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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Would love to know your definition of ‘posh’? Don’t come across the word ‘rugger’ being used much nowadays. I think you suffer from an inferiority complex. The Scottish cringe at its very worst!
  2. Absolutely that’s true. During this pandemic, the share values of all the high tech companies such as Amazon, Google, Apple, Tesla, etc., have soared as we have become more and more dependent on technology, and for good reason and therefore their founders have increased their wealth. The great sadness is that, here in Scotland, we don’t seem to have any entrepreneurs like Bezos, Musk and the like. The nearest we have are the Edinburgh investment houses such as Baillie Gifford which invested heavily in Silicon Valley, identifying many of the big successes at an early stage and promoting to savers investment trusts such as Scottish Mortgage which are showing phenomenal returns. Witness the multi millionaire, James Anderson, who stepped in to assist Scottish football. What I am saying is that your figures are indicative of the success or lack of success of systems and countries where enterprise and wealth creation are actively encouraged. We need much more here in the UK, and certainly in Scotland where we are far too dependent on public service occupations.
  3. I agree to the extent that if you believe that the present SNP hierarchy will get you independence. However, he thinks otherwise, and I believe he is correct as the present lot don’t want independence and are just in it for a cushy life and developing woke policies about which most folks know very little - GRA, hate speech, etc. In fact, he’s doing my cause a lot of good and I gave him a donation yesterday. Apart from that, he’s a great journalist who digs up lots of interesting stories. He lives in Bath but, so what?
  4. The SG don’t want independence. Life is far too comfortable at Holyrood with ‘loadsamoney’ coming from Westminster.
  5. I heard that his presentation for our DOF job was top- class. The old saying ‘fur coat nae drawers’ comes to mind.
  6. Totally disagree. i like their family values. Another good organisation worth joining is the Free Speech Union.
  7. Brilliant speech from the Mogg. Given succinctly and clearly, it was a wonderful evocation of free speech and given on behalf of a political opponent, Joanna Cherry. Anyway who disagrees with what he said is really beyond the pale.
  8. We were. I voted Brexit. I live in Scotland. Have you lost it?
  9. So what’s the SG answer? So far they’ve been hopeless regarding economic and industrial policy, even taking account of their limited powers. Ferries, airport, education,green policies (few jobs in Scotland).
  10. Sandy- I totally get it that people like you want independence at any cost. 10,20% poorer, you’re not bothered - I get it. I felt like that regarding Brexit. I wasnt bothered. Its all about sovereignty. However, you’re problem is that you’ve got loads of people to convince who are bothered about their own personal prosperity. Andrew Wilson of the Growth Commission, predicted about 10 years of austerity. No problem to you. Anyway, regarding the LSE report. Where was it wrong? No good calling academic reports ‘shite’. You need to come up with coherent responses.
  11. Jim Shirra , Wison Hogganand Billy Stevenson were Good.
  12. Yep - well spotted. He was a great whole hearted player for us. Always gave everything.
  13. Just checked. Johnny Graham passed away in 2018. Sorry to bring this up. Anyway, lovely picture.
  14. Also. Is he not the guy who’s costing us £20mn plus in the wrongful prosecution of the Rangers administrators? He should be fired!!
  15. I don’t take his word for gospel. He has, however, sent a very clear letter to the NEWLY appointed Treasurer asking for the necessary information. No doubt the matter will be cleared up in due course. Patience.
  16. Just had a look at latest Accounts - December 2019. M’ship - 125k. Odd though that there is only under £100k in the bank when there was supposed to be £500k ringfenced? Ah well, no doubt we’ll find out when the Treasurer responds to Campbell's letter.
  17. Absolutely - this is wonderful. Nicola and her mates would have us tied up to the EU rather than the UK which developed the Oxford AZ and also bought up huge supplies far in advance of the EU Commision
  18. I thought Kenny MacAskill has just been caught out going to his holiday house up North? He lives in Dunbar. Not much said about that.
  19. Very unconvincing! Lets just wait and see as a specific response is awaited.
  20. The treasurer issued a statement about that months ago. It's still there, stop talking shite was the jist, I believe. There’s nothing like that amount in the Balance Sheet. where is it?
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