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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Didn't need the usual arseholes posting on it either.
  2. It's because he doesn't know but mindlessly follow follows like the rest of them anyway.
  3. He's not holding the club to ransom though. The club offered him a contract and he signed it. We can't get upset about a manager seeing out his contract whilst getting upset Scott Wright etc leave at the first good offer they get. We can't have our cake and eat it every time it's convenient for us. Morally he's doing nothing wrong. I'm not defending him, far from it. I've been boring folk on here for the better part of two years complaining about the football, signings and general lack of ambition from the club. I've just trying to look at the situation in a rational manner.
  4. It's very easy to decide what you'd do before you actually have to walk away from the guts of £1m though. Did Cormack start well? He's been making a tit of himself in public long before Covid. A lot of it was just the nonsense fans think they want the chairman to say. I'd rather he didn't publicly moan about every slight or major decision that goes against us. I don't think he's going to get a surprise tbh. I'd imagine he's weighing up the cost of binning the manager and potentially not getting 3rd against keeping him and not getting 3rd. It's not an easy decision when you genuinely control the purse strings.
  5. Well then you could argue he hasn't walked away from a pay off because he's a clever man. Let's look at it another way. Many allege (and I'm inclined to agree) that the compensation figure for McInnes and Doc is somewhere in the £1.5m market. Common sense would dictate that their pay off would be in that area too. What sensible duo would walk away from that knowing they may never have the chance to make that sort of money again? Realistically who is going to give Del a wage at that level for his next job? Hearts if they are desperate? I'm apathetic. If I was allowed to attend the next home game and it was being played outside my front door I'd struggle to muster the energy to go. I appreciate all he's done but I'd like to see him go today. It doesn't mean he himself should make the choice to go. I doubt I'd chuck my money in like this if I was Cormack tbh. Once you do it once it becomes far easier to do it again. Look at Eddie Thompson.
  6. It's the ideal situation but I can't see it. It's not a charity and of course he isn't working for free. At the same time the man literally turned down what I imagine was his dream job, along with another chance to prove himself down the road with Sunderland. Both jobs are seen as bigger in the world of football ,regardless of what we think about the diddy English leagues. On the basis of that alone I think he's earned the right to decide when he wants to go. I'd be happy for the club to take the decision out of his hands though.
  7. If I was him I doubt I'd walk away from a massive pay off either.
  8. Obviously. That's why I used the thumbs up emoji and not the middle finger!
  9. I would have found it more explosive if they had said the opposite, tbh.
  10. I think Aberdeen and Hibs could both do much better than McInnes and Ross. It's about the clubs having ambition and not appointing the usual suspects. You can guarantee that if both jobs were available tomorrow the bulk of leading candidates in the media/bookies would be the same. Hibs have went outside the box with a few appointments. It doesn't mean they shouldn't again. McInnes' time is done. Has been for a while. A great appointment at the time but he's now not the guy to have us kick on. Ross at Hibs has the same feeling about it. A good appointment who'll do a good job for a number of years but I can't see you kicking on with him in the role.
  11. Will never not enjoy seeing Mackie raise his hand in celebration at that one.
  12. Fair play to the Sevco fans. Certainly celebrating it like it's a first title.
  13. I don't speak for everyone but in my opinion it's been stale for a while.
  14. Hahaha. They should always be partisan but they can still be sensible.
  15. The reports seem to get worse as the pressure on the manager increases. Damage limitation from the club.
  16. You were literally telling Aberdeen fans we couldn't do better a few weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago you had McInnes at number 1 in your list of managers in the league. Make up your mind.
  17. No mention of the Hamilton penalty on the match report. A bit shit considering RedTV were still complaining about the nonsense pen we didn't receive against Celtic by the time the second fixture came around.
  18. They are so lucky there's no crowds at the moment. Yes we can say we missed three sitters in the first half but they should have had a pen and the ref gave a ridiculous offside against them. Not good enough.
  19. "Certainly going for the three points here Stuart."
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