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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. The bams are already accusing the manager of signing a crock
  2. The proven player? The player who wasn't well thought of the first time around and was signed as the third choice centre back on a good wage. That one?
  3. He wasn't ready when he played for us but is there anyone who wouldn't have give Michael Rose another go instead of Ash Taylor?
  4. Livi are a few points behind us and have been very shrewd with their lower league pick ups.
  5. We could also try looking at the lower leagues in Scotland too.
  6. Aye. https://www.followfollow.com/forum/threads/excuse-the-indulgence-but-my-boy-has-just-scored-the-winner-for-ross-county-v-the-****.154040/
  7. Yeah absolutely. Yeah this is spot on. I've been saying the same about the DoF. Ok it is an added expense but if you have a man who shares the boards vision then you are in a better place if your manager is poached or it doesn't work out. The first group of players mostly fit a system, when we could counter attack. Flood was the ball winner and Robson was an experienced head. We then needed a RB to get up the park as Shaughnessy didn't cut it and neither did our forwards which led to the Rooney signing. McLean and Shinnie were no brainers and again fit the style of play (althoguh McLean took a bit longer to bed in). The second group are players who on paper should have worked but didn't. Some due to previous injuries catching up with them which is frustrating. I'd be amazed if Ferguson was bought to start but he certainly took his chance when given to him. Another major issue is the players bought back for a second time. I can't think of any other team in Scotland who have taken as many players back for a second stint. Motherwell, maybe?
  8. He never mentioned that. He does now call it the M She U and was moaning about Monica Rambeau getting powers (I've told him several times previously that she gets Captain Marvel like powers in the comics). He enjoys WandaVision too so no idea why something so stupid would bother him. Especially with the amount of strong Male characters in the Cinematic Universe. I've never really appreciated that other demographics have been neglected until I got a bit older. I thoguht there was far too much fuss about the Black Panther film until my Nigerian friend explained it to me that they've never really had anything that was catered to 'them'. If you were releasing several films of this type every couple of years then it's not going to garner the same reaction as it did originally. Easy to understand when you look at things clearly.
  9. Aye. This is the main reason why I've been wanting change. Ignore poor results or poor football. We touched on it at the weekend but we ended up signing 3 centre mids that do the same role. Ferguson can also do the job and it's how he is expected to play when McCrorie is in there with him. That then left us with three similar subs and two will be on a good wage.
  10. A prime example of why footballers shouldn't have social media. Thick c**t.
  11. I thought it was pish. But then I can't stand Gerrard Butler. Weirdly they chose to let you think he was American until about half way in to the film where they confirmed he was Scottish.
  12. Yesterday felt like it was the first time McGinn has beaten the first man with a set piece all season.
  13. I didn't take any issue with the guys opinion. More so his reading comprehension.
  14. Greenland. I didn't feel it was insulting my intelligence but it was cliche ridden. Won't watch again. It's ok.
  15. I've been amazed at the abundance of Scotland fans posting in Rangers match threads this year. Gave me some new found respect for Bennet and Kincy.
  16. I had a right wing neck beard colleague tell me Disney is ruining Marvel. Brie Larsen is ruining Marvel etc. It's gone too woke. I sit and watch WandaVision with my daughter. She absolutely loves it yet has no real interest in anything else Marvel apart Captain Marvel (after seeing Monica here). She can't wait for Friday's to come so we can sit and watch the next episode. On the episode itself I thought it was a bit weak. More filler than killer but made sense with the big reveal. I expected this from the start but they threw in a few swerves to make me doubt it.
  17. https://deadline.com/2021/02/gina-carano-interview-details-mandalorian-exit-ben-shapiro-daily-wire-1234697380/amp/
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