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Lang Toun Lad

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Everything posted by Lang Toun Lad

  1. But then you can't spread it without tearing the bread apart!
  2. Hmmm, would rather avoid him as I didn't think he was up to much during his loan spell. Same with Wallace. Would love it to be Smith as he slotted in well mid-season and obviously enjoys it at Raith. Think this one is most likely going by the 'if released' comment.
  3. Would have liked to have travelled to that game but it's on the same weekend as T in the Park. Rest of the news not that surprising but who would everyone take a guess at the former striker being?
  4. Weren't we going on 6 month contracts a few years back?
  5. I hear we've been linked with McQuade of Cowdenbeath but that could just be people seeing him scoring well for a team lower down and local to ourselves. Is he a typical centre forward?
  6. Ha! My heart stopped for a second there. I think it'll probably just be people seeing that Tuffey is leaving Partick and McGurn works in Glasgow so are presuming they have gone for him. I'm pretty sure he's enjoying his time here and if we're taking our squad up a level then the only reason he would leave is travel time as I doubt Partick can offer much improved wages.
  7. I was walking through the living room when, as everyone does, I took an imaginary swing at a ball. Cue rubber from sole of baffies leaving a brig streak on the (light coloured) carpet. Bugger!
  8. Was expecting something on the website but they must be sticking with the FFP one this year.
  9. I think I'll have a daunder through as well then. No doubt I'll be calling for the sacking of McGlynn or something...
  10. It's been rumoured since the end of the BNL that we didn't make the jump because of a clash of personalities on both sides and it seems individuals are coming before the sport and its fans. I'd say the real financial suicide would be to continue for anorther few years in the Scottish leagues. We're barely getting a crowd of 500 in for derbys against Dundee and 'd think we could get back to 2000 odd if we were in the Elite League. The quality if unbelievably bad just now and it's only going to get worse having another close EL team for any talent to jump to. The costs will increase significantly but income will jump considerably as well. We also don't need to have the full import quota if it means the difference between profit or loss.
  11. I doubt that. There's a bit of infighting between the two teams and the Elite League but it would be a shocking decision from the directors to knock it back.
  12. Should be Fife Flyers and/or Dundee Stars.
  13. My mate seems to think that the course will be changing this year anyway but he remembers the course as once round the FIPRE track and along this route (starting East). Link Don't know how good his memory of the course is and can't be bothered trying to measure it. If I can do that I'll be well chuffed. Further torture will be applied by the sauna and pool. Could I survive the gym before heading to hockey training? And now my toast is burnt.
  14. Going to run the course of the Glenrothes Road Running Festival on Wednesday so I can see how much I need to improve for the proper one later in the year. I think I should be fine even now but I'm bringing along a couple of pals incase I need to be carried.
  15. I think a lot of people have more trust in John McGlynn and the directors. McGlynn recently said that he wasn't keeping Gethussi on as he didn't want to place undue pressure on the clubs financies and by having such a small squad already (with many part-time) it suggests that we are not taking any risks any more. Sims has also come out and said that we have agreed with the bank to restructure our debt repaiments so will no longer only be paying interest. The club just seems more positive these days which gives the impression that, as a whole, we are actually doing well.
  16. Went out in Edinburgh on Saturday to see the Prodigy. Day out was brilliant and the gig was fantastic. Had work at 8 in the morning so we got a taxi back about 2 although that plan went to pot when a pal mentioned a party. We got dropped off at the party and it's pretty quiet. Sit down for a few drinks and more folk start trickling in. Around 5am I'm sitting in the kitchen when a fight breaks out. Real handbags stuff after some mickey taking over football teams. I help break it up and I'm holding one of the boys. Now, I'm most of my attention to this guy I'm holding back so don't really see what's going on around me. That's when - out of nowhere - I catch something sailing through the air. Turns out some thick f**k of an arsehole had lobbed a bottle into the crowd of folk and I'm the one to get it smack right of the forehead. Real fucking tough you f**k. As far as I could tell the shit made a runner for it. I walked home and luckily it's only a small cut. Will surely leave a scar but I can only consider myself 'lucky' that it wasn't an inch away and in one of my eyes...
  17. When I filled in the form for my season ticket did I miss some tick box that would have me avoid getting all this 'Spors' (and now some shite 'ClubTV' from the bigot brothers) pish in my email inbox?
  18. Didn't catch the match but great to see Murray progressing further. Got to laugh at xbl of all people talking about being able to write someone elses posts for them. "London knows best!"
  19. Atleast the loan signings might continue... Would devestated if McGlynn went to United as, although our form has dropped recently, I have complete faith in his ability as a coach and manager to bring us out of it sooner rather than later. I know he'll also build on our progress on and off the field year after year.
  20. We're not short for cover in any position now, though, so I doubt we will see anyone else brought in unless it's a short loan.
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