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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Very lucky to get away with the offside and the handball.
  2. Really good in spells but you need to take these guilt edged chances. Harsh on Hamilton not getting that counter attack at the end there but I'll take it
  3. Three now! Much improved stuff though. We've been really good the past ten minutes.
  4. Has Considine found a red shirt with a pass once?
  5. McGinn and Hayes really need to do something today to justify all these minutes they've been getting.
  6. It's the colour of card one of your players will be getting today.
  7. Whilst I agree with the bulk of it, the replacement of the forward line is on the manager. He had to bin a forward that no-one could believe we were even looking at never mind signing. Also binned a young striker who he's never really given a chance to who went on to score more goals for Hamilton himself than we've scored since he left.
  8. While it definitely follows the films, I'd read it's not considered canon as it wasn't run by Feige. I gave up on it maybe four episodes in to the first season. Read years later that it gets good at the hydra reveal and went back to it. Great TV. Still need to finish it.
  9. Agents of shield isn't canon, unfortunately. Anyway fantastic finale. We didn't know about the second credit scene as we had it on mute. Luckily my daughter noticed it.
  10. I understand where you're both coming from and accept the argument but it turned to shit last season when you crumbled under the pressure. You've been relatively unbothered this whole season. I think that has helped too.
  11. Yeah Roofe is a fair shout but I'd still have Morelos in there with 1 up top. The recruitment has been good. Beefing up a squad IMO but it was needed. When I'm saying above that Rangers aren't miles better I say that because they were good last season. Now they have better options to come on and change a game. Look at Motherwell away. Throw on the big man and he scores a header that nobody else likely scores. Surely the likes of Defoe and McGregor are affecting that. A goalkeeper and a squad player. Most of your best XI are around their 'peak'.
  12. You're results are miles better. Rangers were a very good team last season.
  13. Recruitment is key. Celtic had it nailed, then Lawell wanted to force himself in to the picture which was allegedly a massive part of Rodgers leaving. Lennon was a 'yes man' appointment. It's only a year ago that we were all laughing at the notion of an Old Firm XI having more Rangers players than Celtic ones. If you were to compile a best XI this season then I really don't think any of the signings Rangers made for this season get in. On the face of things Rangers aren't miles better than they were last season. They're managing to turn defeats to draws and draws to wins. A better squad for sure but if I was choosing the starting XI then they would all be players signed pre summer 2020.
  14. Possibly. I'd argue the 'ten' is more important to the team that prevents it rather than the team that wins it. From what I have seen anyway.
  15. I think you'd have to include the head too. Gives the striker an unfair advantage if he's offside plus sprinting.
  16. I think that is a fair point but they still should have had enough about them to win the league this season. It's not even looked close and that's due to the shocking management. Swap the management of both teams around and I think you see Celtic romping to the title.
  17. Yeah that's fair enough. Misinterpreted your other post as you do pretty much confirm that in your second paragraph. In defence of Celtic, I think we'd be saying similar about Rangers if Celtic had won the league this season. Both teams have stretched themselves financially to win the league this season and the gamble has paid off for Rangers.
  18. He can go for nothing next year though. That will always reduce any potential fee this summer.
  19. Aye. The boy had a very well written piece but I don't have the time to debate it. Even if I did I'm so apathetic towards the club at the moment that I'd just lose interest in that too. There's an obvious downwards trend at the club over the pass few years. Keeping the existing management isn't going to buck that. I'd be delighted to see him turn it around but it isn't going to happen. I know folk who have been youth team coaches at the club over McInnes time. The general feeling is that they think he's a genuine guy, who loves the club but have always thought he was very limited tactically. He excelled at getting the correct players in most of the time and was very quick to empty those who weren't up to it. His man-management was brilliant too. I was always sceptical of that but it's pretty easy to see now IMO.
  20. Liverpool need to sell to buy. It will be interesting to see if they can get it correct again.
  21. WTF I think Neville the pundit is brilliant. On co-commentary he doesn't have time to let things stew and hide his bias.
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