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Hank von Hell

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Posts posted by Hank von Hell

  1. 10 hours ago, roman_bairn said:

    Looking at the current situation optimistically, I think we could restart mid March once adequate vaccinations done. However that would leave about 8 weeks to complete the season if play offs are to continue so the only way to complete would be to reduce the league to 18 games this season.....

    Serious question from me. Why can't Leagues One & Two continue beyond May? It's not like any of the teams or players will be bothering the Cup Final or Euros.

    Play off games can be sorted after that. Seems a better & fairer option than cutting the number of games again.

  2. 6 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    The monkey seems to have freed himself from the organ grinder. Can't think that Lawell will be too happy after he apologised and said it was the wrong thing to do last week. Mixed messages isn't a good sign and probably puts Lennon one step closer to the exit door.  This can only be a final attempt to get the tubes of the green brigade back on his side.

    Celtic had closed ranks on the subject and Lawell came out with his (sort of) apology. 

    Now with Lennon's  aggressively defensive ranting it's clear who's idea the trip really was. He's a dead man walking in that job.  

  3. 13 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


    It was nothing to do with Stainrod. Farid’s agent was an Italian guy who Pressley played with at Hearts? Where do you think all managers get the tip offs about players? Connections maybe?


    Yes connections and/or some good fortune

     "But Farid has revealed he was an unknown when he joined up with the Bairns – because he was a last minute replacement for another striker whose trial fell through".

    Had Winters' signing not fell through at the last minute we'd never have known Farid.

    I am not knocking Pressley actually, I quite liked him as Falkirk boss.     

  4. 7 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    We only got 6 months of decent football from higginbottom the rest of the time he was crap. Millar was awful the first season too.There's a list about 3 times longer than that full of utter dross. It was his agent John colqoun at the time that discovered most of the decent ones anyway not Pressley. 

    Pressley the guy who fell out with Neil McCann and forced the bod to.give him a generous payoff rather than just run the last few months of his contract out.costing the club a fortune when things were tight as it was.

    I don't think Pressley can get credit for "discovering" Farid either. I seem to recall he was recommended by Stainrod and do remember Farid and his agent hanging around TFS for days trying to get a deal, Pressley then finally agreed to sign him at the last minute just before the season started with what was left of his budget.

    Will Vaulks came up and begged to be signed and would play for basically nothing - who would knock that back!

    Two of his best signings which were everything to do with luck and not much to do with this talent for spotting players that he is being credited with.     


  5. 13 hours ago, Syd Puddefoot said:

    ' Should be 'committed is the hard part,he's walked from 4 clubs,us being one of them. Time will tell but maybe he sees it as a more secure position ( or is that easy money for the long term? )

    Just hope he doesn't do any presentations, his feeble attempt when manager at the agm would make Chemical Ali look professional. 

    On the contrary I would imagine he'd be doing a lot of presentations if it's the modern DOF role. The only other DOF i have any detailed knowledge of is the one at Leeds. He does a lot of  in-depth presentations to transfer targets to persuade them to sign and to potential loan players and their clubs.  

    What excites me a bit about Holt is his experience with the Norwich academy - hopefully he can use that experience and re-establish our academy successfully assuming that's part of his remit. He's young and should bring a bit dynamism to the role. 

    I wish him well and hope he stays in the role for years to come , and not become a lazy managerial appointment.

  6. 5 hours ago, JulioBairn said:

    I’m all for your cynicism on this topic but come on to f**k. We have no league for these guys to play in 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Or a reserve team or any youth teams or an academy.

    Not that the Rangers kid would've played in any of those of course, I'm just highlighting the shell of a club we have become thanks to Campbell & Lang. 

    Alloa have more of a footballing infrastructure than us. Maybe they should've got that extra money after all. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    The last time I saw an actual price for the testing clubs are doing it was £75 per test (that was in October). Everyone in the Red Zone will need tested, not just 15 players. All coaches, physios, club doctors, kitmen, safety officers, etc. It's more likely to be about 30 people although it will only be once a week, not twice. It's going to cost clubs between £2k and £2.5k a week unless the cost of testing privately genuinely has gone down since October. I can't see it being a third what it was though.

    The Lateral Flow test has a very low rate of accuracy, but is cheap - you get what you pay for in other words.

