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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Can't stand Scott Brown but if he comes here he'll have my full support. I'm not interested in him failing so I can say "I told you so." If it is Glass and Brown then they're definitely going to need to take another experienced head in with them.
  2. When I was in 6th year there was a girl I was pals with who used to fancy the school technician. He would have been early twenties. He didn't have any authority over any children, I'm pretty sure he was just going round the school doing maintenance. They ended up getting together after she met him in a club a few months after we left school. They're still together now which would be around 15 years later. I've never considered that weird until reading some of the stories in this thread, We used to give the boy a bit of hassle when we were at school. That stopped for me when I was playing juvenile football on the pitch next to his amateur game. He got in to an argument post match with an opponent and karate kicked him before giving him a proper doing. He's a nice guy though
  3. Why does anyone from Aberdeen care what other people think about the city? As tedious as "who's the third biggest club in Scotland?" chat.
  4. Aye. I'm here to ride this rocket to the moon. Or watch it burn to the ground through a barn roof in Texas.
  5. Yeah I see the reasoning behind it but I took the time to research it. In my quick twitter search I saw plenty of women taking it seriously and supporting it but much more neckbeards or arseholes reading an ironic hashtag and losing the plot.
  6. See, this shite is just divisive. It won't be explained and just leads to both sets of extremists arguing relentlessly.
  7. The poor girl has probably stood up out of embarrassment and to get it over with. She's clearly uncomfortable and annoyed at the situation.
  8. Don't like Goodwin. I think the man's a c**t. The type of man you grow to love when he is your c**t though
  9. It's not an easy fix, unfortunately. I watched 'The Ripper' on Netflix recently. Looks at the murders and attacks from a more female angle than anything I'd seen before. Was very interesting and I agreed with most of it but one of the feminists just came across as a total arsehole. It's obviously wrong but the scum in society will refuse to change opinions or actions based on someone on the 'other side' being so extreme.
  10. https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/19149375.celtic-renewed-old-firm-trademark-rangers-days-were-not-half-anything-tweet/
  11. Ideally for me the DoF and manager discuss what type of football we want to be playing and weigh that against what we have. All signings are then made to get us towards our target and agreed upon between whatever transfer structure we set up. I'd be much happier with that in place than "Big Curtis done a job on us previously" with every single supporter and pundit wondering why the f**k we've signed him.
  12. Spot on. He should have said he wasn't particularly fussed and thinks the fans are arseholes.
  13. @Dons_1988 pretty much covered it but we were playing awful football and no longer winning. That 'philosophy' came out when we'd finished behind a team with a much smaller budget for the third year in a row. It addressed quite a lot of the criticisms aimed at Derek. It was either something to get fans on board, a wake up call for Derek or both. I could accept finishing below expectations if I've been entertained and can see the club has a clear path to progression. I can also accept finishing where we'd expect with shite football. I draw the line at finishing below expectations and playing shite football. McInnes was very well backed. More than any manager I've seen at Pittodrie. Not just taking transfer fees and wage budgets in to consideration. The club trusted him to keep assets on to the end of their contract and lose them for nothing due to the money gained for finishing 2nd and 3rd. Hindsight is wonderful but if we were just going to replace them with free transfers then we probably should have been actively selling the players we did lose.
  14. https://www.afc.co.uk/2020/06/25/aberdeen-football-club-unveils-football-philosophy-and-strategy/#:~:text=The Club is aiming to,feet%2C with intensity and pace. This is what they're after.
  15. Yes, hard to disagree with this. If an Aberdeen manager is truly successful then he probably has a three year shelf life. This is the case for all managers up here IMO. We saw that with McInnes except he chose to stay.
  16. Their 19-20 accounts were released. Wages to revenue was at 160% despite cutting £6m from the bill. This was pre covid. They're fucked and raging they're losing their most profitable asset for about £300k.
  17. I see Pressley has put his name forward. Genuinely the first I've ever heard of him being an Aberdeen fan. I thought he was Celtic.
  18. This. Exactly this. McInnes is a bit limited tactically. Man-management was where he excelled and it looked like that was no longer enough.
  19. Fergie was able to also constantly change his backroom staff or had budgets to sign someone almost as good as who he was selling. We don't have that luxury unfortuantely. I think we're an attractive proposition for a lot of managers Pre-covid debts were wiped New training facilities rodgers and Gerrard coming to Scotland and either rehabbing or enhancing their reputations.
  20. He's tried several overhauls. It's went from exciting counter attacks, to quick direct attacks to long punts in to the channels to what we have now. We've had an awful run of form in each of the past three seasons though.
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