and Jenni Murray start writing articles that it’s given any prominence
  3. She just happens to believe in biological sex which most folks support. No big deal. Apart from that, far too abrasive.
  4. Sandy - the reason we don’t know how many have left is that the SNP won’t give out the numbers. Neither will they explain where the so called hypothecated campaign funds of £600 k are in the Accounts. There was only around £100 k of cash on the Balance Sheet. Letters have been showering in to the Treasurer but he refuses to respond.
  5. All hopeless. Kate Forbes seems a decent person but far too inexperienced.
  6. Thank you for a least acknowledging that. All governments need, from time to time , to take a few chances depending on circumstances. Maybe the ferries and Prestwick airport fall into that category. The Uk government took some chances in vaccine procurement and bingo, it paid off. Maybe Prestwick will pay off. Who knows? The EU went through all the long tedious procurement procedures regarding vaccines and look where they are now!
  7. Seems quite a decent sort. Family man with kids but maybe a bit too lefty for me. Anyway, I suppose you can’t get everything.
  8. Austerity- are you mad? Just look at the Budget Deficit and all the money that’s being spent by Government. Absolutely no sign of austerity at the moment. Anyway, let’s see what the Chancellor proposes tomorrow but it certainly won’t be austerity,
  9. What I’m saying is that things will never be the same in High Streets as previous. But, with a Good Council and some ingenuity ,including promotion of residential flats, the problem can be greatly mitigated.
  10. That's far too simplistic. The levels of poverty and deprivation feed directly into the local economy; it's a big factor in why the High Streets of my home towns of Dumbarton and Alexandria are semi-derelict, whilst those of Bearsden, St Andrews and Stirling for example are not. Business rates are a huge factor too, but politicians seem content for huge out-of-town warehouses to pay a pittance in comparison to traditional retail. No-one should be relaxed about that...your cheap Amazon purchase today will not be cheap when they have killed off everything in their way. Regarding business rates, small shops get 100% reduction (I think it’s around 10000sq. Ft.) I think that should be increased to encourage slightly larger shops. Also, in my area, the council are actively encouraging developers to convert upstairs properties into private flats. Its making a difference already. Do agree that politicians can do a lot to transfer their local town centres into welcoming, vibrant areas where people want to spend time.
  11. The demise of the high street and the rise of charity shops is nothing to do with the Tories (Sandy- get a grip). Its all to do with the rise and rise of internet shopping, a phenomenon which won’t change. There is a place for the High Street with more residential properties and cafes, restaurants, hair and beauty and small boutique type businesses. The age of the large department store has gone for good but there is a place for town centres with a completely new configuration.
  12. This is a much bigger issue than just the lower leagues. There are lots of young lads out there desperate to get playing sport again but going mental being shackled for no particular reason. Most of the old and vulnerable have been jabbed weeks ago.
  13. I think the UK government were forced to reveal their legal advice during the Brexit debate.
  14. Very worrying graph. However, there is one mitigating feature, I suppose, which is the much lower level of mortgage interest rates. Way back in the distant past, I recall paying mortgage rates of around 15% at one particular time.
  15. Iain Martin is an excellent Scottish journalist and wrote the definitive book about the demise of RBS under the stewardship of Fred Goodwin. Well worth a read. Also, a bit disappointed about your language here.
  16. Here in Scotland, we seem to have a terrible inferiority complex. It seems to be that anyone who has done well in life has to be brought down to the lowest common denominator. Complete opposite in the US where success and wealth is respected. Surely, we should all be aspiring to send our kids to private school which, in most cases, are infinitely superior to the state system, especially in Scotland. Regards Sarwar, I was always a bit suspicious as to how his father was able to ditch UK politics and suddenly become a big cheese in Pakistan. Not a labour supporter but I think I’d be a bit put off by divided loyalties. Seems like a professional politician with not much in the way of beliefs.
  17. Again, probably agree, until your last sentence. I think context does matter and, in the case of Hancock, I may be wrong but I thought the NAO were happy with the contracts but that his department were a few weeks late in putting the details into the public domain. If that is the case, then it’s a very minor matter, but tell me if I’m wrong. I presume that’s what Piers Morgan was pounding him on a few days ago. Certainly seemed piffling to me especially as it happened right at the start of the pandemic.
  18. Fair exposition. Regarding there being no concrete evidence, surely it is time that the evidence, which apparently doesn’t identify the complainants, should see the light of day. Salmond suggested that if the committee contacted his lawyers, they would have it by Monday morning. Because of the UK wide interest, it is inevitable that everything will eventually come out. The Scottish journos have proved useless but I don’t see the UK ones being quite so compliant in getting to the truth.
  19. As most posters (of the nationalist persuasion) state, yesterdays proceedings will probably not dent the SNP majority all that much in the upcoming election but what tends to hit a long serving, complacent government is the continual corrosive effect of regular amounts of bad news. As AS said, it is the people at the top who are the problem and it is easy to see lots of potential disasters coming along fairly soon. The Rangers debacle has barely started with potentially huge compensatory payments to be made. How can the LA survive? He, along with NS have still to give evidence and, despite a guaranteed easy ride from the SNP numpties, the others on the committee will be fully charged up given the press publicity. The GRA is a potential vote loser along with the Hate Speech Bill and the missing funds in the SNP accounts is just waiting to explode. So, from a conservative, unionist point of view, things are looking up and I can see the SNP haemorrhaging lots of votes come May.
  20. Another aspect of yesterday’s proceedings which struck me was just how poor the 3 SNP representatives were. The woman and the highland man were just appalling. Cant stand the Greens but their chap seemed reasonable. Baillie and Fraser were easily the best. Im sure the SNP must have some better MSP’s but it looked as if they were just parroting out prepared scripts yesterday.
  21. Will be interesting to see the National’s take on things tomorrow?
  22. So refreshing for someone to admit making a mistake. Well done, Sarah.
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