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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. Bloody sincerely hope its before the end of this season or at the very least before the next one starts. Gotta somehow start next season with a clean slate
  2. Even if Management get a new contract, they will at some point in the future need replaced, so we'll face the same scenario of who to replace them with then as we may do now, I've always said hes good enough to keep us in this league whether he can take us further is another story, one things for sure Mrs Smith the CEO has to go and that may well trigger new management anyway, we will probably get more of a clue once Goodwillie is completely out of the picture I just hope that if they are the management team next season, this run we are currently on has disappeared
  3. Aye fir once its not you know who ............. mores the pity
  4. Thank feck, thats one McGlynn fu ck up off the books, now for the next one
  5. A wins a win, its been a long time coming, when I saw the team I though oh feck another drubbing on the cards , but well done everyone it keeps us in the hunt
  6. 4 nil Queens, McGlynn to keep his job due to having to field a makeshift team, ah well roll on May
  7. She certainly had a hand in raising the clubs profile right enough, for all the wrong reasons
  8. Whats the latest news on the poison one, is he still at Clyde or on garden leave
  9. You think its just as easy as that to boot out the board, engage a new manager who then has to assemble additions to the squad all this in a a few weeks before the season starts again Dream on
  10. No fecker said players want away, but like I said it wouldn't surprise me or are you saying I have no right to have an opinion it
  11. I'm another one who never knew the CEO was married to Paul Smith or vice versa, until the rapist saga came to the fore, I dont think many outside of the club would've known that either
  12. Aye but that has been on the cards since November the wallpaper finally gave way, and even before that we were snatching draws from a winning position too many times
  13. Yeah Bene if offered a deal will be as a back up , unless he can make it a level or two down the divisions, the rest I fear will leave and wouldn't be surprised to see a couple of transfer requests being lodged as well, unless theres a change coming down the line
  14. Add to that, the players pissed off that somebody was reportedly getting £1400+ a week on a 2.5 year contract
  15. As well as the Management being out of contract in the summer, we have Bene, McKay, Musonda, Tumilty, Spencer, Snow, as well as loans ending for Mackie, Poplatnik, Varian, and Williamson Are there any in there apart from Tumilty and Spencer worth keeping hold of, considering McKay and Musonda seldom get any game time and the elusive Mr Keatings is still on the books unless he calls it a day , and of course will there be any money in the kitty after the nameless one gets his payday to sign anyone else let alone who we'd like to keep..
  16. QoS, then ICT, followed by Arbroath, where the hell do we get points from, and the run in of the last 3 games on this form are horrendous, Hamilton, Partick and Killie
  17. Aye right enough everything in the garden is rosy, we're going backwards but management have credit in the bank so its ok
  18. We may need a fire sale, if those who made the decision dont stump up or find alternative sources of revenue
  19. Just fecking happy we got 39 points on the board, but if this form is allowed to continue, we'll be in the same position as our illustrious neighbours are in next season
  20. Maybe so , but if you dont ask you dont get, and they sure as hell are a better option than the usual dross that get touted around
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