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Hank von Hell

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Everything posted by Hank von Hell

  1. Does he not run the risk of bringing up the other Mark Campbell, you know the bad one, with all the failed companies and unpaid debt - not our one. #mistakenidentityyeahright
  2. I'd still be very happy with this scenario. I'd definitely do not want the club in the hands of one individual again...….and especially not you know who!
  3. Correct ! Including MC's Magic Millions and Pipe Dream Promises.
  4. I reckon Mark Campbell is counting on that too.
  5. Yes that's correct but the story goes on to state he got another colleague to register a company in her name so she could not go out on her own. Either way, I do not believe he is someone you could trust. It could of course be another case of mistaken identity.
  6. No it doesn't. He has a real estate company , surviving off commission and rental fees. He is not a developer and he is not in construction. He does not own these hotels/buildings - but he subconsciously tries to give the impression he does, in my opinion.
  7. Yes - but I for one do not trust our due diligence beyond "have you got the money , that's fine then" And let's hope Craig Campbell ain't coming back.
  8. Without wanting to get into the MC debate again, there are plenty of ways you can be a colleague and not have the same direct employer. Yes but the squabble over salary increase broken promises and late final payment only points to being on his payroll.
  9. Well some things I try to take at face value...like quotes from MC, it appears to me he told a little fib the first time. Oh well I am sure he will sue if The Sun made up his quotes : Footie fan Campbell has furiously denied the allegations, branding them “a load of lies”, and claimed that the woman was “never in employment” with his company. But he later said through a spokeswoman: “I have been made aware of papers being filed in New York in relation to a situation that arose around two years ago involving a former colleague at one of my business interests in the USA".
  10. He's actually lied when he first said the woman never worked for him. There has to be doubts over anything he says which is a worry.
  11. Chad has 2 weeks vacation so he has had to return to run the coffee van
  12. Mason Mount , Harry Wilson ...….hardly average and I am sure Waghorn scored a bucket load of goals despite his injuries. Not taking one player from a completely different team as word of affirmation of burnout. Leeds will win the Championship this season with 18 first team players (perhaps 19 if the Arsenal kid signs today) .
  13. Hooray for the coffee van takings and estate agent commissions! A new era beckons. That's a League 1 winning squad in my book.
  14. No you are wrong , the injuries were not stress related but in fact pretty much all resulted during matches as a result of tackles or unfortunate twists. All the so called Bielsa experts were predicting burnout around January/February yet as I say they were second at the end of April and took it to the second last game of the play offs - hardly burnout for God's sake. You might not remember how crazy the Championship goes in the last few weeks being a Tranmere fan but it is totally cut throat with teams fighting for their lives at the bottom. And I do not know Derby on what basis you are judging Derby last season as average at best, they were pretty good although Leeds did beat them 3 times.
  15. Yes but nothing to do with any burnout or lack of numbers. Leeds were 2 points clear in 2nd with 3 games to go, and then 2-0 up in the play off semi with 45mins to go. The reasons for Leeds failure was down to an absolute kamikaze maniac in goals , bad luck and a total implosion in the last 45mins of the season. Leeds had a stupidly high amount of injuries but this was managed well with use of the U23 squad plus first teamers being able to fill into multiple positions. A good manager who recruits well and has the youth teams all playing the same system does not need a huge squad. Unfortunately Ray has no reserve or youth teams to pull from.
  16. Interestingly Bielsa at Leeds is happy to go with 18 players for the gruelling EFL Championship season ahead. But then he does have a great academy and a shit hot U23 team to dip in to. Craig Campbell - you ruinous c*ntpuddle.
  17. Em…....ok….here we go, in order: 1) No one does 2) No it won't
  18. Exactly ! This is what all these Cossack wearing MC apologists don't realize - once he has control he can do what he wants (and all the promises go out the window) . There are enough lessons from history that we should heed and there are enough unknowns about this guy to raise concerns about. Better to get these concerns out now , so that someone (BTB) will raise them officially. The MSG I think no longer care (probably thru weariness or spite) as long as they get the money.
  19. Jesus Christ ! Are you at the wind up ? In fact what about a quote from Jesus Christ (Superstar) "'ALL YOUR FOLLOWERS ARE BLIND, TOO MUCH HEAVEN ON THEIR MINDS'" How very apt.
  20. OK so it's not the bleeding obvious to you so I will help you - The Russian and the Sheik are MULTI - BILLIONAIRES. They can afford to throw money about for an ego trip, vanity project or just publicity. This guy Campbell has maybe a coffee shop in Manhattan and sold a few hotels according to him. He cannot - unless he comes clean on his business empire , but even then f**k me not in the same stratosphere. If you cannot see this is a stupid comparison then I cannot help you any further.
  21. We have to own that stand , it's within our 90 day strategy - Mark Campbell said this. If that's not an immediate promise then I don't know what is. . https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/falkirk-fans-q-a-with-mark-campbell-as-it-happened-1-4973223
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