    For football , especially considering recent issues, it will always have to be the PCR test which is at the price level you have stated.   

  8. 7 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    If lower league clubs were under the same testing regime, and scrutiny, as top flight league sides, then you'd likely see just as many, if not more, breaches to protocols.

    How many League One/Two clubs do you think are allowing their players to car share to training? That would be a breach. How many of these clubs are only using the one team bus to get to matches? That would be a breach. If players were getting tested 3 times a week instead of only when they feel symptoms, how many more positive tests would there be? How many lower league players are breaking social distancing rules throughout the week? 

    It's mad to suggest a group of clubs who are under almost constant surveillance are worse than a group of players allowed to do what they want based on how many mistakes they've made, as one group isn't getting mistakes reported. 

    Championship clubs obviously have the means to now move to a regime where they'll need around 3 modes of transport that allows social distancing for away games, L1/L2 clubs won't.

    I think the answer to these questions is "a helluva lot".

    I seen a fellow Falkirk fan , followed by a few others , on Facebook complaining that it wasn't fair on League One & Two being shut down as 80% of COVID cases have been in the Premiership. And I'm like ...of course it's a high percentage they are the only ones testing - I'm surprised it's not higher.

    For any "elite" football to continue to play in the current pandemic situation every club must comply with the same strict rules for safety reasons. It's not unfair on my club Falkirk as we are stuck in a league with a load of part time teams because of our own dire failings off and on the pitch . I just hope we can see this season out and win promotion out of it.          

  9. I'd made the point a few times on here that the lower leagues getting away with not testing to me was astonishing. I mean crazy.

    I really don't know who made that call but it was always going to be a huge issue should the pandemic get worse in Scotland.

    The only time the lower league teams were forced to test was when playing the precious SPFL players - as if their lives and families are more important somehow. Or is it all really about a TV deal.


  10. 11 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    Reilly was offered a contract by Ross. Ross left and Stubbs then took that contract off the table supposedly although he disputes that ,and so Reilly left. 

    The Arbroath game is still important imho as a win gets the confidence up at least. Another defeat and it's not going to help get us ready for Montrose. I agree though I doubt they will leave after Saturday whilst we are still top of the league.

    I know the point has been made to death but just seeing Arbroath and Montrose as important/big games for us is so very depressing.

    Getting out of this league should not be a celebration , just a huge relief.   

  11. 4 hours ago, Russ said:

    Just checked and since the start of last season Sammon and Dowds have scored a combined 21 goals in 99 games. So one of them scores every 4.7 games. Granted there will be a fair few sub appearances in there and of course Dowds didn’t play for us last season but still that is a pitiful record. As a comparison Declan McManus scored 24 goals in 34 games last season. Didn’t quite realise it at the time but his form majorly papered over the cracks for the managers last season.

    Being a striker is not always about scoring goals however you have to contribute with assists and dropping back to build transitions & bringing others into play & goals from elsewhere in the team. Is Sammon doing any of this, if the answer is yes you can forgive him his poor goal tally.

    I have never been a fan of Sammon but as far as I know his game was based on pace & strength running onto from balls played through/over the top of defences or into the channels  - forget about playing the ball to his head as he is pretty hopeless in the air. Being one of the big teams in this league we generally come up against packed defences and there is not the space for Sammon's natural game. He has to adapt to playing in tight spaces with his back to goal - is he doing this, possibly but good enough? 

    Personally I think he's finished , even for this league. 

  12. 4 hours ago, AL-FFC said:

    Don’t want them to fail but they need to turn it round in the league, personally think they have been too pally rather than manager and worker relationship with the players and they need someone to get shouty with them as the end of the day it’s their jobs they are costing..

    couldn’t give a toss about the cup 

    Ah the old Good Cop Good Cop set up. I agree with you that this is a problem.

    To me the players are underperforming individually and as a collective - which is down to the management.

    For me the dual managers set up doesn't work and belongs at amateur level, both of them have their authority diluted.

  13. 1 hour ago, 60`s bairn said:

    My understanding is that he resigned after a 1-3 loss to St Johnstone in Perth in October but the Board persuaded him to carry on.

    Yes true, he was a broken man that day and never came out his dugout for all the of second half.

    He tried to resign again at Christmas and George Craig persuaded him to stay again.

