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Jambo: First Blood

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Everything posted by Jambo: First Blood

  1. The tariff situation is a relatively pointless sideshow. It's non-tariff barriers that are far more relevant and would present huge issues even in the scenario that you presented above.
  2. It was actually surprising to see the most prominent alt-left types defending even praising this vandalism. I shouldn't have been surprised after Bastani recently defended the Soviet invasion of Eastern Europe but I know I won't be making that mistake again.
  3. He would never actually do that though as he has been a supporter of Brexit his whole political life which is also the case of many of his closest advisers.
  4. Sheridan working for Sputnik I couldn't even care about Sheridan but just shows how totally lacking credibility Sputnik really is.
  5. The Polish economy is doing really well now and that emigration is actually being reversed to a decent extent with many Poles coming home. Joining the EU, NATO and becoming a capitalist liberal democracy has been brilliant for Poland.
  6. Yes we could definitely see Assad use chemical weapons on his own people again. RT and Sputnik certainly seem to be conditioning the gullible to not believe their lying eyes by talking about "imminent false flag chemical attacks in Syria" for which they provide absolutely no evidence in the slightest.
  7. It's a very blatant crackpot conspiracy theory with nothing to back it up. You don't think it's in anyway a common theme of anti-Semitism to talk about shadowy Jews directing events behind the scenes? The fact that he sees a Jihadist terrorist attack and thinks "Israel did this" with no evidence seems to be suggest a prejudice.
  8. It has nothing to do with his deviation from so-called "official truths" and everything to do with Hersh's descent into war-crimes denial based on outright nonsense and driven by an ideological agenda. See here: https://medium.com/@pitt_bob/seymour-hersh-and-massacres-the-degeneration-of-a-respected-journalist-dda5929c1b67 He's said that there was no sarin present at the Khan Shaykhun scene at all when in fact the OPCW-UN report concluded that not only was sarin used but that Assad's forces were responsible for its release. When questioned on this by the BBC he starts talking about the 2013 Ghouta attack instead strongly suggested that he doesn't really know what he's talking about in either case. BTW Hersh's attempt at denying the 2018 Douma attack directly contradicts Fisk's denial attempt so in that case which award-winning journalist do you believe?
  9. For God's sake You'll have to do better than that. Seriously watch his "hand of Israel" Press TV interview. It's conclusive really.
  10. It's gone far beyond the point where this can be in anyway categorised as a smear. His own documented words and actions smear him enough.
  11. Let me put it this way Panda: Of the former Warsaw Treaty nations who did better after the Cold War? Was it countries like Estonia who looked Westward and entered the EU and NATO or countries such as Belarus and Ukraine who remained more under Russian influence? By almost every relevant measure, say in terms of corruption, human rights and especially economically, it is obviously and clearly the countries who looked Westward! Now we will have to see what happens with Ukraine as they have had huge economic issues however currently their economy is growing faster than Russia's.
  12. Beeley does not only write for the "alternative media" but has been featured frequently on RT and Sputnik which can't be considered independent in the slightest. That's also not how journalism is supposed to be. You don't go to a country, supposedly to find the truth, then totally ignore anything that goes against your narrative. The "MSM" has reported on Assad's use of torture yes. However there are huge numbers of people tortured who were will never hear from or have their story told. A real journalist would tell that story of what they observed. Syria is already a country that faces an "existential threat" as they've had millions displaced, tens of thousands of civilian deaths and whole cities reduced to rubble. What you actually mean is that if more of the world knew about Assad's crimes that the government would be under existential threat also rather than being the threat to the Syrian people itself. There did not need to be a war no. When Syrians were peacefully protesting in 2011 for more freedom and against corruption, the Assad regime and his secret police didn't need to start shooting protestors or arresting them in the middle of the night to be tortured. Have a look at some interviews with FSA fighters. So many of them were men in the Syrian army who defected in 2011-2013 to the FSA after being commanded to shoot at their own people while they peacefully protested for a better life.
  13. She is listed as Associate Editor of a conspiracist website 21st Century Wire that has pushed both 9/11 false flag and Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy theories. Sources: Associate Editor: https://21stcenturywire.com/about/#21WIRETEAM 9/11: https://21stcenturywire.com/2016/09/10/out-in-the-open-911-15-years-of-a-transparent-lie/ Sandy Hook: https://21stcenturywire.com/2014/02/21/sandy-hook-game-changer-solid-new-evidence-of-a-cover-up-presented/ Regarding her own writings she authored this article that hints and slyly suggests but doesn't commit to the idea that the Nice attack was a false flag: https://21stcenturywire.com/2016/07/15/nice-attacks-trigger-for-civil-war-in-france-and-military-escalation-in-syria/ Here is an excerpt from the article so you can see her mindset: Attempts to reconcile with Russia and lift the sanctions have been blocked by Hollande and Valls, who are puppets of the Jewish Lobby. The Zionists want to continue the war on Syria, Iran and Russia. The Zionists have full control over US/NATO policy. Therefore, the ‘war on terror’, which was created as a pretext to further Zionist geopolitical interests, must be continued. Also notice this tweet where she puts Islamist in quotation marks potentially suggesting false flag? That is about Hebdo: This is all primary source material.
