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Lang Toun Lad

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Everything posted by Lang Toun Lad

  1. I don't think everyone jumping in helped the situation but I don't know what kind of reception he was expecting with such an introduction and statement! I'd imagine there are a few Rovers' that follow bigger teams but not "most". It's not as if they can't get tickets for their "bigger" team these days.
  2. Just got back last night from Ibiza. Decided we'd go out this time to see what all the fuss was about for Space Opening Fiesta as it was one of the few clubs we hadn't been on the island yet. Now I'd heard it was a big place but fucking hell!! Had a great time and quite a bit different from most other nights we've been on. Started off in Flight Club for a while before moving around a bit until catching the whole Chemical Brothers set. Unbelievable!! It's a long night but if anyone is even a little interested in going then it's definitely worth it. A fantastic experience if a bit on the expensive side!
  3. Unfortunately it wont be Alan Walker as he's just signed on at the ex-Rovers Graveyard.
  4. I'm sure it says in the Press that McGurn has verbally agreed a contract. HSWHW would be glorious!!
  5. Rubbish! Are you the one who wasn't fussed for Moon returning, either? Mental.
  6. Yeh, I had a great night. Not a massive fan of them or festival electro so wasn't expecting much but, by the end, I was about as sweaty as everyone else in there. Soaked!
  7. I'd imagine Murray has a bigger budget this season than McGlynn was ever given. Players like Cardle, Elliot and Moon wont exactly be cheap. Having a quick comparison, which I'm sure wont exactly be accurate but it's an educated guess: McGurn will be one of the better paid part-time players in Scotland surely. I'm sure we'll be paying a good portion of Booth's Hibs wage (possibly a fee as well?) which will have been more than Dyer/Malone. Ellis, Murray and Hill will be similiar to what we're paying now. Thomson to Wilson probably similiar? A central midfield of a player of Moons quality and a first division mainstay in Fox will be on more than Walker and Davidson. Cardle will be on more than Williamson, Anderson on more than McBride. I doubt Graham (1st Division regular but not a big name goalscorer at this level), Tade (poor player when signed so unlikely on great wages) or Baird (coming from Airdrie with a nothing special record) are on anything near to Elliot (a 'name' player who was prized from Livingston likely with a larger wage), Spence (young but had a great season last year and promised more game time) and Smith. On top of that he's got a decent batch of youngsters who've had another year to gain experience and brought in Robinson and Mullen (less wages due to time of season but still decent additions) and Baird (coming back via the SPL). He really should be doing much better with this squad in this league. You can expect tactical naivity and mistakes with a new manager as much as you do with a young player but you would at least expect them to be learning from them and seeing the team improve. This just doesn't appear to be happening.
  8. Sounds like Rawlek will be away too.
  9. It's just like winning any cup competition! The Playoffs are the biggest cup competition in British ice hockey.
  10. Who saw this happening at the start of February? Dundee weren't even in the game and Hutchins was almost crying at the end!
  11. If he hadn't signed a new contract extension then he'd probably be off by now. He'll be here till the Summer at least now.
  12. Not sure if I'll make Sunday as I have games on until late afternoon in Perth. Might head down and buy a ticket tomorrow, anyway. Edit: If it doesn't sell out first!!
  13. Yeh I'm exactly the same. What section are you in? I managed to get one of the last few in Section H. Should be a great Flyers crowd heading, through.
  14. Clan-Flyers game as good as sold out now! Biggest attendance for a good few years for an all Scottish tie?
  15. The defence were hardly faultless at the goals either. Hopefully we can get a good run of the games with our strongest back four agin and kick on.
  16. And Fife finally get in to the playoff spots! Where has this side been all season?
  17. We've had some great cup runs under him but we've had some terrible league form as well. You'd think it was a motivational thing but i can't see it if he can get the players so up for the cup games.
  18. Maybe a bigger occasion will be a bit of a boot up the arse for some boys in the squad. Right?
  19. With this kit being so dark does that mean we may be sticking with the contrasting white as our home kit again? As in keeping it for 2 years as we've done with the away kit this year.
  20. With the extra financial security we have with the change in league structure I'd like to see us giving players multiple year deals again. I also think we have the makings of a really good squad and can't really narrow it down to just 3 players. McGurn, Watson, Moon and Elliot would probably be my must keeps followed by Hill, Anderson and Callachan. If possible I'd like to see us offer Booth a contract but I imagine he'll be away even if it isn't back to Hibs. The only players I'm unsure of are Spence, Smith and Mullen. Mullen has only played one game so can't judge and I think we can improve on Smith. Spence is a player I like but he has been poor since the 2nd quarter. The rest of the squad are worth keeping but wouldn't be too hard to replace if we needed to.
  21. He's not fast but he's a mile away from a poor skater and has been one of our better, more consistant players. Exactly the type of player we missed last year: omeone to clear the crease, put in good checks and start off attacks with good but simple passes. Is also good in attack with a big shot from the point and is useful in front of the keeper on the powerplay. Crashes the net better than a lot of our forwards anyway! lol That's without mentioning his role as an enforcer. Although that couldn't have happened to a more deserving player, I'm talking about their fight in Novermber. The one before Frank let Bergen take the fallout from his stickwork despite having a broken hand. Nice guy.
  22. Frank won't fight Nickerson. He's turned down fights umpteen times since he got his totties earlier this season. He would even rather send out a team mate who'd just come back froma broken hand to fight!! You're new boy is more likely to be sent out to get thumped.
  23. With Laidlaw in goals. Might not be as competitive a game as we'd hoped!
  24. Yeh, Fulton isn't the same player he was a couple of months ago. He has just stopped finishing checks but his points production has picked up. Regan is a quality keeper but last night isn't his first mistake. Chaumont does what Chaumont does. He scores goals but not a lot else but anyone would be crazy to get rid of him. Our powerplay this year is horrific. Something like 15% I think! We just don't shoot for some reason. Haines looked handy for it but shooting seems to have been drilled out of him too. I'd like to see him back next year, to be honest.
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