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Everything posted by muZZa__44

  1. How long was Somerset Boab waiting to hit that sound effect for an opposition goal to be given offside
  2. Rus as always was brilliant thou I argue Henderson was MOTM for me
  3. i'd be a bit concerned if he's allegedly fallen out with a keeper again cause that was the rumours with Albinson
  4. back at it with this banger again, come back with new material please or better yet don't come back at all thank you
  5. true Harry Stone, Robbie Mutch, possible Angelini, Liam Russel, Ollie Ecrepont, Mark McKenzie we got a lot of options
  6. Mutch i don't think was ever going to overtake Stone but he was brought in last season to play backup/provide competition with Albinson and well he did enough to earn starts, is he Championship level no but he done his job and i wouldn't have any issues with him being number 2 this season as well as probably being Cup Goalie
  7. either Mutch is away or his injury is not healing as expected
  8. going off his stats former/current u21 Internationalist hasn't played any first team action and nothing stated on his game time at Brentford B, that being said would be odd to bring him considering we've already brought in Russell
  9. looked at Brentfords depatures only one it could be is Vincent Angelini
  10. Fairly certain he did play In one of those closed door bounce games against Livingston last season did he not? Unless maybe he is just focusing on his backstage role this season and is just an emergency player if we get an injury crisis
  11. If I were to guess our team likely would be (and unsure if Hamilton would play so assuming he’s not) Russell Watret McAllister Devlin McClymont Tomlinson McKenzie Syla Hastie Walker Bryden bench will be maybe McGeady, McRoberts, Guthrie, Hislop then youths
  12. i do wonder if we are interested in bringing in Grimshaw? would bulk up our midfield and adds another option to RB
  13. i wonder if he might invest only if we make it into the Premiership?
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