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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. You could correct me if I am wrong here but I'm absolutely certain that the guys who I've seen post on both threads ( @Bairnardo and @Dons_1988 ) have been supportive of Kamara and made measured posts on the subject whilst also stating in this thread that Lennon's situation isn't to be mocked or filmed to be used for comedic effect. Which takes me back to my original point. Old firm fans defending their club/player whilst downplaying/mocking the other club/player. Over and over.
  2. I don't see any of those posters in your thread getting worked up about the Kamara situation. That's why.
  3. I'll agree with your last line and agree to disagree with the condescending parts of your post.
  4. I ignored it because it was nonsense. This part in particular "If anything, folk have been supporting him by saying that going out and getting pished isn't that big a deal in isolation".
  5. Not fishing at all. While Romeo can be tedious when it comes to tit for tat stuff he's quoted many posts on the matter.
  6. Yeah. Man has history of alcohol abuse and depression. Man travels to neighbouring country immediately after pubs open in this country while they remain closed in the country where he resides. Man gets himself in to a ridiculous state where it looks like he can barely stand on his own two feet without his pal having a grasp of his collar. Sounds like a normal part of life in Scottish society to me.
  7. Some amount of mental gymnastics goes on when you're an Old Firm fan. We have the same group of fans condemning everyone who doesn't agree with their exact view of the Kamara events in one thread whilst mocking or downplaying a mans mental health problems in this thread. Must be exhausting.
  8. I genuinely that was a symptom of the team dallying on the ball and then giving it to Joe. The opposition were now all comfortable set in their positions and any long pass from the keeper becomes low percentage. Agree with you on the three of them playing the ball about. It's a different story with the younger guys though. Campbell, Ramsay and MacKenzie are all very comfortable on the ball in tight spaces which is a testament to the coaching at youth level. Aye. There was folk on afc-chat who were at school with him.
  9. I posted in the match thread on Saturday that I think Joe's distribution is decent. The main issue for me is he wants too long on the ball. If our defence are deeper to collect the ball from him and then pass it back it's going to increase the pressure immediately.
  10. A gullible c**t. He was all over the place in the interview. Most of the baddies manage to talk their way out of anything initially.
  11. He's been very reliable the past few years. It's interesting if he wants to keep Taylor and Hoban while also taking in Gallagher. We've lacked a bit of depth at the back this season. Potentially not the best news if he is keen on playing out from the back though.
  12. I excitedly clicked on the tweet expecting a new signing. Glass underwhelming me already.
  13. I thought this weeks episode was brilliant. Had a gander online to see folks theories about who's name was on the other sheet of paper. Apparently loads of folk will be furious if it's Tommy Hunter as it's too obvious. 1) Sometimes obvious is best. It doesn't always have to be a twist 2) Before the final couple of seconds no-one could have realistically thought Jo was related to Tommy Hunter
  14. You can clearly see the defenders left foot playing them on. Even the player on the far left.
  15. Signed a two year deal a couple of weeks ago, didn't he?
  16. And yet the Rangers team i full of players who the majority of their fanbase considered duds a year ago. Imagine that.
  17. Kennedy makes a fair point, he just put it across very badly. I would take the Celtic squad over the Rangers one. I think they have better players. If the management teams were swapped then Celtic would have romped to the title too. Kennedy can't come out and say that though.
  18. No I think you are correct. I thought Campbell was ready to start last season but we signed Ojo and then McGeouch so that stunted any real chance he was going to get. I'd have him ahead of both but that is mostly due to Dylan's injuries. Ferguson was outstanding at the beginning of the season but his standards dropped along with the rest of the team and he could have done with an older head (Brown?) in there to pick him up as he's played non stop since signing and this was his first poor spell. Saturday looked like the beginning of him getting his form and confidence back.
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