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Everything posted by Chubbychops

  1. Next week I hope to see Lang come in for Devine and Gill come in for Scully. Exactly the right time to bring them in. I would give Edwards a run out at LB too All fine and dandy swapping players about but the biggest change we need is the manager finding a cohesive plan on the pitch. That first half against Dundee seems a long time ago now. I knew we would take a while to shape the side but the result yesterday has now loaded a lot more pressure on everybody at the club.
  2. Don't want to piss on your parade bud, but this league will provide nothing of the sort. Yeah Dundee clubs have good supports and are close by. Swing and hit bro. Nobody else will give a shit, so why do you think 1500 Pars fans would turn up? I 'm detecting sarcasm I think .........not sure why?
  3. Yeah, probably would agree to that. I've seen worse, but there seems to be too many goals now when I'm questioning if he should've got to it. Nothing Chris Smith style but maybe just not good enough.
  4. Room for one more according to the Craw. Not sure what we would need now?
  5. Pawlett doesn't even start for the Arabs. The boy who posted that is either pished out his heed or Peter Pawlett.
  6. McDonald was at ICT last year. Cochrane was getting rave reviews a few years back. Really happy with these deals.
  7. https://dafc.co.uk/story.php?t=Trialist_in_from_Burnley&ID=11421 Just my interpretation of what he was saying.
  8. Normally would but I guess they get to run to Monday now.
  9. Crawford has said that Steele wouldn't be the winger he's looking for and seemed to hint that he would be reserves if signed. Going right down to the wire with this last signing. Deadline is tomorrow but I believe they get another couple days to tie up loose ends due to the deadline landing on a weekend.
  10. We should be coming to places like this and winning....... .....said Allan Johnston. Cheeky bugger if you ask me.
  11. Flung the kitchen sink at it and still shite.
  12. Morrison's game wasn't helped by the play it out tactic. A young lad against probably the best team in the league who were playing well. Play it out from the back if it's on but why does it have to be all or nothing? I knew we would have days like this but I just hope the young players learn from this, management too. On wards to Arbroath, we really need a win.
  13. United were superb the first half. Think our playing out from the back stuff is a bridge too far for the talent pool we have. We were very disjointed but United have to take credit for that. Turner and McCann need to start next week. Pars are very much a work in progress(that's putting it politely), where United are clear title favourites for me. Only complaint for me is the daft hand ball rules.
  14. Unbelievable hypocrisy from the plastic paddies. Singing songs of praise for the child murdering IRA every week.
  15. The state of that sweaty slug in the Burberry cap. Offt
  16. Hate filled plastic Paddies. Proud of my bigot free local team and support.
  17. Celtic showing real bouncebackability. Impressive result for them after the disappointment against Cluj.
  18. Paul Paton said it bounced back off Oliver and that it was a great challenge. Looks to me that Ash goes in a bit reluctantly, probably scared to give away a penalty with last week fresh in his mind.
  19. He's that kind of player. He will still score 10-15 for us this season. He was class last week. How was El Bak today?
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