    Then after the Killie home defeat in February I was in hospitality and news was coming in that he had resigned again again George was still running around trying to get him to stay, but the BOD and Eddie were having none of it this time.

    Still he had "Falkirk Blood".     

  14. 2 hours ago, LatapyBairn. said:

    No argument from me who the real villains at the club were, Hartley also being one of them (some people seem to want to give Hartley a pass here) I was merely pointing out the facts, it was Hartley himself who put the club in touch with Mitchell and absolutely no players were signed without Hartley having the final say, no player was “foisted” upon him as some were trying to suggest. Hartley is every bit as responsible for the demise of our club as the former BOD members you mention and thankfully was removed with the other two to follow him out the door soon after.........also the “Edi” patter is chronic by the way. People on here know who I am. 

    Well how on earth would I know which LatapyBairn you are, the Edi one or the one the people know, except me obviously.     

  15. 16 hours ago, LatapyBairn. said:

    You do realise it was Hartley himself who put the club in touch with said “super scout” It was the same scout he used to identify Yakubiak , Nelson and Robson in the previous January window, Hartley had a working relationship with Richard Mitchell long before he came to Falkirk. This guy wasn’t “foisted” upon him in fact it was quite the opposite. The final say on who we singed was always with the manager despite the club having employed Mitchell to take an active role with identifying players from the English leagues and academy system. He later then left the club along with the rest of Hartleys coaching staff soon after McKinnon was appointed and decided he wanted his own people in having no use for a full time scout, instead proclaiming he already had a “vast network of contacts” (or words to that effect) south of the border. 

    Edi...I mean LatapyBairn - I do understand why you want to shift the narrative away from Campbell & Lang.....however.

    Yes of course Hartley had used Mitchell before - he was a scout and an agent  - like most managers Hartley has a network of these guys . What Hartley hadn't done before was sign an entire team of Mitchell's prospects (duffers). 

    The Brentford model and the almost total exclusive use of Mitchell was Campbell's idea - part of Project Premiership. Again Hartley has never used such a model before or since..

    You also slyly try to imply Mitchell was part of the whole Hartley package and "left the club along with the rest of Hartley's coaching staff" when he was nothing of the sort. Hartley and his staff were bulleted , Mitchell wasn't & stayed and then Ray came in. Mitchell was then eventually terminated several weeks after Hartley had gone. Mitchell was not part of Hartley's staff, the guy was self employed in his own company.     

    I'm not defending Hartley, I just want fans to point the finger in the right direction at the real villains. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

    Did not have BainsfordBairn being cancelled on my list of things to happen in 2021!

    Yes, bit of a shock, who knew?

    However it was a very poor post - full of hatred and very derogatory those trying to make a living in less glamourous jobs. 

    And to give the Rangers fans the moral high ground is unforgivable. 


  17. 1 hour ago, Gaz said:

    For those nine games we were still reliant on Houston's squad of utter haddies. Nevertheless, we had a better PPG record under Hartley than we did under Houston.

    From January onwards, when Hartley was able to bring in his own players, our performances and results improved exponentially. We didn't 'scrape' points - out of those 18 league games we won 10 of them and drew 3.

    This is fact. It's not up for debate - the results are there for all to see.

    I agree with you , Hartley was/is a decent manager and his record is pretty good outside of us.

    Where it all went wrong for him at Falkirk was when Craig Campbell got involved.

    The Brentford Model & Superscout were forced onto Hartley in his second season by Campbell and the BOD (Project Premiership , ha!) . The reason he didn't see any of these players is because they were signed above his head. I also read an interview with him where he expressed his shock and surprise at us closing the academy.

    I have no love for him and he does seem an arrogant little pr*ck but Falkirk fans are quick to point the finger at him for our demise when the real answer is Campbell, Miller, Lang etc. - the biggest failures in the history of the club.  

  18. As I said numerous times it was a huge gamble appointing M&M, one I did not agree with - being as they were untried rookies and I always think 2 managers just does not work.

    But the club have backed themselves into a corner - you can't sack them when they are top of the league or especially if they win the league which I still expect to happen.

    The major problem comes in season one in the Championship when I'd see us seriously struggling - if we give them too long we could be back in relegation trouble again before we can get a manager in, who is hopefully suitably qualified for the job and probably without "Falkirk blood".   

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