  14. Jesus Christ She's a propagandist for Assad who has went on tours to Syria accompanied and paid for by Assad cronies. She's admitted in messages to covering up the use of torture by the SAA as it doesn't suit her agenda. She's admitted it was quite widespread which it clearly was and is. Oh yeah and she's also said that "France is ruled by Zionists" so an anti-Semite into the bargain.
  15. If Ukraine is ruled by "neo-nazis" why did far-right groups only get a small percentage of the vote? Odessa is Russian speaking in the main and the people there want to remain part of Ukraine. The idea that all Russian speakers belong under Russian rule is not dissimilar to Hitler's idea of incorporating German speakers into the Reich. There is no "ethnic cleansing" in Ukraine. In Ukraine Russian language schools remain open. All Ukrainian language schools have been closed in Crimea and many Tartar ones too (the original plurality population before ethnic cleansing and genocide committed by the USSR). You've clearly been reading too many sites that push the Kremlin line.
  16. How is it nonsense? You addressed nothing I actually said. Right wing paramilitaries were not the main drivers of the protests. Yes they were far-right people involved in the protests but they were a small minority and there is no evidence to suggest they were more than that. The Obama administration refused to give heavy weaponry to the Ukrainian army after the Russian invasion of Crimea. The idea that this was manufactured is absurd on that basis. Were all of the thousands and thousands of people who occupied the square and engaged in the protests paid by the state department? Nonsense. Did you even read the article you posted? It was not even close to admitting it was a false flag but talked about the theories of the perps from both sides. The only people arrested were part of the Yanukovich police. There are also far-right people and Russian fascists fighting on the side of the Russians. Nick Griffin has backed the Russians on this subject. The fighting now is done overwhelming by the official Ukrainian army. In Crimea there have been overhead pictures taken of mass gravesites dug by the Russians to put their fallen soldiers. Russia, at least outwardly, is still trying to maintain the pretense that it's only pro-Russian rebels fighting rather than actual Russian soldiers. Russian soldiers who volunteer also volunteer to give up their right to a funeral or family notice. They buried in numbered graves only. What is your definition of a coup? How can a mass popular movement be a coup? Was that fall of Ceaușescu also the result of a coup?
  17. There are so many problems with the plan. The main one being the assumption that anyone would actually want to use the platform over the more established other options. The lower the user base the more of a pointless oublic money sink it would be. It shows how old fashioned his thinking is and how he thinks nationalisation is the answer to everything. Social media is the kind of industry that would really not suit being nationalisation due to the fact that isn't local or rooted in a certain place, it has relatively low overheads and is all about innovation which nationalisation can sometimes stifle. Even though authoritarian governments in China ban Facebook they still don't have nationalised social media platforms as their primary platforms.
  18. No it isn't from when he worked for them, bad in and of itself I'd add, but from an interview with Press TV London. He comes out with a ludicrous anti-Semitic conspiracy theory based on no evidence at all bar a totally false assumption of his that jihadist terrorists, as Muslims, wouldn't commit an attack during Ramadan. In fact jihadist terrorists are actually more likely to commit attacks during Ramadan than less likely. I suggest you watch the video. Should be easy to find on YouTube.
  19. There was no coup in Ukraine. This wasn't the military coming in and taking power. It was a massive peaceful protest movement that brought down a government that went back on a promise made in their manifesto. Obama did not sponsor this to any extent except for publically vocally backing the Maidan protest movement. The idea that something as huge as that movement could have been manufactured rather than an expression of the will of millions of Ukrainians is absurd. The Obama administration even refused to give Ukraine heavy weaponry after Russia had invaded and annexed Crimea. Neither was the (so-called) "coup" right-wing but rather a movement of a wide spectrum of Ukrainian society but the defining ideology was about building an independent and democratic Ukraine that was more oriented towards the EU than Russia. The parties currently governing in Ukraine are centre-right conservative-liberal pro-EU parties.
  20. It's the literal title that he held. I really don't understand your issue with what I said here. I'm not saying he's King Solomon but that he held a centuries old title which I'm sure he was proud to have held. Yes, only part of the community as he represented Orthodox synagogues only so Reform Jews and others were not in his congregation.
  21. I'm sorry he actually used to be Chief Rabbi but hasn't been since 2013. His title was literally Chief Rabbi of Britain and the Empire and he represented a lot of British Synagogues.
  22. Have you seen the "hand of Israel" Press TV interview?
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